“ The heart has its reason that reason knows nothing of” A short presentation on Montessori education, as prevalent in India, and the domain that IMF intends to occupy
“ Montessori Education” is at very the bottom of the pyramid – which helps in creating a solid foundation for children who are sufficiently exposed to the desired system of learning. The Montessori segment is fractured – thanks to the diverse range of players that exist today. Indeed, the system is followed and practised in many countries around the world. This has resulted in great diversity among Montessori practitioners.
A large number of schools follow the Montessori method in India. Parents want it – many of them are convinced that Dr Maria Montessori’s teachings would be useful and beneficial for their children. There is, thus, great demand for institutions that impart this system of education. This demand is reflected in views expressed almost universally by the parents’ fraternity.
Who are we? We are a pioneering corporate chain in India to conduct Montessori Teachers’ Training Programme. We aim to establish pan-India operations with our footprint across the country.
How big is our market? Well, let’s share some figures. According to broking firm CLSA Asia-Pacific, currently, the preschool industry in India is estimated to gross about Rs 4,004 crore ($985 million). The sector has crossed Rs 13,821 crore in 2014, a growth of more than 28% per annum.
Market size: some additional pointers… Nearly three-quarters of the country’s population is under the age of 35 years Some major industries are IT & ITES Numerous cases of (both) working parents, each with high disposable income with extended working hours Increase in urbanisation; greater number of nuclear families Clear adaptation to western lifestyles; acceptance of modern education standards
A preview of demand In keeping with the demand for Montessori institutions, the requirement for trained personnel is also on the rise. Therefore, creation of a copious pool of Montessori teachers is the need of the hour. India, one of the world’s most populated nations, has lately witnessed a tremendous rise in the number of schools. The country needs a huge cadre of trained professionals to teach in these schools – indeed, this need will only advance in the days ahead.
Where does IMF fit in such a scenario? The answer is simple: IMF wishes to contribute significantly in terms of training and education. The idea is to train individual students who plan to establish their careers as teachers. Further, IMF aims at supporting the meritorious candidates’ efforts at securing placements, provided they are able to demonstrate adequate levels of commitment and efficiency.
What is our strategy? Establish our own centres, led by the home centre in Kolkata. Take the help of business partners. They are entrepreneurs who come with their own resources (premises, infrastructure, capital) – either owned or rented/leased.
What do we deliver? Comprehensive curriculum Placement assistance based on merit Industry Connect Programs Spoken English Basic Computer Entrepreneurship Orientation Personality Development & Grooming
So who are we looking for? We are seeking to build a network of dynamic and passionate entrepreneurs who would drive the business forward. In turn, they would be offered comprehensive services (such as training and branding) from the central office in Kolkata. The ideal business partner need not be an educator – we do not necessarily require an experienced professional – not even one with a large computer centre or an established tuition class!
Benefits for franchisees We offer franchisees the lowest project cost in terms of franchisee fee and high ROI (return on investment) 1. Break-even happens quickly 2. A large portion of the franchisee fee is reimbursed to the franchisee as marketing tangibles, branding support and Train-the-Trainer programme 3. There is total branding support for maximum revenue generation 4. Full academic, assessment and examination support 5. No royalty in the first year 6. Joint exploration of placement opportunities for students
Target Audience We cater to a wide age group: 18 – 45 years Students looking for an alternative career Mothers, including housewives, who wish to start an independent career of their own Existing teachers who want to upgrade themselves with an added professional qualification
And if you are a student… Come to our centres for guidance. Fill up an application form (which you may also download from this website) and take admission. Attend classes and appear for your examination – which would make you market-ready for tapping job opportunities. Meanwhile, brush up your skills (such as effective communication) and learn to go through interviews. Remember, there are plenty of opportunities for the right candidates.
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