After the Crusades, Europeans want Asian goods Causes of Exploration Italy dominates trade because it Developed a network during the Crusades Effect cause Other European nations want a share of Italy’s profit Effect cause Other nations seek a water route to Asia Effect
Causes and Effects of the Discovery of a Sea Route to Asia Several factors led to a discovery of a sea route from Europe to Asia Causes Financial backing from Prince Henry the Navigator New Technology (caravel & astrolabe) Seeking financial gains Converting people to Christianity Curiosity Effects Discovery of a sea route to Asia Contact with distant lands Awareness of different cultures
Why would you make such a voyage? Chapter 2.1 Suppose you are an explorer in the 1500s. You are outfitting your ship for an ocean voyage. What will you need? Write a list. Why would you make such a voyage?
The 3 G’s, Global Trade, and how it all began . . . European Exploration The 3 G’s, Global Trade, and how it all began . . .
What is a monopoly, and are they good for consumers? Why, or why not? LT: Explain the economic & religious reasons for exploration and colonization of the Americas. What is a monopoly, and are they good for consumers? Why, or why not?
Economic Principle of the “Middle Man” Granola Bar $1.00 at the deli Costco (Wholesale) I’m hungry! Deli (Retail) Therefore, what does it mean, economics, to “skip the middle man”? $14.00 for a box of 18 at Costco Granola Bar $1.00 at the deli You can save money by buying wholesale prices, instead of retail. How much money would you save if you bought a box of granola bars from Costco? How much would it cost you to buy 18 granola bars at the deli? $18.00 $4.00
“Skipping the Middle Man” Retail: 18 granola bars cost $18.00 Wholesale: 18 granola bars cost $13.74
Estoy cansado de pagar a los italianos tan altos precios por los productos de Asia! Moi aussi!
Europeans were tired of paying the Italians high prices for Asian products. What did they do about it? Europeans began “skipping the middle man”, sailing directly to Asia to buy their products at a lower price.
European Exploration What were they thinking? Mercantilism – a nation exports more than it imported to build up it’s wealth.
European Exploration: Motivations The 3 G’s - Gold, God, and Glory
European Exploration : Motivations (1) Gold: They wanted wealth of their own! SOURCES OF WEALTH: - Spain = Mexico & South America for silver and gold. England = North America for natural resources Africa for manual labor - France = Also North America – what resources? Furs!
European Exploration : The 3 Gs God: Spread Christianity through the work of missionaries
European Exploration : Motivations Glory: To build an empire for the King & Country – source of power
Colonies Why did Europeans colonize the Americas? Colonies were needed to strengthen the mother country’s economy & treasury A – To produce CASH CROPS , like sugar and tobacco… B – For RAW MATERIALS to build items back in the mother country. Example - America has tall trees – LUMBER for ship masts! C – As new MARKETS to sell finished products. ALL goods and materials went to the mother country
European Exploration : Technology What allowed the Europeans to cross oceans? By the 1400s Portugal is building good ships, and making accurate sea charts. With the use of the compass “borrowed” from the Chinese and the Astrolabe, the Portuguese are able to navigate well. Combining old designs together the Portuguese were able to make a small, fast, and maneuverable ship design…
European Exploration : Colonies What was the effect on the American Natives? The Spanish and Portuguese are the first to the Caribbean, primarily for sugar – a CASH CROP The Europeans brought diseases with them that the Native Americans did not have immunities against… With no Native Americans to work the sugar fields, where do you find workers?... African slaves
European Exploration : Slavery By 1550 the Portuguese were sending 15,000 slaves per year to the Americas and Europe. The English, French, and Dutch see profit in this, so they join in… The central African nations provided the slaves. - Wars between tribes resulted - European guns provided more…
European Exploration : Slavery The Africans were packed onto ships for the MIDDLE PASSAGE - They planned on losing 20% enroute - Some of these were suicides. The slaves were first brought to the West Indies in the Caribbean for “seasoning”. Those that survived the tough sugar plantation life were sent to North America. The average lifespan for an African in the Caribbean was 3 years…
The Columbian Exchange Christopher Columbus unknowingly set in motion an exchange of goods between Europe and the Americas that would become known as the Columbian Exchange. The exchange involved: - Plants - Foods - Crops - Animals - Human populations - DISEASES!!! Overall, the Columbian Exchange increased world populations… 1500=425m, 1600=545m, 1700=610m, 1800=900m Today ? . . . OVER 6 BILLION
The Columbian Exchange From Europe: Wheat Horses Cattle Pigs Sheep Goats Chickens From the Americas: Maize Potatoes Beans Tomatoes Peppers Peanuts Pineapples…
Emerging Global Trade For the first time Africa, Asia, Eurasia, , AND the Americas were connected in global trade.
European Exploration : Global Trade The 4 Corners of the World Provides Resources like lumber, sugar, tobacco… Need Resources Manufacture goods Provide slave ships #2 – North America #1 - Europe ALL of the profits went to Europe… #3 – West Africa #4 - Caribbean Provides the human labor (slaves). Provides gold, silver, ivory, cotton, grain… Provides sugar, rum, coffee, indigo, cotton. Profits from these products drive the system…