MFT Progress Report Ginés Martínez García for the MFT project ALICE mini-week, Sep 1 st -5 th 2014
Outlook TDR Status (sensor parameters, TDR configuration) Read-out Cooling Services Automatic Assembly System Organization, Institutes
CERN svn alicemft / TDR / trunk
MFT TDR (75-82 pages) 1.Introduction (4 pages) 2.Pixel Sensor (2 pages) 3.Ladder and Disk Structure (16-19 pages) 4.Global support structures, thermal studies … ( pages) 5.Read-out electronics (7-8 pages) 6.Performances (15-17 pages) 7.Organization, cost and planning (10 pages) A.Detector Parameters (2 pages) Bibliography (2-3 pages)
Detector Parameters ITS TDR CERN-LHCC ( ITS TDR addendum (UGC document) We need to discuss with ITS which parts of the ITS TDR need to be upgraded for the MFT TDR. New reference and justification will be needed. As an example: Inner layer max power consumption 300 mW/cm 2 in the TDR. Shall we keep this conservative value? Other examples : dead areas, pads for parallel 320 MB/s RO.
MFT TDR configuration 5 Detection Disks, 2 planes each (decided). Ladder Overlap: proposal to be compatible with a FPC 17 mm width (under discussion). 5 types of FPC: 1, 2,3,4 and 5 sensors (decided). First draft of the TDR configuration. Raphael & Franck WG3, Aug 28th 2014
MFT TDR configuration First draft of the TDR configuration. Raphael & Franck WG3, Aug 28th 2014 Ongoing discussion
MFT read-out (I) LoI: Standard ALICE upgrade read-out: GBT + CRU Maximum data flow 320 MB/s : several links per sensor, depending on its size. GBT Sensor GBT Sensor CRU Optical FPC, Al 8 Sensor
Defining TDR MFT Read-Out Read-out mapping MFT TDR configuration being studied. GBT option imposes several e- links per sensor (3 or 4). ITS foresees 1 e-link per sensor via a 1 GB/s copper 4m length line. 9 Critical issue for the MFT project. This requires further discussions in the next months. Hopefully we will find a common ITS/MFT solution.
MFT TDR readout Baseline – Pixel sensor with 3 outputs, 320 MB/s each to be compatible with GBT. – GBT + and optical transceivers in the MFT cone. – CRU read-out out of ALICE. Back-up – One 1 GB/s per pixel sensor (as ITS inner barrel) – Data concentration done in the MFT cone (~50 kRad dose). – More manpower has to be identified to develop this option.
MFT Flex Printed Circuit Designing a FPC compatible with 3 read-outputs per pixel sensor. FPC width 16.8 mm Finalizing design using same FPC “frame” (positioning holes) as ITS inner barrel. Decision on the FPC length and connector integration to be taken soon. Preliminary MFT FPC design Christophe R.
TDR MFT Cooling Baseline: – Air cooling as in the MFT LoI. – Pixel group reported last MFT/ITS meeting lower power consumption than that of LoI. – Re-do thermal studies for air cooling with the new configuration (ongoing). – Water cooling of the PCB (namely for DC-DC converters). Backup: – Water cooling in the MFT accep. – Mechanical design of the disk spacer with water cooling.
Services Discussion with ITS service group needed. Interface of service between ITS and MFT barrel. Common DCS, ensuring good modularity between ITS and MFT.
Automatic Assembly System Including MFT requirements in the document prepared by ITS. Most issues have been addressed (shorter FPC, 1- 5 pixel sensors, connector, perhaps different pad for RO). Providing a working table for MFT HIC. Fabienne and Stéphane for the MFT. Thanks to Antonello
MFT Institutes
MFT sharing responsibilities Working on a new version of the PBS, WBS and planning. Discussion on the laboratory responsibilities with their direction. MFT project approved in India. They will contribute to the ladder assembly at CERN and read-out units (CRU). Discussion with new laboratories ongoing : Pusan Korea (pixel sensor serie test), Nakhon Thailand (thinning and Dicing), WUT Poland (read-out), CCNU Chine (read-out), IFIC Spain (assembly and read-out).
Conclusions TDR MFT configuration to be ready soon. Upgrade of parameters wrt ITS TDR could be needed. Decisions on two critical issues: read-out and cooling, have been presented. Read-out is a critical issue: new outputs in the pixel sensor OR new common RO for ITS & MFT. FPC with 3 RO output per pixel sensor is possible. MFT requirements being included in the TS of the AAS document. Discussing WBS with the laboratories. Green-light for for MFT in India. In contact with new groups. We have to converge quickly. The finalization of the TDR middle October is our main objective.