II. New Innovations/Initiatives adopted in A.P. IV. Inter Departmental Coordination with Power, Irrigation, Fertilizers, Credit etc. during IV. Inter Departmental Coordination with Power, Irrigation, Fertilizers, Credit etc. during VI. Future Prospects for Food grains Production STRUCTURE I. Crop wise Production during Andhra Pradesh 2 III. Expenditure under NFSM, RKVY and INSIMP for V. Online updating of data on NFSM website
(Million Tons) * Severe Drought Year Source: DES / Statistical Abstract, Government of India 3 Food Grains Production - All India Vs Andhra Pradesh During the food grain production is Million MTs
4 YearPaddy Coarse Grains Total Pulses Total Oilseeds Area of Important Crops
Crop Area (Lakh Ha)Production (Lakh MTs)Yield (Qtls/Ha) Target Actual covered Target Actual production TargetActual Paddy Coarse grains Pulses Total food grains Oilseeds Area, Production and Yield Targets & Achievements during
Damage due to natural calamities during Paddy Total coarse cereals Total pulses Total oilseeds Area sown during in lakh ha Area damaged more than 50% in lakh ha Production loss (in lakh tons) % of damage (area)
8 Year Area ('000 Ha) Yield (Kgs/Ha) Production ('000 Mts) Mean TOTAL FOOD GRAINS I. Crop wise Production during Andhra Pradesh
9 Year Area ('000 Ha) Yield (Kgs/Ha) Production ('000 Mts) Mean Paddy
Active campaign by extension staff in all the districts for promoting SRI, SMSRI, Drum seeder cultivation and automatic transplantation of rice except in command areas and problematic soils Intensive training to extension staff, farmers and Labour. Supply of suitable farm machinery on subsidy and establishment of CHC & IHS Active campaign by extension staff in all the districts for promoting SRI, SMSRI, Drum seeder cultivation and automatic transplantation of rice except in command areas and problematic soils Intensive training to extension staff, farmers and Labour. Supply of suitable farm machinery on subsidy and establishment of CHC & IHS Promotion of SMSRI : S. No Year (Area in ha) Area covered under SMSRI % increase over previous year
12 COARSE CEREALS Year Area ('000 Ha) Yield (Kgs/Ha) Production ('000 Mts) Mean
13 MAIZE Year Area ('000 Ha) Yield (Kgs/Ha) Production ('000 Mts) Mean
14 Year Area ('000 Ha) Yield (Kgs/Ha) Production ('000 Mts) Mean TOTAL PULSES
Intercrop of Maize with Red gramIntercrop of Red gram with Soybean Red gram on rice bunds Intercrop of Cotton with Red gram 15
16 Year Area ('000 Ha) Yield (Kgs/Ha) Production ('000 Mts) Mean REDGRAM Year Area ('000 Ha) Yield (Kgs/Ha) Production ('000 Mts) Mean BENGALGRAM
17 TOTAL OIL SEEDS Year AreaYieldProduction ('000 Ha)(Kgs/Ha)('000 Mts) Mean
18 GROUNDNUT Year Area ('000 Ha) Yield (Kgs/Ha) Production ('000 Mts) Mean SOYBEAN Year Area ('000 Ha) Yield (Kgs/Ha) Production ('000 Mts) Mean
Visit of GoI Officials to Andhra Pradesh
New innovations/initiatives adopted to increase paddy Productivity and Production In light soils growing green manure and incorporation To improve the soil organic matter content Direct seeding or drum seeding or SMSRI methods for timely sowing, save time in raising nurseries and transplantation and reduction in labour cost. Weed management through weedicides application & weeders Majority of the soils are deficient in Zinc and also micronutrients like Boron, Iron, etc,. Rectification through foliar application. II. New Innovations/Initiatives adopted in A.P.
