Communications Showcase March 25th in Tyner Library A Chance to Show Off Your Hard Work!


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Presentation transcript:

Communications Showcase March 25th in Tyner Library A Chance to Show Off Your Hard Work!

Important Dates! March 6 – 20 hours project time log with Proof due (also portfolio table of contents and section dividers) March 13- Project Finished and submitted to advisor along with project self eval form (typed) March 20- Portfolio Completed and submitted to Advisor (Also Letter to Judges finishes) March 25- Project Showcase Display in Library April Presentation Practice, Portfolio Corrections, Project Improvements April 28- Senior Project Presentations to Judges

Tyner Showcase 2015 Purpose is to show your finished Project here at school to peers and faculty To receive honest feedback about your project… To prepare you for talking about your project to others

Visual Display (Computer or Tri-fold or Art Show) Must Include: Your Project and portfolio on display: Exact Description of what your project was Project Title, Your Name Pictures, Photos or Video of you doing the project either enlarged and mounted on Tri- fold, or on a computer presentation, film powerpoint, etc.

Mentor,Organizations, Flyers, Posters, Your Business Plan Name of your Mentor and specifically how they helped you improve Name of any other organizations you worked with and what they do in community Any Flyers or informational pamphlets designed by YOU. Business Plan Organized and Typed

Research Document 3 things you learned from your annotated Bibliography research Proper citations for each item of research (APA)

Presentation Must Look Professional! Typed or word processed only! Use readable and limited numbers of text styles. Sign of Commitment Color copy (MAKE SURE IT CLEARLY DESCRIBES YOUR PROJECT AND RESEARCH) Portfolio is Organized and neat and Complete! Student in Professional Dress (see poster at front of school) Project Must be display (Products? Examples of children’s work if you taught a lesson? Art Work? Film?, Music CD? Website? Book? Business Plan with information? Menus? Layouts? Etc.)

Examples of past projects: Teaching Held a Summer Sports Camp for Kids Designed and Taught Math Lessons for 5 th Graders Taught Art Lessons to Disabled High School Students Taught Fun Nutritional Recipes Class to Kids Taught Dance Classes to Children

Writing a Book or Blog or Website Wrote a Diabetic Cookbook Show Website or Blogs at Showcase

Created a Business Plan and Product Took Cooking Classes and Created a Baking Business Startup Created and Developed a Business Plan for A Restaurant Catering Business Created a Handmade Candle Company

Fine Art Production Held an Art Show and Sale to Raise Funds for Santa for All Seasons Created a Portfolio of Original Artworks in Various Media Took Photography Classes and Held an Art Show of Work Painted Tyner Ram Mural in Press Box

Held Events for Community Held a Fashion Event for Young Teens, “Dress for Success” Hosted a “Dating Violence” Awareness Meeting with Guest Speaker from Partnership for Family and Children's Services Held a Fundraiser for Victims of Domestic Violence

Film Making and Music Production Wrote a script, and filmed, edited an Original Movie Took Music Production Class and Produced a Sample CD of Original Music Wrote and Produced 3 Reading Awareness Campaign Ads that were Played on Power 94 Wrote, Recorded and Produced a Music Video

Art Therapy for a Nursing Home On Table: 1. Portfolio with Pictures of project being done, Lesson Plans typed up, sample projects on display 2. Scrapbook was made and Donated to Nursing Home Facility for the Seniors to Enjoy the Memories 3.Computer Display with Power point 4. Sign of Commitment in color

No Hand Written Tri-folds! We are no longer in middle school!!!!

Advisor will ”Screen” your Display For Participation Refer to Quality Control sheet (Did you do those things listed?)* Refer to Display Requirements* Advisor will tell you if Acceptable or “Needs Improvement”* Have display ready for screening by Wednesday March18 th* Take Pride in what you have done! You have created something original or made an event happen that would not have taken place without YOU! *Note: Projects that are not finished or are poor quality will not be displayed