Urban Settlement Patterns
Why Urban settlement? Prior to agricultural revolution, every individual was required to find enough food to survive. Agricultural Revolution – ancient times – 10,000 years ago - spared some people from agricultural work because farms produced food surpluses This allowed people to become specialists in other fields (metal working, government, carpenter, medicine...)
Urban Land Use
Residential Where people live 40% of a cities lands Ex. Single-family houses to apartment buildings Low Density – Single Detached Housing
Residential Density – the number of housing units/hectare Medium Density - High Density - Townhouses - Apartments
Transportation Land Use Roads Expressways, Arterial Roads, Collector Roads, Local Roads Transit Systems – Train tracks Facilities- Airports, Bus Station, Parking Lots
Low Order Goods Require only a small population Used by a small amount of customers on a frequent basis Ex. A Post Office, convenience store, elementary school, gas station
Middle Order Goods Stores that sell entertainment, cars, clothing, office supplies... Include family services such as doctors offices and hair salons While we need these services from time to time, there are fewer customers shopping for them Ex. high school, Canadian Tire, Silver City, Ford Dealership, Future Shop
High Order Goods Requires a large population These goods and services are expensive and are purchased infrequently Thus, you need a large population to establish one for business Ex. Children’s Hospital, College and University, Sports team (major league), Ferrari Dealership, profession theatre/ concert
Commercial Land Use About 5% of the city’s land is used for commercial activity These activities include the buying and selling of goods and services in retail establishments, financial services, and other businesses They provide jobs and bring money into the community.
Types of Commercial Land Use 1 –Local Service Centers 2 –Neighbourhood Plazas 3 –Community Shopping Centers 4 –Power Centers 5 –Regional Shopping Centers 6 –Downtown or Central Business District
Local Service Centres Street corner shops Low order goods and services for people in surrounding area
Neighbourhood Plazas Small shopping centres contain a number of small to medium sized stores with parking lots
Community Shopping Centres Malls are found at major street intersections in large cities. They are usually anchors for the mall. Ex. Canadian Tire
Power Centres The “Big Box” Stores found in Canada. Companies that need a large amount of floor space for their store. Famous Players, Best Buy, Staples, The Bay
Regional Shopping Centres Large regional shopping malls that have specialized stores for high threshold pop. Located near major highways and in large suburbs High and middle order goods
Central Business District The CBD is what most people call “downtown” High demand for office space raises land value Developers build tall buildings to maximize the use of this expensive land Found in Canada’s largest cities
Industrial land Use On average, about 6% of urban land use Light Industries – Maple Leaf foods Heavy Industries – Ford, Dofasco Warehouses – along the highway and traffic routes
Institutional Land Use About 10% of urban land use Schools Government Buildings Court Houses Prisons
Parks and Recreation Space About 7% of urban land use City Parks YMCA Sports arenas Pools...
1. Basic vs Non-Basic Industry Businesses that bring money into the community by attracting people into the community or selling outside of the community Stelco, Ski Resort, Ford Non-Basic Industry Sells within the community, does not bring profits into the community Grocery Store, fast food restaurant
Central Place Theory Good and services offered by Central Places They vary in size and area and support a specific area Threshold Population The number of population needed to support a good or a service. The more expensive the good is the more population needed to support it
Central Place Theory
Multiplier Effect Explains how a city will grow by the addition of a Basic Industry Ratio – 1 Basic job will create 3 Non Basic Jobs Ford Plant - 1000 workers - 3000 non-basic jobs will be created
Different Urban Places Diversified Urban Centres A City with many functions – Toronto, Vancouver Services, Manufacturing, Transportation, Culture, Tourism Resource Towns – Sudbury, Timmins Manufacturing Cities- Hamilton, Sarnia Transportation Cities- Thunder Bay Tourist Cities – Collingwood, Banff Government Centres – Ottawa, Fredericton