Introducing high yielding location specific new varieties in Pulses. Increasing the area under pulses in Rice fallows. Popularizing intercropping of Red gram with other pulses and. Increasing the area of Green gram & Black gram during summer. Growing short duration varieties of millets and pulses for double cropping under rainfed kharif. Spraying of Neem oil before flowering on redgram Critical Interventions to increase Pulses Productivity and Production
Critical interventions in Coarse Cereals Popularization of recently Released HYVs Double cropping system with Pulses/Oilseeds Area Expansion in Rice fallow during rabi, Zero tillage and rice fallow ragi. Encouraging organic farming in Tribal mandals Post Harvesting & processing for value addition
CRITICAL INTERVENTIONS TO INCREASE OILSEED PRODUCTIVITY AND PRODUCTION Seed and varietal replacement Popularization of short duration varieties in water scarcity areas and popularization of resistant varieties. Promoting intercropping with redgram and other crops. Adopting appropriate cropping sequence for increasing area Popularization of pre emergence weedicides for effective control of weeds. Effective use of water through sprinkler sets and water carrying pipes in low water available areas Capacity building: On farm training through Farmer Field Schools. Increasing oilseeds area in rice fallow during rabi.
24 Assuring Quality Supply of Inputs through Quality Control S. No Name of the Input Annual Target No. of samples drawn and analyzed No. of samples found substandard No. of dealers inspected Stocks detained Value in Lakhs of Rs. 1Seed (Qtls) Fertilizer (MTS) Pesticide (lts/Mts) 59.06
25 Budget Allocation, Releases & Expenditure during (Rs. in lakhs) S. No Name of the Scheme Budget Allocation Budget Released Expenditure % of Exp. I. CENTRAL SECTOR SCHEMES: 1Seed Village Scheme (100:0) National Food Security Mission(NFSM) (100:0) Post Harvest Technology & Management (100:0) Strengthening & Modernisation of Post Management Approach (Rodent Control) (100:0) Total (Cen. Sector Schemes) II. CENTRALLY SPONSORED SCHMES: 1ISOPOM- Oil seeds (75:25) ISOPOM- Maize (75:25) TMC- MM II Cotton (75:25) Jute Technology Mission (90:10) Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) (90:10) National Project on Management of Soil Health & Fertility (NPMSHF)(90:10) Total (Centrally Sponsored Schemes) III. STATE PLAN SCHEMES: 1Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)(100%GOI) III. Expenditure under NFSM, RKVY and INSIMP for
Power & Irrigation Close coordination with electricity department for quality and timely of power. Free power to lakh agricultural consumers in the state for betterment of the farming community. Assured minimum seven hours of power supply to agriculture. Agricultural services are extended to consumers on priority. Continuous interaction with district and state irrigation officials for timely release of water. Advising farmers for preparatory cultivation and raising nurseries depending on the time of release of water. 26 IV. Inter Departmental Coordination with Power, Irrigation, Fertilizers, Credit etc. during
27 Credit Coordination with Bankers at SLBC meeting for agricultural loans and monitoring insurance The Andhra Pradesh Land Licensed Cultivators Act 2011 The Andhra Pradesh is the 1 st state in the country to promulgate an Act No. 18 of 2011 dt (The Andhra Pradesh Land Licensed Cultivators Act 2011) to provide loan and other benefits eligibility cards to the land licensed cultivators. Sl. No Year No. of LECs issued to Tenant farmers Amount of loan sanctioned (Crores) No.of LECs Interest Free Crop Loans: Interest free crop loans to all the farmers up to Rs lakh Pavala Vaddi (3%) for crop loans from Rs.1.00 lakh to 3.00 lakhs, if repaid in time During , an amount of Rs Crores was provided to lakh farmers in the state. Rs. In Crores
Regular persuasion with all the manufacturers/suppliers for ensuring supplying of stocks to the needy areas in time Soil test based recommendation to avoid excessive use of fertilizers Taking up issues of supply, distribution and availability of fertilizers with the Department of Fertilizers, GoI on daily basis and also in the weekly Video Conferences. Coordination with Revenue, Vigilance & Enforcement Department in Checking cross border movement of fertilizers to other states. Fertilizers 28
