CROP WISE EXPECTED PRODUCTION FOR KHARIF 2014 IN TELANGANA S.No. Crop Area (Lakh ha) Yield (Kgs/ha) Production (LMTs) Normal Actual Expected 1 Paddy (Planted) 10.04 7.23 3053 3189 30.65 23.06 2 Wheat 3 Jowar 0.89 0.48 1075 1210 0.96 0.59 4 Bajra 0.05 0.02 1016 838 0.27 5 Maize 4.65 4.99 3352 4320 15.59 21.55 7 Ragi 0.01 1108 1174 8 Redgram 2.9 2.29 441 576 1.28 1.32 9 Greengram 1.52 0.81 512 598 0.78 10 Blackgram 0.46 0.23 632 841 2.94 0.19 Total Pulses 4.92 3.34 474 613 2.33 2.05 Total Foodgrains 20.58 16.07 2398 2815 49.36 47.21 11 Groundnut 0.25 0.09 1187 1851 0.28 0.16 12 Sesamum 0.04 204 184 13 Castor 0.93 0.62 500 491 0.47 0.3 14 Sunflower 0.03 691 728 15 Soyabean 1.62 2.71 1514 1834 2.45 4.97 Total Oilseeds 2.97 3.48 1242 1017.6 3.68 5.46 16 Cotton 15.32 16.36 342 450 30.82 43.31 17 Chillies 0.58 3094 3625 1.8 1.09 18 Sugarcane 0.39 0.44 82363 83353 31.85 36.84 Total Cropped Area 40.38 37.15 Cotton production in lakh bales of 170 kgs. of lint,
CROP WISE PROSPECTS FOR RABI 2014-15 IN TELANGANA S.No. Crop Area (Lakh ha) Yield (Kgs/ha) Production (LMTs) Normal Expected 1 Paddy 6.5 7.71 3282 3442 21.33 26.54 2 Wheat 0.08 0.1 1152 1345 0.13 Jowar 0.61 1.09 886 1065 0.54 1.16 3 Bajra 0.09 0.01 1008 1616 0.02 5 Maize 1.52 1.63 5011 5130 7.63 8.38 4 Ragi 843 1867 0.04 7 Redgram 0.12 504 500 0.06 8 Greengram 0.15 0.19 676 903 0.17 9 Blackgram 0.21 718 769 0.16 Total Pulses 1.6 1.69 632 724 1.83 2.27 Total Food grains 10.4 12.25 31.5 38.67 10 Groundnut 1.71 1.94 1780 1774 3.04 3.43 11 Sesamum 392 384 14 Castor 385 12 Sunflower 0.28 0.49 1055 1200 0.3 0.59 13 Soybean 411 Total oilseeds 2.72 1535 3.49 4.21 Chillies 0.24 0.26 3660 3970 0.88 1.04 15 Other crops 1.00 0.00 Total cropped area 14.12 15.5
SEED ROLLING PLAN A long term Seed Production Plan has been prepared based seed requirement for production of required seeds and promotion of new varieties in Telangana. Meetings were conducted with the Research Institutions and the Seed Producing Agencies to promote the new varieties and to bring into the Seed Chain. On similar guidelines Season wise, crop wise seed Rolling Plan is prepared for the year 2014-15 and for the next three years for Telangana State and after conducting another meeting with the Research Institutions and Seed Producing Agencies.
OBJECTIVES To make the State self sufficient in production of various crop seeds to develop the State as a “Seed Bowl” of the Country. Promotion of new crop varieties of various crop seeds to increase the productivity. Old varieties are to be replaced with new varieties in a phased manner. The Telangana Government is working on a strategy to increase the seed production in various crops for the benefit of the farming community and thereby make the State self sufficient in seed production.
