CLASIFICATION OF SETTLEMENT ACCORDING TO PATTERN OR SHAPE . - A pattern of settlement refers to the spatial arrangement and development of building on the ground . PATTERN OF SETTLEMENT : [1] DISPERSED OR SCATTERED SETTLEMENT : CHARACTERISTICS : - Houses are widely separated from One another . –They are associated with extensive pattern of farming. - It has few social amenities . – They Are involved mainly in primary activities e . g farming . -They have a quiet life style.[diagram attached ] [2]LINEAR OR RIBBON SETTLEMENT : CHARACTERISTICS: - A linear settlement consist of a row or Line of building along the sides of a road , rail line ,river , or Coastline . –It has a characteristics of a nodal settlement i. e Where roads , railways routes meet. -It has a characteristics Of a confluence settlement I .e where two rivers meet [ Lokoja in Nigeria ] .[ DIAGRAM ATTACHED ].
[3]NUCLEATED OR DENSE SETTLEMENT : CHARACTERISTICS : - Buildings here are close or clustered together .i. e they are compact in outlook . - It may be either rural or urban depending on its size and functions. –It has many social amenities . – The area is well connected with roads. [4] RING PATTERN : [CHARACTERISTICS ] . –The houses may surround a green field which is preserved or a pond , a market place or a church. – It can develop round a hill. [DIAGRAM ATTACHED ] CLASSIFICATION OF SETTLEMENT ACCORDING TO SIZE : - The size of a settlement refers to the number of people in a settlement. – The smallest settlement in terms of size is the home stead ; while the largest is megalopolis. On the basis of size, the following settlement are recognised : - Homestead . – Hamlet . – Village . – Town . City. – Conurbation. Megalopolis.
CLASSIFICATION OF SETTLEMENTS ACCORDING TO FUNCTIONS OF TOWNS: Towns are classified according to certain functions they perform. Some perform more than one functions , but some are known for a particular function: - Market towns or trade and commerce , whose main economic activity is trading or commerce e. g Onitsha, Ibadan , Norwich in U. K. - Industrial towns: The economic activity in this is manufacturing .e. g Pittsburg in U. S. A. - Commercial towns: This deals with finance and commerce e. g Lagos ,New York. – Mining towns: this is involve in the mining of minerals available e.g Jos and Enugu. - Administrative towns : This host the seat of government e. g Abuja , London , Accra in Ghana. - Holiday resort towns . - Royal towns . Port towns: Port towns here are into : sea ports , river port , entre port , packet station , out ports. FACTORS FAVOURING DISPERSED SETTLEMENT PATTERN : - Family land ownership . – Quest for quiet environment and safety. - Need for acquire more land and stem encroachment. - Security purposes.
FACTORS FAVOURING LINEAR SETTLEMENT: - The desire to be near transportation routes . - Easy accessibility to other areas . - The need to transport farm produce to the market. – Reduction in transport cost due to nearness to the road or rail . – Availability of land along the route . – Absence of other routes in a locality. FCTORS FAVOURING NUCLEATED SETTLEMENT: - The need to maintain social and cultural ties . – Need for defence. – The nee for easy communication. -Abundant commercial activities. - Presence of infrastructure and social amenities. - Presence of defined leadership structure. Presence of source of portable water supply.