Report on GEOGLAM Selma Cherchali – CNES Bradley Doorn - NASA Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Report on GEOGLAM Selma Cherchali – CNES Bradley Doorn - NASA SIT-30 Agenda Item 15 30th CEOS SIT Meeting CNES Headquarters, Paris, France 31st March – 1st April 2015
Agenda Governance GEOGLAM Crop Monitor (G20-AMIS) GEO Global Agriculture Monitoring Asia-RiCE Crop Estimation and Monitoring JECAM Joint Experiment for Crop Assessment and Monitoring New Activities Acquisition Update Way Forward
GEOGLAM Governance GEOGLAM Governance is composed of: Advisory Committee Implementation Team High-level members with ability to identify donors and fundraise Preliminary list of members has been developed, first round of invitations sent out at the end of March 2015 First meeting will be held at GEO Plenary in Mexico, November 2015 Terms of Reference are nearly finalized, based on GFOI CEOS will have a position on this Committee Most likely the CEOS SIT Chair, rotating every 2 years TBD Meeting again at IGARSS 2015 to finalize AC preparations Holding more frequent telecons to maintain momentum
Advisory Committee ToRs Provide technical and policy advice to GEOGLAM on its activities: provide advice on long term strategy of GEOGLAM in terms of direction & objectives advise GEOGLAM on how to ensure that its activities meet the G20 objectives advise the Implementation Team and GEOGLAM Office on how best to ensure the widest possible participation to GEOGLAM; help in identifying and mobilizing potential funding opportunities for GEOGLAM activities; respond to requests for advice from the GEOGLAM Implementation Team (IT). Review the GEOGLAM Implementation Plan and annual progress report and provide guidance to Implementation Team; May also be associated on an Ad-hoc basis by the Impl. Team in the promotion of GEOGLAM in international and wide public community
GEOGLAM Achievements & 2015 Plans Asia-RiCE develop and transfer of methods (JAXA-ASEAN) Asia-RiCE reporting to GCM (JAXA-ASEAN) CB projects in Argentina, Mongolia, Pakistan, Ukraine… Early Warning Crop Monitor (FEWSNET) Global Crop Monitor (UMD) Close links with Committee of Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) 1. Global / Regional System of Systems main producer countries, major commodities National Capacity Building for agricultural monitoring using earth observation 3. Monitoring countries at risk food security assessment Rangelands & Pasture Productivity (RAPP-CSIRO) Joint Experiment for Crop Assessment & Monitoring – JECAM (AAFC – UCL) 4. EO data coordination EC FP7 SIGMA project Stimulating Innovation for Global Monitoring of Agri-culture and its Impact on the Environment in support of GEOGLAM (VITO) 5. Method improvement through R&D coordination 6. Data products and information dissemination Data services prototypes developed/ tested NASA/CEOS SEO ESA projects: SEN2-FOR-AGRI (UCL) 4 Agri. Products + Software + 4 Use cases GEORICE (CESBIO) Radar for Rice growth monitoring STARS (BM Gates) Spurring a Transfor-mation for Agricul-ture through Remote Sensing (ITC-UMD) GEONetCast Satellite Broadcasting Mature / On going Emerging or R&D *
Crop Monitor for AMIS Upcoming AMIS Meeting in Rome/FAO in May 2015; side meeting at IGARSS 2015 On-going internal review in process of GEOGLAM Demonstration of national agricultural monitoring capacity for five GEOGLAM countries Next Steps: Quantitative basis for Qualitative Indicators No direct impact to CEOS No direct impact to CEOS because most will be through JECAM and archival data push
User Evaluation & Visibility Crop Monitor for AMIS User Evaluation & Visibility Feature Article in FAO Food Outlook (May 2014) More Useful/Interesting
Asia-RiCE Continued Success Successful rice monitoring in Asia-RiCE areas enabled by CEOS-GEOGLAM partnership: SCOPE-Phase I (2013-2015) Demonstration and Feasibility Indonesia (Subang, West Java Island) Thailand (Suphan Buri Province) Vietnam South (An Giang) Main Accomplishments (2014) Acquisition and provision of Radarsat-2 data (CSA/MDA) Proposal for ALOS/ALOS-2 to JAXA Arranged 42 TerraSAR-X datasets from DLR Established a Mekong Delta Sentinel-1A Reference Site JAXA/RESTEC teams developed tools NASA/CEOS SEO developed and tested SAR cloud computing platform Provided support to AFSIS for GEOGLAM AMIS Rice outlooks Ref: Asia-RiCE 2014 Implementation Report Lead - Shin-ichi Sobue, Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan Placeholder - UPDATE NEEDED
