Byzantine Art: Style of art originating out of Byzantine Empire, rich color, flat, stiff figures that appear to be floating, big round eyes, gold background Who do you think this is?
It’s Emperor Justinian It’s Emperor Justinian! What does this image tell us about relationship between Church/State?
The Great Schism of 1054
Christianity in the Byzantine Empire Official religion of the empire Church worked closely with gov’t Emperor was believed to be Christ’s representative on earth Remember this guy???
Main Players Emperor Leo III – Eastern Empire, 717-741 Byzantine Emperor Pope is in Western Empire (also named Leo IX) 1002-1054 Patriarch = Head of Church in Byzantine Empire
East vs. West… What were some of the primary differences: Political? Economic? Religious? Cultural? Continuing the tradition of East vs. West…
Growing Apart Geographic distance Competition between diocese Different customs Language Marital status of priests Communion bread Dress Use of icons
The issue of icons Idols or symbols of God’s presence? AD 726 – Emperor Leo III bans use of icons Iconoclasts = image breakers Many refuse to follow, church appeals decision
The real issue?
Let’s get ready to rumble… Pope names Charlemagne emperor of Holy Roman Empire (to show he is in charge of politics) Patriarch refuses to recognize Pope (why? remember the emperor’s role on earth…) Pope has Leo III excommunicated Patriarch excommunicates the Pope
The Great Schism Schism = division or breaking up Temporary truce in the 1400s, don’t make peace again until 1964
Roman Catholicism v. Eastern Orthodox In the West: Centered in Rome Priests were celibate Latin used in services Supported use of icons Headed by Pope Becomes Roman Catholic Church In the East: Centered in Constantinople Priests could marry Greek used in services Forbid use of icons Headed by Patriarch Becomes Eastern Orthodox Church