CROP WISE SEED REQUIREMENT FOR KHARIF 2014 S.No Crop Crop normal Area in Lakh ha. Seed Rate/Ha (Qty in Qtls.) Minimum SRR Qty. of seed Required (Qty in Qtls.) 1 Paddy Variety 10.04 0.50 87 436740 Paddy Hybrid 0.00 0.15 100 Subtotal 2 Maize Hybrid 4.66 0.18 81550 3 Jowar Variety 0.10 65 Jowar Hybrid 0.89 8900 4 Bajra Hybrid 0.06 0.04 240 5 Ragi 0.02 47 38 6 Red gram 2.89 77 33380 7 Black gram 0.47 0.20 62 5828 8 Green gram 1.53 55 16830 9 Groundnut 0.26 1.50 25350 10 Soybean 1.61 0.75 120750 11 Sesame 0.09 205 12 Sunflower Hybrid 0.05 200 13 Castor Hybrid 0.93 4650 14 Cotton Hybrid 15.34 0.012 18408 15 Other crops 1.55 Grand Total 40.38 753068
Crop wise Seed Requirement for Rabi 2014-15 No Crop Crop normal Area in Lakh ha. Seed Rate/Ha (Qty in Qtls.) Minimum SRR Qty. of seed Required (qtl) 1 Paddy Variety 6.20 0.50 92 285200 Paddy Hybrid 0.30 0.15 100 4500 Sub total 6.50 289700 2 Maize Hybrid 1.52 0.18 26600 3 Jowar Variety 0.10 65 650 Jowar Hybrid 0.00 0.60 4 Bajra Hybrid 0.09 0.04 360 5 Ragi 50 6 Red gram 0.05 82 615 7 Black gram 0.17 0.20 73 2482 8 Green gram 1500 9 Bengal gram 1.08 0.75 88 71280 10 Groundnut 1.70 1.50 80 204000 11 Sesame 0.16 0.06 38 365 12 Sunflower Hybrid 0.28 1400 13 Safflower 0.11 40 440 14 Castor Hybrid 15 Cotton Hybrid 0.12 16 Other crops 1.71 Grand Total 14.12 599392
CROP-WISE, AGENCY WISE SEED PRODUCTION PLAN Seed Producing Agencies KHARIF 2014 (in Qtls.) Crop Production Required for Normal Seed Producing Agencies DOA SVP/ SF SSC NSC PVT. Others Specify Total Paddy 436740 103000 165110 1361 169310 437420 Jowar 8900 2300 23 7108 9408 Maize 81550 1000 81050 82050 Redgram 33380 700 7345 280 22982 31027 Greengram 16830 600 18500 45 5300 24400 Blackgram 5828 420 2000 74 3510 5930 Ground nut 25350 1600 6500 1200 2610 17000 27710 Soybean 120750 16200 8000 29 97000 121200 Castor 4650 55 5766 5821 Cotton(BT.) 18408 20000 Seasamum 205 212 TOTAL 752591 124820 208510 2967 414848 765178
CROP-WISE, AGENCY WISE SEED PRODUCTION PLAN RABI 2014 (in Qtls.) Crop Production Required for Normal Seed Producing Agencies DOA SVP/ SF SSC NSC PVT. Others Specify Total Paddy 289700 67125 211520 377.8 102046 381069 Jowar 650 7.95 1853 1860.95 Bajra 360 400 Maize 26600 1466.5 28510 29976.5 Red Gram 615 Greengram 1500 840 3000 115.64 1034 4989.64 Blackgram 2482 4200 5.98 720 4925.98 Bengalgram 71280 2475 66600 14802 5210 89086.8 Ground nut 204000 16275 35500 2000 170850 224625 Sesame 365 300 3.98 74 377.98 Sunflower 1400 3500 Safflower 440 Grand Total 599392 86715 321735 18780 314197 741867
CROP WISE SUBSIDY SEED DISTRIBUTED DURING KHARIF 2014 AND PLAN FOR RABI 2014-15 (Quantity in qtl) S.No. Crop Kharif 2014 (Distributed) Rabi 2014-15 (Planned) TOTAL 1 Paddy 92755 108350 201105 2 Maize 52424 40500 92924 3 Jowar 64 2200 2264 4 Bengal Gram 119300 5 Red Gram 1848 900 2748 6 Green Gram 1965 5400 7365 7 Black Gram 369 4650 5019 8 Horse Gram 325 9 Cow Pea 10 Soybean 186397 11 Groundnut 500 239000 239500 12 Sunflower 1650 1654 13 Sesamum 17 1100 1117 14 Castor 53 145 198 15 Green Manure 49865 1250 51115 Total in Qtls 386261 525670 911931 Estimated subsidy expenditure is Rs. 128.00 Crores. Required seed is available with Govt. & pvt. Agencies.
The Private Companies are taking up the production of Hybrids crops seeds such as Cotton, Maize, Sunflower, Jowar, Bajra and Castor. For crop seeds of Pulses crops like Redgram, Green gram, Black gram, Bengal gram and Oilseeds crops like Groundnut, Soybean, Sesamum, seed production is taken up by the Government agencies as the involvement of Private Sector is less in these crops. Therefore the focus is to be given to the production and distribution of new varieties of these crops in the State. Paddy seed is being produced by the Government agencies and Private Companies, required quantities are being produced by the Government and Private agencies. There is need to popularize new varieties of Paddy seed to increase the productivity. Seed Corporation is taking up seed production of new varieties of Paddy. Soybean : Government is planning to take up seed production in the State, as the Soybean area is increasing every year and spreading to other districts. The State requires around 2.00 Lakh qtls of certified seed. The University was requested to produce required quantity of Breeder Seed for multiplication
VARIETIES REPLACED IN THE STATE Groundnut : TMV-2 is replaced with K-6. Now promoting K-9. Redgram : LRG-30 was replaced with LRG-41. Green gram : ML-267 was replaced with LGG-460. Black gram : T-9 was replaced with LBG-752. Soybean : JS-335 is still the popular variety in the State. Paddy : In Paddy the seed production of Tellahamsa, IR-64, JGL-384 is being discouraged and promoting new varieties.
