Protists 45 words
Protists §Animal-like vs Plant or Fungus like.. l Called Protozoans l Divided into 4 groups Pseudopods –False Feet. –Move by bulging cell membrane and flowing cytoplasm.
Pseudopods Amoebas (Phylum Rhizopoda)
Protists §Animal-like vs Plant or Fungus like.. l Called Protozoans l Divided into 4 groups Ciliates –Have cilia –Hair like projections used for moving, sensing and obtaining food
Protists §Animal-like vs Plant or Fungus like.. l Called Protozoans l Divided into 4 groups Zooflagellates –Long whip like flagella
Protists §Animal-like vs Plant or Fungus like.. l Called Protozoans l Divided into 4 groups Sporozoans –Parasites that feed on the cells and fluids of host.
Sporozoans Plasmodium falciparum in blood, causes malaria
Sporozoans Trypanosoma in blood causes sleeping sickness
Protists §Fungus-like vs Plant or Animal-like l Use spores to reproduce Tiny cell able to grow into a new organism. l All able to move at some point in their lives. Water Molds and Downy Mildew
Water Molds and Downy Mildew
Protists §Fungus-like vs Plant or Animal-like l Use spores to reproduce Tiny cell able to grow into a new organism. l All able to move at some point in their lives. Slime molds.
Slime molds
Slime molds
Protists §Plant-like vs Fungus-like or Animal-like l Commonly called algae. l All are autotrophs. l Several Types Euglenoids –Can be heterotrophic in no-light
Protists §Plant-like vs Fungus-like or Animal-like l Commonly called algae. l All are autotrophs. l Several Types Dinoflagellates –unicellular algae covered in stiff plates
Protists §Plant-like vs Fungus-like or Animal-like l Commonly called algae. l All are autotrophs. l Several Types Diatoms –unicellular algae with glass-like cell walls
Protists §Plant-like vs Fungus-like or Animal-like l Commonly called algae. l All are autotrophs. l Several Types Green Algae
Green Algae
Protists §Plant-like vs Fungus-like or Animal-like l Commonly called algae. l All are autotrophs. l Several Types Red Algae –Mostly Seaweeds
Red Algae
Red Algae
Protists §Plant-like vs Fungus-like or Animal-like l Commonly called algae. l All are autotrophs. l Several Types Brown Algae –more seaweeds
Brown Algae