29 Pesticide Consumption from to in Andhra Pradesh Year Consumption in MTs./ Lts (Active Ingredient)
Online updating of data pertaining to NFSM is updated for V. Online updating of data on NFSM website 30
The objectives of the Mission on Primary Sector : Increasing the productivity of primary sector (Agriculture & allied) Mitigating the impact of drought through water conservation and Micro irrigation Popularization of climate resilient crop production technologies Conserving natural resources and preserving soil health Post harvest management to reduce wastages and establishment of processing, value addition capacity and supply chain of the identified crops. Government of Andhra Pradesh has launched the Mission on Primary Sector (one of the 7 missions) on the 6 th of October, 2014 in the presence of Hon’ble former President of India Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Identify the major gaps in important crops and appropriate interventions to increase the productivity at Village level. Soil analysis and soil test based nutrient recommendations. Cropping system based demonstrations of profitable crop sequences. Convergence of Central and State Schemes at Village level. All 661 Mandals are selected and out of villages of 1/3rd (4346 villages) are selected for the remaining villages will covered in next 2 years. Regular monitoring by Department Officials. Capacity building through FFS and Cropping System based Training Programme. Village Action Plan
POLAM PILUSTHONDHI The main objective of “Polam Pilusthondhi” programme is to strengthen the extension reach to the farmers doorstep, to increase the productivity in agriculture and allied sectors. The Programme is being organized in all the mandals of the state on every Tuesday and Wednesday, covering two villages on each day. The Programme have been implemented in the state since 12 th August 2014, to cover 31,728 villages in 661 mandals in a period of 3 months. So far, the Programme was organized in 15,585 villages covering 6,34,449 farmers (including 1,01,382 women farmers) The Major issues raised by the farmers during the programme are being addressed by the concerned Departments.
Soil Health Management Programs in AP: 1.Productivity Enhancement through BHUCHETANA The Dept is implementing BHUCHETANA in 13 districts of A.P. covering an area of ha in Kharif 200ha/ mandal and ha in Rabi mandal under RKVY with an outlay of Rs.14.0 crores. 2-3 villages identified in each mandal & stratified soil sampling was done by collecting 10 representative soil samples from the targetted area. These samples were analysed for macro and micro nutrients and fertilizer recommendations were given. The secondary and micronutrients were supplied to the farmers on 50% subsidy as per the soil test based recommendations for the proposed area. In order to converge good management practices, different schemes namely organic farming, seed village programme, Farmer Field School, NFSM, Promoting fodder production, farm ponds and machineries (individuals as well as hiring centres) will be implemented in the Project area. 34
Critical Interventions to increase paddy Productivity and Production In light soils growing green manure and incorporation improves the soil organic matter content Direct seeding or drum seeding or SMSRI methods to ensure timely sowing, saving time in raising nurseries and transplantation. FLDs with new varieties : Swarna sub1 – 125 ha, BPT 5204 sub1 – 45ha and Sabhagi Dhan – 100ha. Cropping sequence : Increase the area of ID crops like pulses, oil seeds and millets during rabi in Paddy – Paddy cropping system through Cluster demonstrations. Weed management through weedicides application & Weeders. Majority of the soils are deficient in Zinc and also micronutrients like Boron, Iron, etc,. Rectification through soil and foliar application. VI. Future Prospects for Food grains Production
Productivity enhancement in Coarse Cereals Efforts to increase area of Millets by appropriate cropping sequence with either pulses or Oil seeds under rainfed conditions. Cropping sequence : Bajra – Ragi Miner Millets – Groundnut Ragi – Horsegram Pulses- Maize Ragi/Korra – Rajma Paddy- Maize Ragi/Korra – Niger Seed replacement: Maize– DHM-117 Jowar – CSV 23,MJ – 278 Ragi – Srichaitanya, Vakula, Hima, Bharathi Korra – SIA-3085, Surnandi(short duration), Srilaxmi, Bajra- PHV-3 Demonstrations of improved package in 6873 ha.