Rice Map of Autumn-Winter 2013 and Winter-Spring 2014 Mapping of rice cropping system Yellow: Rice in Winter-Spring 2014 only Red: Rice at both seasons Blue: Water Green: built areas and trees CONTRIBUTION OF Centre d'Etudes Spatiales de la BIOsphère (CESBIO) TO ASIA-RICE Long term experience in Research and Development of SAR methods for rice monitoring Increase of availability of EO and in particular of SAR data (ALOS-2, Radarsat2, Cosmo-Skymed, TerraSAR X, Sentinel-1) Opportunity to contribute to GEOGLAM activities aiming at enhancing current remote sensing based agricultural monitoring techniques. The An Giang province, Mekong delta Asia-RiCE technical demonstration site
Achievements: GEOGLAM & CEOS Collaboration Rice growth monitoring with Sentinel-1 time series (Oct.2014-Jan.2015) Asia-RICE Technical Demonstration Site: An Giang (Mekong River Delta, Vietnam) 17 Dec 2014 - VH 10 Jan 2015 - VH Bouvet & Le Toan 23 Nov. 2014 - VH 05 Dec. 2014 - VH 11 Nov. 2014 - VH 30 Oct 2014 - VH Middle of Autumn-Winter crop End of Autum-Winter crop New Collaborations and Developments: Coordination between CSA and ESA to cover all JECAM (Minimum Data Set) and Asia-RiCE sites with Radarsat and Sentinel-1 Sentinel-1 (since March) covers most SE-Asia in dual-pol every 2nd cycle (24 days) which allows for the first time national wall-to-wall rice monitoring Inundated fields for Winter-Spring crop - Coordination between CSA and ESA to cover all JECAM (Minimum Data Set) and Asia Rice sites with Radarsat and Sentinel-1 - Sentinel-1 (since March) covers most SE-Asia in dual-pol every 2nd cycle (24 days) which allows for the first time national wall-to-wall rice monitoring!!! - Spot5-Take5 includes all JECAM sites with current active phenology in preparation of Sentinel-2
R&D & JECAM Activities Creation of Minimum Dataset Sites CEOS SEO and CSA have completed a Multi-User License Agreement (MURF) to host Radarsat-2 data for all JECAM sites to use and share methods. Guidelines for JECAM site definition and minimum EO data sets. Guidelines for in situ data collection and cropland definition. Ping Ian Jarvis or Don Ball for MURF update (AKW 3/22/2015) Multi-User License Agreement
R&D & JECAM Activities SIGMA(Stimulating Innovation for Global Monitoring of Agriculture) European Commission EC’s Research Framework programme (FP7) Networking with organizations world-wide and building on JECAM network Goal-Develop innovative methods and indicators to monitor and assess progress toward “sustainable agriculture” Preparation of GEOGLAM community for the exploitation of the Sentinel-2 mission Development of an open source processing system validated over 12 JECAM sites Spot5-Take5 includes all JECAM sites with current active phenology in preparation of Sentinel-2 (ESA and CNES partnership)
Data Services Prototypes JECAM SAR Intercomparison Data Services Project (CEOS) Sites (8 total): Argentina, Belgium/France, Canada (Red River), Canada (South Nation), China (Heilongjiang), China (Jiangsu), China (Shandong), Ukraine Datasets: Radarsat-2, Sentinel-1A Dedicated and cloud-based storage and SAR processing capabilities. Secure access and data sharing within guidelines of license agreements STATUS: Data Sharing MURF completed in Nov 2014. First release in Aug 2015. Asia-RiCE Data Services Project for Indonesia (CEOS) Secure access for JAXA and Indonesia Asia-RiCE science users. Dedicated storage for up to 35 Radarsat-2 images (provided by CSA) and cloud processing of SAR datasets using INAHOR tool. STATUS: Datasets and processing tools installed. Initial tests in Indonesia showed poor processing performance due to poor internet and graphics demands of INAHOR processing tool. Server moved to Asia to improve performance. The Asia-Rice team is planning a meeting in April 2015 to review progress. CSA has asked to expand the project to include Radarsat-2 datasets for all Asia-Rice sites. This may still need update from BDK and Shin-Ichi (AKW, 3/22/2015)
