GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 GODAE OceanView Program Office Report 2014 Kirsten Wilmer-Becker, Met Office
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 Actions from last meeting Overview 2013 /14 Symposium & review Strategic Plan – relevance for PO Meetings/workshops Finances Content
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 Short look at the..... Actions from GOVST-IV (Nov, 2012)
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 Actions from last meeting (1/2) GOVST IV-1-4: Symposium actions GOVST IV-5: ASe to write paper on the proposed roadmap for the IV-TT paper on the intercomparison activity GOVST-IV-6: KWB to set up mailing list for OSEval-TT members OSEval-TT GOVST-IV-7: OSEval-TT co-chairs to write a short note/paper gathering all TT member plans for the next year and to provide a work plan update GOVST-IV-8: OSEval-TT co-chairs to obtain plans for NRT OSEs from TT members GOVST-IV-9: OSEval-TT co-chairs to consider contributions from the TT to a special journal issue following the GODAE OceanView Symposium. GOVST-IV-10: KWB to talk to OSEval-TT co-chairs to explore need to revive the “registration of interest” survey for the GOV-GSOP-CLIVAR workshop. GOVST-IV-11: KWB to set up new webpage (freely available) explaining the use and benefit of the GOV website and the twiki for all website users, as current take-up is quite weak. GOVST-IV-12: MEP TT-co-chairs to decide whether to add “Analysis” to the TT name and to confirm decision to project office and GOVST co-chairs Done ? Closed Ongoing Done
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 Actions from last meeting (2/2) GOVST-IV-13: KWB and MM arrange to make available the report from the ESA DA workshop (Sep 2012) on/from GOV website. GOVST-IV-14: Long to organise/coordinate teleconference with GOVST co-chairs regarding GOVST relationship with GOOS-OOPC/GSC GOVST-IV-15: ET-OOFS and GOV co-chairs to prepare for GOV Review, co-chairs to be aware of what JCOMM tries to achieve (e.g. with respect to observational requirements) and to link to JCOMM through ETOOFS to ensure complementary work and that science developments feed operational systems GOVST-IV-16: GOVST to provide feedback to Tony on the use, need and benefit of Aquarius data. GOVST-IV-17: KWB to set up a link to ocean synthesis/reanalysis directory from GOVST website GOVST-IV-18: GOVST co-chairs to look in the synergy of WIPs, IP and WP and to develop a plan of how to respond to the review. GOVST-IV-19: PC and KWB to produce and publish Symposium announcement by end of November GOVST-IV-20: TT co-chairs to coordinate the 3.x sub-sessions, inviting key speakers, etc. GOVST-IV-21: PC to identify a representative from the user community to become member of the PC. GOVST-IV-22: KWB to forward information from HR (MEOPAR- website) to the GOVST. GOVST-IV-23: KWB and co-chairs to consider setting up a survey to gather information about how GOV is moving forward (for review). TBC Done Not started Done
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 Project office work – overview 2014
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 Successful organisation of the GODAE OceanView Symposium & Review (Nov 2013) Organisation and support for recent and coming GOV Task Team meetings (COSS-TT, Jan 2014; OSEval-TT, Dec 2014 Dec; COSS-TT, Sep 2015) Publication of the First Draft of the new GODAE Ocean View Strategic Plan (June 2014) Planning and organisation of a GODAE OceanView Special Issue (in progress) Organisation of the GOVST-V Annual meeting, Beijing 2014 Highlights
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 Stepping down of both MEAP-TT co-chairs after the GOV review Loss of Nicolas Ferry as a friend & colleague and representative of the French OO effort Stepping down of Eric Dombrowsky as co-chairs of the GOVST and leaving the team altogether Worsening of the financial situation for GOV due to discontinuation of funds from some sponsors Setbacks & blows
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 Positive developments Fraser Davidson has agreed to the co-chair role of GOV and as he is closely involved with ET-OOFS we hope to strengthen the link with JCOMM We found two new very motivated co-chairs for the MEAP-TT: Marion Gehlen (LCSE, France) and Katja Fennel (Dalhousie University) Patrons’ Group leadership change (Paul DiGiacomo is new chair) strengthens link with NOAA Review outcome provides very positive support for GOV continuation New strategy allows for a reshaping of GOV operations, e.g. regards TT activities
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 GODAE OceanView Meetings and workshops
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October Regular GOVST co-chairs meetings (tele-conf) – ca. every 6-8 weeks - Regular GOV Patrons’ Group chair meetings (tele-conf) – monthly - Patrons’ Group meetings (tele-conf) – 6-monthly - TT co-chair meetings (to be continued) GODAE OceanView international workshops / meetings: GOV Symposium (Nov 2013) GOV Review (Nov 2013) COSS-TT international coordination workshop (Jan 2014) Upcoming events: Organisation of OSEval-TT meeting, Toulouse (December 2014) Organisation of COSS-TT meeting, Lisbon (Sep 2015) Organisation of the next GOVST meeting (date & location tbc) Plan for a programme coordinator meeting (inviting other international organisations, e.g. GOOS, IOC/UNESCO, WMO, OOPC, etc.) date & time tbc Meetings/workshops/teleconferences
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 GODAE OceanView GOV Review & Strategic Plan
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 Project office to be called Program Office Review Panel impressed with the overall operations, the efficiency and the effectiveness of the project office. Recommendations: significant value in documenting efficiencies of program office through an assessment of contributions for GOV, as this would clearly identify the impact of the Office as evidenced by quantified leverage and added value. there should be a stronger level of effort in communicating between secretariats on common areas of work and opportunities for enhancing collaboration. Review outcomes - collaborations
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 Review outcomes - website The GOV Web site is most effective for internal GOV community activities. The site was determined to be less effective for an external audience. Recommendations: If the site is intended to include an external audience, messages for those audiences should be compact and timeless, and should be updated through external links, an inherently more efficient practice.