Introducing high yielding location specific new varieties in Pulses. Increasing the area under pulses in Rice fallows Popularizing intercropping of Red Gram with other pulses and. Increasing the area of Green gram & Black gram during summer. Raising Red gram on Rice bunds. Growing short duration varieties of millets and pulses in remain unsown during kharif 2014 as contingent crop. FLDs with new varieties : Redgram- ICPH 2671 & ICPH 2740 (Hybrid) Blackgram- PU 31, LBG 787 Greengram – TM 96-2, LGG 486 Bengalgram – JAKI 9218, KAK 2 Critical Interventions to increase Pulses Productivity and Production
GOI has allocated additional 9.8 crores funds for increasing pulse area in rabi/summer. It is proposed to cover an area of ha in Srikakulam,Vizianagaram, Eastgodavari, West Godavari districts during summer. It is also planned for increasing pulses area in rice fallows in all districts. Increasing pulses area during rabi/summer
CRITICAL INTERVENTIONS TO INCREASE OILSEED PRODUCTIVITY AND PRODUCTION Seed and varietal replacement Popularization of short duration varieties in water scarcity areas and popularization of resistant varieties. Promoting intercropping with redgram and cash crops. Adopting appropriate cropping sequence for increasing area Popularization of pre emergence weedicides for effective control of weeds. Effective use of water through sprinkler sets and water carrying pipes in low water available areas Capacity building: On farm training through Farmer Field Schools. Increasing oilseeds area in rice fallow during rabi.
40 S.NoName of CHC No of CHC supplied in the state till 2013 No of CHC in Financial projection in Rs. crores 1CHC PADDY a Conversion of traditional paddy into slightly modified SRI system (SMSRI) bMini SMSRI centers cNursery Package Adapting Sugarcane cultivation to Mechanization(SSI) CHC on Cotton CHC on Maize CHC on Ground nut CHC on harvesting package Total The CHC’s are supplied to a group of 3-5 farmers with 50% subsidy. The group of farmers are gaining income by hiring the implements of CHC to other farmers in the surrounding villages right from land preparation to harvesting.
AGRISNET AGRISNET – The department portal in Telugu language is enriched with latest technical knowledge in Agriculture with lot of photos and videos. The soil test based fertilizer recommendations are made online and sent to farmer instantly through SMS. Till date more than 15+ lakh samples made online. Online License Management System – The process of issue of Fertilizer licenses of Manufacturer, wholesale and retail dealers is automated and for every user specific time period is fixed for processing the applications, thus bringing lot of transparency in the system. The workflow process in the fertilizer and pesticide testing laboratories is automated and the process of bar-coding of samples drawn is introduced to maintain utmost secrecy. The application is recently launched and is under trial run. Farmers Portal – Kisan SMS - 12,000+ No. SMS sent to farmers on timely advisories on Agriculture National Optical Fiber Network (NOFN) – Farmers Empowerment programme of digital learning for famers is being taken up through Video Conference for farmers of Parwada mandal of Visakhapatnam district for a period of 3 months Till now 7 sessions were conducted successfully involving Agriculture & allied departments. 41
Other Software Applications Mee-Seva Center Application for Subsidized Farm Implements by farmers Application by Dealers/ Manufacturers Fertilizer for issue of Input Licences Seeds Licence Issuing Pesticide Licence Issuing Apps in pipeline Agricultural Services through Mee Seva Centers All Proceedings/ orders Licences, etc. generated online are Digitally Signed by respective officers
CROP WISE TARGETS FOR S.NoCrop Normal Area Target (Lakh ha.) KharifRabi Area (Lakh ha.)Yield (Kg/ Ha) Production (Lakh Tonnes) Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Total Kharif Rabi Total 1Paddy Jowar Bajra Maize Ragi Minor Millets Total Coarse grain Horse gram Greengram Blackgram Redgram Bengalgram other pulses Total Pulses Total Foodgrain Groundnut Sesamum Sunflower Castor Soybean Total Oilseeds Cotton Mesta Total Area