New Crop varieties included in production chain of State Seeds Development Corporation 1. Paddy : BPT- 2231, BPT-2270 - Long Duration, Super fine var., non- lodging, recently released by ARAS Bapatla. 2. Hybrid Maize : DHM-117 – High yielding single cross var. released by ANGRAU. 3. Green gram : LGG-460 – HYV, Resistant to Yellow vein Mosaic. 4. Black gram : PU-31 – HYV, replacement to T-9, released by Pantnagar UP. 5. Bengal gram : JAKI-9218 – HYV, released by JNKVV, MP. 6. Ragi : GPU-48 – HYV, released by University of Agri. Sc. Banglore. 7. Korra : SIA-3085 – Short duration, HYV, Released by RARS Nandyal. 8. Groundnut : K-9 – HYV, having dormancy of 20 days, reelased by ARS, Kadiri, AP
QUANTITY OF BREEDER SEED LIFTED DURING 2014-15 as per GOI indent Qty in Qtls Sl. No. Crop Variety Quantity Lifted 1 Paddy BPT-3291 0.6 MTU-1010 4 DRRH-3 (DRRH-44) (IET-19543) 0.16 Improved Samba Mahsuri 1.2 JAYA 1.5 JGL 11470 JGL-1798 MTU 1075 0.5 139.2 BPT-5204 156 MTU-1001 6.9 Total 312.76 2 Bajra GHB-538 (MH-1049) 0.1 HHB-67 150 RHB-177 (MH-1486) 0.15 150.25 3 Sorghum CSV 27 (SPC 1870) HYBRID JOWAR CSH-1 1.7 Kinnera (MJ-278) 4.2
QUANTITY OF BREEDER SEED LIFTED DURING 2014-15 As per GOI indent Qty in Qtls Sl. No. Crop Variety Quantity Lifted 4 Green Gram LAM 460 1.75 Madhira Pesara-347 0.1 MADHIRA-295 Total 5.85 5 Red Gram ICPL-87119 (ASHA) 1.3 Lam-41 1 LAXMI (ICPL-85063) 2 4.3 6 Ground nut DSG-1 3 ICGV-91114 150 Kadiri Harithandhra (K 1319) 40 Kadiri-6 300 Kadiri-9 80 Narayani (TCGS-29) TG-37A 60 673 7 Sesame SWETHA TIL 8 Soybean LSB-1 0.4 9 Bengal Gram JG-11 53.4 TOTAL 1204.26
VARIETIES IDENTIFIED FOR DISTRIBUTION UNDER MINIKITS / SUBSIDY Crop Varieties less than 10 yrs Year of Release Varieties more than 10 yrs Paddy BPT -3291 2005 MTU- 1001 1997 WGL-44 2009 MTU -1010 1995 DRR-H 3 2010 BPT -5204 1989 JGL-11470 2011 RNR-2465 JGL- 3855 BPT-2270 BPT-2231 Kodachari ( DRR-Dhan- 38) Akshayadhan (DRR Dhan-35) 2008 Sugandhamati (DRR Dhan 32) WGL-283 2012 JGL-17004 JGL-11118 RNR-2458
VARIETIES IDENTIFIED FOR DISTRIBUTION UNDER MINIKITS / SUBSIDY Crop Varieties less than 10 yrs Year of Release Varieties more than 10 yrs Redgram LRG 41 2007 ICPL 85063 2001 PRG-158 ICPL-87119 1993 WRG-53 2009 ICPH-2740 WRG-65 2012 ICPH-2671 MRG-1004 RGT-1 Greengram TMB-37 2005 LGG-460 TM-96-2 2013 MGG 295 1995 MGG-347 LGG-407 MGG-348 LGG-450 WGG-37 1999 Blackgram LBG-752 2010 LBG-645 2002 LBG-709 LBG-685 PU-31 2008 Bengal gram JAKI-9218 JG-11 Vihar 2003 JG-130
VARIETIES IDENTIFIED FOR DISTRIBUTION UNDER MINIKITS / SUBSIDY Crop Varieties less than 10 yrs Year of Release Varieties more than 10 yrs Groundnut Kadiri-9 2009 K-6 2002 ICGV 91114 2007 TG-37A 2004 Anantha 2010 TPG-41 Kadiri Haritandra ICGV-00350 2012 Soybean JS-335 1994 JS-93-05 JS-9560 Castor Jwala DCH-177 2000 PCH 111 2011 PCS-124 DCS-107 2006 PCS-4 1999 DCH-519 PCH-222 2013
DIFFICULTIES IN IMPLEMENTATION Government of India extending the subsidies for the seed varieties released less than 10 years, but in the field conditions the new varieties are not readily accepted by the farmers therefore taking a longer time for popularization. In Soybean, the old variety JS-335 is still popular among the farmers. In Paddy, the old varieties like BPT-5204,MTU 1010 in Kharif and MTU-1010 in Rabi are still popular among the farmers. In Pulse Crops like Green Gram and Black Gram, there is a need to develop new varieties suitable for different aberrant seasonal conditions.
SUGGESTIONS Government of India may give flexibility in production and distribution of various crops varieties which are popular among the farmers and suitable to local situations. Along with the old popular varieties, the new varieties are also to be promoted simultaneously by extending assistance to the farmers. The old varieties which are more popular among the farmers and giving good yields under aberrant seasonal conditions to be re-notified. Supply of Breeder seed on 50% subsidy to the farmer growers, due to high cost of Breeder seed the farmer growers are unable to procure the seed.