Acquisition Strategy: Archival Data Links Update Archive Data for Baseline Product Generation The accuracy of baseline datasets (e.g. crop type & calendars) could be improved through the use of fine to moderate resolution (<100-meter : Farm plot or field) archive data. Benefits for progress toward implementation: Establishes data request process Facilitates evaluation of new data streams Supports future data acquisition planning. How? Obtain direct access to archive metadata (via (CEOS) COVE tool) STATUS: Ongoing; Links to Landsat, SPOT, Radarsat, Pleaides already in place; Sentinel-1, RapidEye (late 2015) upcoming Request access to those which comprise a sufficient data record for baseline dataset generation (e.g., crop maps, crop calendars) STATUS: Upcoming once archive links are complete - will be evaluated for JECAM/SIGMA sites first You can say that there is no update to the acquisition strategy itself – that further updates will happen in advance of the next SIT (September 2015) Main pushes are this archival activity (ongoing) and coordination for JECAM (AKW 3/24/2015)
GEOGLAM Capacity Building (Pakistan, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Australia)
New Activities & Funded Projects RAPP – Rangeland and Pasture Productivity Monitoring 2nd Workshop in Paris, 23-24 July 2014 3rd Workshop in Brazil, 19-20 July 2015 (TBC) Australian leadership (CSIRO)
New Activities & Funded Projects GEOGLAM – AgMIP (Agriculture Model Intercomparison & Improvement Project) collaboration Test Site Synergies – including a few AgMIP Sentinel sites in JECAM EWCM (Early Warning Crop Monitor) Workshops 31 March (DC, USA) and 13 May (Rome, IT) Preliminary interface developed, prototype with FEWSNET Synthesis Condition Map
Primary Data Streams from Agencies Status summary from Plenary through SIT-29 (2014)
Secondary Data Streams from Agencies Status summary from Plenary through SIT-29 (2014) SPOT Take 5 Venus by AO
Example of Mission Capacity to Meet JECAM/GEOGLAM Needs Current Mission Portfolio for Crop Monitoring: Venµs mission due to be launched August 2016 (CNES / ISA ) Resolution: 5m (L1) - 10m (L2, L3) Field of View: 27 km 12 spectral bands from 412 to 910 nm Geometric revisit frequency: 2 days 1 useful product per 10 days Systematic acquisition: 100 sites 2 stereoscopic bands with a low angle difference : cloud and surface altitudes Constant viewing angle : minimization of directional effects, easier images registration A major improvement of geometric and radiometric quality of the images products results from the acquisition of time series at constant view angle 450 sites requested through international proposals
(actions from 2014 Plenary) Way Forward (actions from 2014 Plenary) Endorse the CEOS Acquisition Strategy for GEOGLAM - COMPLETE Endorse the proposed co-leads for CEOS-GEOGLAM leadership - COMPLETE Endorse a CEOS candidate for the GEOGLAM Advisory Committee (postpone to mid-2015) – IN PROGRESS Test data services prototypes and report lessons learned – IN PROGRESS Define JECAM data requests to CEOS Agencies – ON-GOING Finalize a Common Data Sharing strategy for JECAM based on the CSA Multi-User License for Radarsat. - COMPLETE Report on the progress of new missions (Sentinel) and new programs (SIGMA) and the impact to GEOGLAM. – IN PROGRESS Not sure what to do with this slide…but I think it will become clear at side-meeting (AKW 3/22/2015) Have these actions been implemented and are they reported in the previous slides? – AKW updates in GREEN New pending actions and/or activities.
Way Forward Endorse a CEOS candidate for the GEOGLAM Advisory Committee Report on the progress of new missions (Sentinel) and new partnerships (SIGMA, RAPP, AgMIP, S2 project for agriculture) and the impact to GEOGLAM EWCM partnership and implementation strategy meetings Press on with archival data connections, query, and data requests Continue developing strategy to engage non-CEOS space organizations Further testing of data delivery prototypes (SDMS) Assess potential impact of crop modeling and AgMIP international organization on GEOGLAM requirements and capabilities Proposed synergy between AgMIP test sites and JECAM sites IGARSS, July 2015 – GEOGLAM Side Meetings (TBC) 1. Crop Monitor (0.5-1 day) 2. Implementation Team leads (component leads; 0.5-1 day) Review GEOGLAM CB CEOS WGCapD WGCapD - “Use threads such as disaster response or climate change to build capacity through discussion of a focused subject” Proposed synergy between AgMIP test sites and JECAM sites Establish guidelines & system for communicating specific GEOGLAM data requests to Space Agencies through CEOS Improve coverage; improve access to data including early access to new mission datasets GEOGLAM works with Space Agencies to open up data licensing to community Form Working Group to develop and implement cross-site SAR experiment