Industrial Revolution Review Game. An economic system in which the factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all.


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Presentation transcript:

Industrial Revolution Review Game

An economic system in which the factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all.

Socialism An economic system in which the factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all.

. These organizations strived to improve working conditions and benefits for the workers.

Unions These organizations strived to improve working conditions and benefits for the workers.

William Wilberforce, a member of British Parliament, fought to end _______.

slavery William Wilberforce, a member of British Parliament, fought to end _______.

. An industry where the creation of products and services is home-based, rather than factory-based.

Cottage Industry An industry where the creation of products and services is home-based, rather than factory-based.

An economic system based on private ownership, free competition, and profit

Capitalism An economic system based on private ownership, free competition, and profit

One reason England was able to industrialize quickly because they had a stable __________.

government One reason England was able to industrialize quickly because they had a stable __________.

a policy that let owners of industry set working conditions without government interference is known as _______-______.

laissez-faire a policy that let owners of industry set working conditions without government interference is known as _______-______.

Which art movements emphasized a dream-like quality captured in a single moment?

impressionism Which art movements emphasized a dream-like quality captured in a single moment?

What was the main reason labor unions began to form?

working conditions What was the main reason labor unions began to form?

What geographic advantage did England have to help spur the industrial revolution?

Natural harbors and waterways What geographic advantage did England have to help spur the industrial revolution?

During industrialization, people moved from ______ to ________.

Rural to urban During industrialization, people moved from ______ to ________.

Socialism was created as a response to…

inequality of wealth between people Socialism was created as a response to…

In what field of industry did industrialization first start?

textiles In what field of industry did industrialization first start?

Who invented the steam engine?

James Watt Who invented the steam engine?

What invention helped England industrialize the most?

Steam engine What invention helped England industrialize the most?

What art movement showed life as it really was?

realism What art movement showed life as it really was?

What author criticized industrialization in books like Hard Times and David Copperfield?

Charles Dickens What author criticized industrialization in books like Hard Times and David Copperfield?

What art movement emphasized emotion, nature, and heroes?

romanticism What art movement emphasized emotion, nature, and heroes?

Who wrote The Wealth of Nations?

Adam Smith Who wrote The Wealth of Nations?

Karl Marx wrote ____ ____ ____.

The Communist Manifesto Karl Marx wrote ____ ____ ____.

What art movement started as a reaction against Classicism’s emphasis on reason?

Romanticism What art movement started as a reaction against Classicism’s emphasis on reason?

What is the most radical form of socialism?

Communism What is the most radical form of socialism?

While workers in a cottage industry often got paid by how many products they made, workers in the assembly line were paid…

By the hour While workers in a cottage industry often got paid by how many products they made, workers in the assembly line were paid…

How did landowners and aristocrats view wealthy members of the middle class?

resentfully How did landowners and aristocrats view wealthy members of the middle class?

Throughout the industrial revolution, entrepreneurs invested in _______, creating a new middle class.

factories Throughout the industrial revolution, entrepreneurs invested in _______, creating a new middle class.

Eli Whitney invented the ____ _____.

Cotton gin Eli Whitney invented the ____ _____.

The _______ in Britain allowed for the cheap transportation of goods.

railroad The _______ in Britain allowed for the cheap transportation of goods.

What social class grew during the Industrial Revolution?

Middle class What social class grew during the Industrial Revolution?

What are the three factors of production?

Land, labor, capital What are the three factors of production?

What act made child labor illegal for children under 9?

Factory Act of 1833 What act made child labor illegal for children under 9?

_______ was a system that believed in the greatest good for greatest number of people.

Utilitarianism _______ was a system that believed in the greatest good for greatest number of people.