Southern Cotton Kingdom
The Industrial Revolution in the North actually caused the spread of slavery in the South.
Spinning machines could make thread faster, therefore... Spinning machines could make thread faster, therefore...
The Industrial Revolution in the North actually caused the spread of slavery in the South. Spinning machines could make thread faster, therefore... Spinning machines could make thread faster, therefore... They needed more cotton, therefore... They needed more cotton, therefore...
The Industrial Revolution in the North actually caused the spread of slavery in the South. Spinning machines could make thread faster, therefore... Spinning machines could make thread faster, therefore... They needed more cotton, therefore... They needed more cotton, therefore... They needed more slaves to plant, harvest & clean the cotton. They needed more slaves to plant, harvest & clean the cotton.
Eli Whitney
Cotton Gin
The Upper South
Agricultural Agricultural
The Upper South Agricultural Agricultural Tobacco Tobacco
The Upper South Agricultural Agricultural Tobacco Tobacco Center for the sale of slaves. Center for the sale of slaves.
The Deep South
Agricultural Agricultural
The Deep South Agricultural Agricultural Cotton, sugarcane, rice Cotton, sugarcane, rice
Southern Industry The Southern economy remained rural and agricultural while the North became urban and industrial. Why?
Southern Industry Why? Why? Cotton was profitable. Cotton was profitable.
Southern Industry Why? Why? Cotton was profitable. Cotton was profitable. Lack of money in southern banks. Lack of money in southern banks.
Southern Industry Why? Why? Cotton was profitable. Cotton was profitable. Lack of money in southern banks. Lack of money in southern banks. They wanted to remain rural. They wanted to remain rural.
Southern Industry Why? Why? Cotton was profitable. Cotton was profitable. Lack of money in southern banks. Lack of money in southern banks. They wanted to remain rural. They wanted to remain rural. Lack of railroad transportation. Lack of railroad transportation.
Southern Industry What did the South produce? What did the South produce?
Southern Industry What? What? Textiles (cloth) Textiles (cloth)
Southern Industry What? What? Textiles (cloth) Textiles (cloth) Iron Iron
Southern Industry What? What? Textiles (cloth) Textiles (cloth) Iron Iron Rope Rope