1 BioGinkgo 27/7 A 100 Yr. Old Bonsai Ginkgo Tree n Proprietary extract of ginkgo leaves n Addresses #2 concern among aging baby boomers u Loss of memory
2 Ginkgo biloba L. plant: History n Oldest living plant species, nick named “living fossil”. In China, it is called “thousand-year-old tree” n Described in the ancient Chinese pharmacopoeia- Shen nown Ben Cao n Since 1960s, Ginkgo biloba extract is the most widely used herb in Europe
3 Ginkgo biloba L. leaf: History, cont’d n Pharmanex scientific advisor, Prof. Koji Nakanishi, Columbia University: Discovered a class of unique ginkgolides in ginkgo plant n Ginkgolides can increase blood flow by blocking PAF, a substance that causes platelet clumping
4 BioGinkgo 27/7: Uniqueness n Pharmanex extraction process enriches for ginkgolides n Only Ginkgo extract that provides for adequate and persistent amounts of ginkgolides in the blood
minutes Ginkgolide levels (µg/ml) BioGinkgo 27/7 Ginkoba 12 hours Blood concentration of ginkolides after oral intake of BioGinkgo 27/7 or Ginkoba Published in Planta Medica
6 BioGinkgo 27/7 - Attributes n Unique formulation of enriched for levels of ginkgolides n Improved bioavailability compared to competitors n Undesirable Ginkgolic acids removed n One of the few companies to manufacture its own ginkgo product
7 Bioginkgo 27/7 process scheme Finished bulk preparation Selected leaves 1. crushed 2. aq. Alcohol extract 3. precipitation 4. chromatography 5. remove Ginkgolic acids 6. drying Flavone-lactone mixture QA/QC
8 Chemical fingerprint of ginkgolide terpene lactones
9 Ginkgo biloba Extract: Cerebral Insufficiency Taillander et al. Presse Med n 12-month placebo controlled trial of 210 elderly patients n Ave. age 82 years n End points: Symptoms scale including dizziness, tinnitus, headaches, lack of energy, and difficulties in memory and concentration at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months Time of assessment Treatment months Placebo4% 4% 8% 8% Ginkgo10% 15% 15% 17%
10 JAMA clinical study n A Placebo-Controlled, Double-blind, Randomized Trial n A 52-week multi-center study n Patients: Outpatients with Alzheimer disease or multi-infarct dementia, without other significant medical conditions.
11 JAMA clinical study: Study Design n Complete outcome evaluation at 12, 26, and 52 weeks. n Primary Outcome Measures. Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive subscale (ADAS-Cog), Geriatric Evaluation by Relative's Rating Instrument (GERRI), and Clinical Global Impression of Change (CGIC).
12 JAMA clinical study: Conclusions n Ginkgo group score better than placebo in ADAS-Cog and GERRI score n No difference in the Clinical Global Assessment Index n Ginkgo was safe n Appears capable of stabilizing and improving the cognitive performance and the social functioning of patients for 6 months to 1 year.
13 BioGinkgo 27/7: summary n BioGinkgo enhances blood circulation to brain, arms, legs n Mechanism of action believed to be related to flavonoids and ginkgolides n BioGinkgo is recommended to be taken one tablet twice a day
14 Introducing…Bio St. John’s Standardized St. John’s wort to 0.3% hypericin (Hypericum perforatum) PLUS CordyMax Cs-4 [Patent Pending] (Cordyceps sinensis) Each capsule of Bio St John’s contains 375 mg of CordyMax and 225 mg St John’s wort extract. The daily recommended dosage is two capsules twice a day.
15 Bio St. John’s : Claims n Stabilizes mood and promotes a positive outlook n Provides vitality and stamina n Reduces fatigue without stimulants
16 Bio St. John’s: Benefits n Bio St. John’s is not a substitute for prescription anti-depressant drugs
17 St. John’s Wort: Brit. Medical Journal Study n Meta-Analysis (BMJ, 1996) u 23 randomized trials with 1,757 patients n % patients respond to treatment u SJW (55.1%) vs Placebo (22.3%) u SJW (63.9%) vs Antidepressant (58.5%) n Test on mild/moderate depression u major depression or manic depressive disorder not tested
18 Putative mechanisms of action n Monoamine oxidase inhibition n Selective serotonin-reuptake inhibition n Inhibition of catechol O- methyltransferase n GABA and neurokinin receptors Overall outcome: Effect on neurotransmitters function
19 St. John’s wort : Safety/Possible side effects Most common adverse effects are: n GI symptoms n Tiredness/sedation n Dizziness/confusion n Photosensitivity, but this appears to occur rarely
20 Before St.John’s wort After St.John’s wort Age Efficacy with age
21 Bio St. John’s n A combination of St. John’s wort and CordyMax n The recommended dose for Bio St John’s is 4 capsules daily n It is not a replacement for prescription anti-depressants