A letter of application A first impression regarding your goals, personality and chances for success on the job An introduction and an invitation to read further Primary function is to stimulate an employer’s interest in you so that he/she will read your resume and invite you for a personal interview.
A well-crafted piece of salesmanship that separates you from the rest of the applicants Allows you to expand on how your background makes you a good fit for a certain company or job Is the first evidence of your qualifications
Demonstrates your writing and thinking skills Allows the employer to observe your attentiveness to detail, spelling, grammar, and overall quality of communication Without a good cover letter, even the best resume will be ineffective
Are without error Use standard business format, spacing and balance on the page Are addressed to a specific individual with name, title, organization and address correctly spelled. Are well-worded, concise, and controlled in use of the pronoun “I”
Eye halve a spelling check her It came with my pea sea It plainly Mark’s four my revue Miss steaks eye kin knot sea. Eye strike a key and type a word And weight four it two say Weather eye am wrong oar write It shows me write a weigh. As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the error rite Its rare lea ever wrong. Eye have run this poem threw it I am shore your pleased two no Its letter perfect awl the weigh My check her tolled me sew.
evidence that your qualifications match the employer’s needs. originally worded and NOT copied verbatim from a booklet. customized in content to each position you are pursuing. free of “common” language, abbreviations, slang and other informalities.
Your resume and cover letter are completely accurate and a true reflection of your experiences. Illustrate your skills and abilities by relating your specific accomplishments instead of merely listing the jobs you held.
Your resume and cover letter should be printed on an 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of good quality (high cotton-fiber) paper in white, off-white, or a muted neutral color. Use a readable typeface. Steer clear of trendy or unusual fonts, and keep the size at 12 points – no larger, and never below 10 points.
Identification section – Who you are Job objective section – What you want to do Background section – What you have to offer in the way of education, skills, personal experience, and accomplishments. Should be one page
Reference information includes name, title or position, name of employer (if appropriate) complete address, phone numbers(s), fax number, address, and any special information necessary for contact. References need to address your capabilities and accomplishments, DO NOT incorporate them into your resume or cover letter. List them on a separate page, double-checking the addresses and phone numbers.
Three or four is the typical number requested Take the list to an interview in case you are asked for it; if you’re caught without it, have it delivered by the next business day. Choose your references carefully: Go with people who know your professional skills and capabilities but are not threatened by your success.
Do NOT use relatives or friends! More often than not, your references will be contacted. Do not include a reference without first asking and receiving permission to do so. Talk with your references about the job you are seeking, ask about their preferences of contact.