Subprogramme 5: Synthesis, Irradiation, and Qualification of Advanced Fuels Joe Somers JRC - Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) SP5 coordinator
JPNM-MATISSE Workshop, Brussels, September 10 th, 2014Page 2 SP5 Synthesis, Irradiation and Qualification of Advanced Fuels (AF) Nuclear Fuel Safety and Waste Minimisation in Future Reactor Systems (ESNII) COOLANTS SodiumASTRID Lead/Bismuth MYRRHA LeadALFRED Helium ALLEGRO DRIVER FUELS (U,PuTRL Oxide*8-9 (PX,SPX,..)* Carbides /Nitrides 3-4 Transmutation Fuels3 * CAVEAT: Much Knowledge from the past, but can it be used readily for different geometries and different conditions ? Waste Minimisation Transmutation of long lived elements in irradiated fuel: Fuel containing minor actinides (Americium Neptunium, Curium) must be developed Radiotoxicity Reduction
JPNM-MATISSE Workshop, Brussels, September 10 th, 2014Page 3 SP5 Synthesis, Irradiation and Qualification of Advanced Fuels (AF) A Lengthy Costly Task NEED A PARADIGM SHIFT OBSERVE and QUALIFYDESIGN and CONTROL (Engineering Driven)(Basic Science Driven) Use Both approaches in Combination SP5 - Synthesis, Irradiation, and Qualification of Advanced Fuels SP6 – Multiscale Modelling and Separate Effects on Fuels Fuel Safety (normal and off normal operation) Margin to melt High Burnup Fission product chemistry Fission gas release and or migration Restructuring Fuel cladding interactions (mechanical/chemical) Fuel Coolant Interaction Chemistry LWR SFR
JPNM-MATISSE Workshop, Brussels, September 10 th, 2014Page 4 SP5 Synthesis, Irradiation and Qualification of Advanced Fuels (AF) Towards improved predictive performance codes and standards Distance nm to m Time fs to years Numerical Modelling and Simulation Experimental Simulation and Qualification STANDARDS Better Data Better Codes Better Prediction NUCLEAR Fuel Simulation Platform Better decisions Shorter lead times Reduced Cost
JPNM-MATISSE Workshop, Brussels, September 10 th, 2014Page 5 Synthesis, Irradiation and Qualification of Advanced fuels Fuel synthesis and characterisation Synthesis methods, Fuel properties, Pin Welding Irradiation testing Fuel concepts for future reactors Instrumented capsules MTRs in Europe or other reactors beyond Post-irradiation examination Non-destructive and destructive examination Modelling and Integration with SP6 Fuel performance codes with fundamental approaches SP5 main themes
JPNM-MATISSE Workshop, Brussels, September 10 th, 2014Page 6 Past EURATOM Programmes covered SP5 EUROTRANS Irradiation Tests on MA Fuel in Phénix and HFR Petten CONFIRM Synthesis and irradiation of Nitride Fuel in HFR Petten FAIRFUELS Synthesis and irradiation of MA Fuel in HFR and PIE of EUROTRANS Fuels PELGRIMM Synthesis and irradiation of MA Fuel in HFR and PIE ASGARD Conversion from Solution of advanced fuels MYRTE (being submitted) Properties of uranium americium dioxide targets Estimated value ~35M€ Path Forward: Consolidation of effort EERA JPNM SP5 Synthesis, Irradiation and Qualification of Advanced Fuels (AF)
JPNM-MATISSE Workshop, Brussels, September 10 th, 2014Page 7 SP5 Synthesis, Irradiation and Qualification of Advanced Fuels (AF) Decisions DEMO operating (1 st Load MOX) Prototype DEMO with full MA compliment Fab. and Prop. of MA MC, MN & MOX In DEMO testing MC, MN, MOX MA Fuels Separate Effect & multiscale modelling & simulation with integration in engineering codes Int. Irrad and PIE of MA, MC, MN &MOX fuels Fuel Research (Taken from SNETP SRA 2009) EERA JPNM SP5/6 EERA JPNM SP6 EERA JPNM SP5 Application