7 January 2015 Charlie Hebdo attack after publishing a cartoon of Muhammad 11 people killed + 4 others at grocery + 3 shooters + 2 suspected sympathizers in Belgium “Je suis Charlie” (I am Charlie) protest marches in Europe and North America Arrests of possible Islamic extremists in France, Germany and Belgium Leaders – “Need to stop Islamophobia” French comedian Dieudonné M’bala M’bala arrested for mocking attack
What is Charlie Hebdo? Irreverent, stridently non-conformist, strongly secularist, anti-religious and left- wing satirical weekly newspaper located in Paris, France
1970 French government closed its predecessor over cartoons mocking Charles de Gaulle Resurfaced under new name “Charlie Hebdo”
2006 Published infamous Danish Jyllands-Posten cartoons of Muhammad Added headline “Muhammad overwhelmed by fundamentalists” plus a cartoon of the prophet crying and saying, “It's hard to be loved by dicks” Sued …cartoons racist …dismissed
2008 Sued by a fired cartoonist for wrongful dismissal Published a cartoon that joked about the son of the French president which was later seen as anti-Semitic Removed cartoon Awarded 40,000 Euros
2011 Cartoons attacking Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. Titled “Don’t oppress the weak”, depicts a Jewish man shooting what is clearly meant to be a Palestinian woman in the back, yelling “Here! Take that, Goliath!” Accused of spreading anti-Semitic ideas
2011 Issue cover retitled "Charia Hebdo" (French for Sharia Weekly) Cartoon of Muhammad whose depiction is forbidden in some interpretations of Islam. Office fire-bombed and website hacked
2012 France’s right-wing Catholics organized huge protests against the legalization of gay marriage Cartoons of Jesus and God sodomizing one another under heading “Marriage Homo” Condemned by French Catholics
Is drawing Muhammad strictly forbidden? Quran does not explicitly forbid images Other teachings (Hadith) prohibit Muslims from creating visual depictions Existing illustrations are not religious in nature. Historically in non-Arab regions, drawings are common, while in Arab regions, verbal depictions are the norm (e.g., Turks, Persians and Indians have rich heritage of drawing, Arab Muslims use language to depict images). In 2001, Taliban imposed a modest ban Western illustrations considered insulting and degrading…perhaps as a response to Christian colonization …rooted in a real world grievance (“under attack from the West”) Images still common in non-Arab region December 1999 – Der Spiegel printed illustration of “moral apostles”
Is Charlie Hebdo attack on Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression? Freedom of speech is the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint. Freedom of expression is the right to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. In Canada, these are fundamental rights protected by Charter
Is Charlie Hebdo attack on Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression? In Canada, hate speech is included in the Criminal Code, Human Rights Act, etc. Section 1 of the Charter restricts the granted fundamental freedoms by making them subject “…only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.” Hate cannot be promoted and hate propaganda is forbidden. Yet, freedoms are not absolute.
Is Charlie Hebdo attack on Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression? Situation is somewhat the same in France. Only westernized democracy with no legal restrictions or limitations on speech or expression is USA
2015 Golden Globe Awards January 2015 Best in film and American television award Hosted by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler Monologue jokes about Bill Cosby drugging and raping women (alleged) Portrayal including mocking Cosby’s (black man) speech Funny? Poor taste? Satirical? Fair? Subversive? Audience laughed at jokes about rape Should we be silent?
2015 Dalhousie University Dentistry and Facebook 13 male dentistry students in a private Facebook group Misogynist posts (e.g., hate sex) Investigation launched, exams cancelled, restorative justice proposed, no expulsions, protests and on-line petitions Whistleblower suspension remains due to “blatant unprofessionalism” Promoting hate of a group, foolish choice, reinforcing stereotype, sound judgement, isolated incident, purge, unprofessional risk, freedom of expression or Guilt by Association