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 The GOVST is supported by a program office currently located at the Met Office, UK. The GOVST works on a five-year planning and review cycle. Financial and in-kind support required to run the program office, promote GODAE OceanView activities, organize Science Team meetings, symposia and summer schools will be provided by stakeholder agencies and national groups who will be represented in the GODAE OceanView Patrons Group. Through its co-chairs and program office, GODAE OceanView will interact with and report to JCOMM It will be beneficial to also establish closer collaboration between the GOV programme office and project/programme offices of other organisations. Therefore an exchange of expertise and experience between project/programme officers is desirable, e.g. through regular meetings or telephone conferences. Strategic Plan – program office
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 GODAE OceanView Special Journal issue
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 Special Issue - preparations Following on from the symposium identify and invite authors to develop community papers covering broad aspects of GOV involvement and achievements during the past 5 years Confirmation of ~20 papers to be published in two parts in the Journal of Operational Oceanography (JOO) Part 1 paper (10 papers) have now all been accepted and are being processed for printing in Nov 104
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 Special Issue part 1 - papers Introduction to the special Issue, including history and international context (including references to status of modelling) Mike Bell Use of satellite observations for operational oceanography: recent achievements and future prospects Pierre-Yves Le Traon Status & future of data assimilation in operational oceanography Matt Martin Assessing the impact of observations on ocean forecasts and analyses: Part 1: Global studies Peter Oke Assessing the impact of observations on ocean forecasts and analyses: Part 2: Regional applications Peter Oke The Ocean Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (ORA-IP) Magdalena Balmaseda GODAE OceanView Class 4 forecast verification framework: Global Ocean inter-comparison Andy Ryan GODAE OceanView Class-4 Inter-comparison for the Australian Region Prasanth Divakaran Coastal Ocean Forecasting: system integration and evaluation Villy K. Kourafalou Coastal Ocean Forecasting: science drivers and user benefits Villy K. Kourafalou
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 Special Issue - next steps Publication of part 1 planned for Nov/Dec 2014 Final submission deadline for part 2 papers start/mid November 2014 Review process to be completed by end of Jan 2015 Submission of accepted papers (part 2) to JOO in Feb 2015 Printing and publication of part 2 special issue in March/April 2015
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 Special Issue part 2 - papers Status & future of the in-situ ocean observing systemHoward Freeland / David Legler Status and future of global and regional ocean prediction systems (including developing systems) Marina Tonani Building the capacity for forecasting / predicting marine biogeochemistry: Recent advances and future developments Marion Gehlen Operational ecosystem research: understanding user scientific requirements and gaps in order to deliver policy outcomes Rosa Barciela Overview of Coupled Prediction effort in GOVGary Brassington Status and future of development of environmental information services Guimei Liu/ Hui Wang Downstream applications served by the national GODAE Ocean View systems Fraser Davidson Exploitation of ocean predictions by the oil & gas industry Ralph Rayner Synthesis of new scientific challenges for GODAE Overview (title very likely to be changed) Andreas Schiller
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 GODAE OceanView Financial information
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 GODAE OceanView Finances (1) GODAE OceanView project office is funded through contributions of the Patrons’ Group member organisations Contributions are received as - Direct funding (annual) - In kind contributions - Exceptional contributions (e.g. symposia)
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 oProject office currently running at 80% of my time oProject office funding only sufficient to provide funds until March 2015 – future funding at risk due to some sponsors unable to continue support oReduction of working hours could balance the shortfall, but this would also reduce PO effectiveness oGODAE OceanView Review supports GOV continuation – sponsors should follow recommendations oDependent on outcome from the Strategic Plan discussion and willingness of GOV to act on the decisions made GODAE OceanView Finances (2)
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 Last year… Organisation of group meeting (teleconference hosting, agenda draft, meeting report, etc. Funding / invoices (symposium related) Preparation and provision of funding reports to Patrons’ Group Future… Continued collaboration with funding body representatives/Patrons –Provision of budget information –Support of group meetings –Maintenance of funding body contracts and required documentation GODAE OceanView Patrons’ Group support
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 GODAE OceanViewSummary
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 oReal busy year for the PO with regard to oGOV symposium & review oStrategic Plan discussions oGOV Special Issue oSet-backs oDealing with loosing people, especially support from Eric (co-chair) oReduce d financial contributions o... but positive outlook on future strategy and new collaborations GODAE OceanView Summary
GOVST-V meeting, Beijing, China, October 2014 Thank you