It was the best of times, it was the worst of times Kathryn Rudd OBE Chair Natspec
Context Economic austerity High needs funding system Adversarial system = postcode lottery. Local Offers Limited impartial IAG Education, Health and Care plans Short term / silo planning Stretched resources in Natspec Limited information and engagement Students gain great outcomes from ISCs Innovative and exciting work
Partnerships and collaborative working
High Needs Funding Complicated, bureaucratic, adversarial… Natspec costing document ILR issues Exceptional cases HNS “case for evidence” / ISOS
Children and Families Act Code of practice - June 12 th S41 DfE monitoring Local Offers - quality / lack of post-16 information Ofsted review “Evaluation of local areas’ readiness.” Education health and care plans Natspec website
National Survey NSC surveyed over 1600 families across the UK Over 80% of parents were only given information about further education options run by local authorities. 30% of parents said they had been actively discouraged or stopped from finding out about other options - including specialist further education colleges. Over 70% have no idea about how LAs are making decisions about their child’s future
Consultations / Surveys Code of Practice Apprenticeships School and Early Years Finance (England) Regulations 2014 Ofsted – new framework Ofsted – high needs survey DWP CQC – new framework EHCP survey – DfE Call for evidence
A Right not a Fight Next steps for 2015…. 1 Year on event – June MP Q&A Regional events / lead colleges Stronger links with NUS / families ROAR!
Skills The Skills Show 19 th -21 st November 2015 at NEC Birmingham Inclusive Skills Competitions National skills competitions for entry and level 1 students Last year, Natspec supported 6 specialist colleges to run competitions Regional competitions Please get involved!
PR / Promotion of Specialist Sector A Right not a Fight Work experience week #visiblemaths New bulletin / news layouts Great social media – ISCs
Improving quality Ofsted nominee training for new providers Principals’ forum - leadership and funding High quality study programmes Care Act, CQC, MCA and DOLS Work experience week activities Oct 13 – 17 RARPA project Shared learning grants – active learning / Maths Ofsted Local Offer work
What do we need to do next? Share information from Natspec throughout colleges Think about what we want from Natspec in the future and what capacity it requires to deliver this…. Review our membership base and criteria Support ARNAF Continue to diversify services and offer Support and work with parents / families closely. Promote our manifesto Work together – we will achieve more….