15.3 Energy Resources Key Concepts What are the major nonrenewable and


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Presentation transcript:

15.3 Energy Resources Key Concepts What are the major nonrenewable and renewable sources of energy? How can energy resources be conserved? Crude oil is pumped out of the ground and refined

Nonrenewable Energy Resources Nonrenewable energy resources exist in ______________ quantities and, once used, cannot be replaced except over the course of millions of years. limited Nonrenewable energy resources include… ____________________ oil coal Natural gas Uranium (nuclear fission)

Nonrenewable Energy Resources Oil, natural gas, and coal are known as ____________ _____________ They were formed underground from the ______________ of once-living organisms. Fossil fuels account for the great majority of the world’s energy use, but these are ________ distributed evenly throughout the world. fossil fuels remains not

Renewable Energy Resources Renewable energy resources are resources that _______ be replaced in a relatively ___________ period of time. can short Renewable energy resources include… _______________________ and possibly in the future…_________________________ hydroelectric solar geothermal wind biomass nuclear fusion

Renewable Energy Resources Most renewable energy resources originate either directly or indirectly from the ______ The sun and ____________ are constantly releasing large amounts of energy. This energy could be used for generating ________________ power, _______________ buildings, or other purposes. sun Earth electric heating

Renewable Energy Resources Energy obtained from __________ ___________ is known as hydroelectric energy. As water flows downhill, its _____________ ___________ energy is converted into ________________ energy. This kinetic energy turns ______________ connected to _____________ generators. flowing water gravitational potential kinetic turbines electric Hoover Dam

Renewable Energy Resources Most modern hydroelectric plants rely on _________ built across rivers. The major advantages of hydroelectric energy include its _______ ___________ to produce and lack of _______________. Dams, however, cause a variety of _________________ problems. dams low cost pollution environmental

Renewable Energy Resources _________________converted into usable energy is called solar energy. In passive solar designs, sunlight heats a building ______________ using machinery. In active solar energy systems, sunlight heats flat _______________ ____________ through which water flows. Sunlight without collection plates

Renewable Energy Resources Sunlight can also be converted directly into _______________ energy by means of solar cells, also known as _______________ cells. A few large solar electric plants use mirrors that ______________ sunlight to produce electricity. The benefits of solar energy depend on the _______________. electrical photovoltaic concentrate climate

Renewable Energy Resources Geothermal energy is thermal energy beneath Earth’s ______________. In some regions, especially near ___________, geothermal energy is used to generate electricity. Geothermal energy is nonpolluting but is _____ ________________ available. surface volcanoes not widely

Renewable Energy Resources A geothermal plant in California uses Earth’s thermal energy to generate electricity.

Renewable Energy Resources The chemical energy stored in ____________ ____________ is called biomass energy. Biomass can be converted directly into _____________ energy or converted into a high-energy alcohol ________. living things thermal fuel

Renewable Energy Resources A hydrogen fuel cell generates electricity by reacting ____________ with ______________. oxygen hydrogen

Renewable Energy Resources A form of hydrogen is also the most likely raw material for another future source of energy, nuclear __________________. In nuclear fusion, two hydrogen nuclei __________ to form a helium nucleus, releasing large amounts of energy The process of fusion will probably produce ___________ pollution or radioactive waste, but sustained fusion has not yet been achieved fusion fuse little

World Energy Use Using Tables What was the world’s largest source of energy in 1991? In 2000? Answer: Petroleum (for both years)

World Energy Use Analyzing Data In general, how did usage change from 1991 to 2000? Answer: It increased

Graphing What form of renewable energy is shown on the graph? Answer: World Energy Use Graphing What form of renewable energy is shown on the graph? Answer: hydroelectric Other 1% Nuclear fission 6% Hydroelectric power 7% Petroleum 39% Petroleum Coal Natural gas Natural gas 23% Hydroelectric power Nuclear fission Other Coal 24%

World Energy Use 4 Predicting How might total world energy use be different in 2020? Explain. Answer: Perhaps greater use of renewable resources? Increase with growing Population?

Conserving Energy Resources Energy resources can be conserved by reducing ______________ _____________ and by increasing the _____________ of energy use. Finding ways to use less energy or to use energy more efficiently is known as energy ____________________. Making appliances, cars, and even light bulbs more energy efficient is a way of reducing energy use. Energy-efficient purchases often cost more ___________ but can save money in fuel costs over time. energy needs efficiency conservation initially

Conserving Energy Resources Using ________ ___________ can reduce energy use. Mass transportation systems include buses, trains, and streetcars. mass transit

Which of the following is a nonrenewable energy resource? Assessment Questions Which of the following is a nonrenewable energy resource? geothermal energy hydroelectric energy hydrogen fuel cells natural gas

What is one of the advantages of hydroelectric power? Assessment Questions What is one of the advantages of hydroelectric power? can be used everywhere does not cause any environmental problems uses energy produced by Earth inexpensive compared to other energy sources

Which of these actions is not a way to conserve energy resources? Assessment Questions Which of these actions is not a way to conserve energy resources? turn off lights when they are not needed increase usage of mass transit reduce the cost of energy production increase efficiency of appliances