The Ambit Energy “System”
Written List of Prospects
The Fundamental to Your Success: The Written List Written List of Prospects The Fundamental to Your Success: The Written List Friends People you do business with Family Acquaintances Co-workers
Develop Your List List Builder & Memory Jogger Written List of Prospects Validation Develop Your List List Builder & Memory Jogger Organization Rosters- Church, School, etc. Cell Phone Directory Outlook/Act 2000/Database
Written List of Prospects Invitation Invitation
Invite them to take a look NOT to join Ambit: Written List of Prospects Invitation Invite them to take a look NOT to join Ambit: Ask them to look at www. Success From Home Magazine Meet for a face-to-face meeting
Ask these three questions: Written List of Prospects Invitation Ask these three questions: How many people do you know who use electricity or natural gas? How many of them would like to pay less or even get it for FREE? How would you like to earn a residual income and potentially thousands of dollars in bonuses by referring people to this program?
Written List of Prospects Invitation Presentation Presentation
Ways to present the Ambit opportunity: Written List of Prospects Invitation Presentation Ways to present the Ambit opportunity: Your websites – or DVD in Success from Home Magazine Luncheons One-on-one Two-on-one In-Home Meetings Small Group Meetings
Ask for a Decision Does that make sense to you? Written List of Prospects Invitation Presentation Ask for a Decision Does that make sense to you? Does that mean you’re ready to get started? Or do you have some questions? You WANT them to ask questions
10% 10% 80% Ask for a Decision Written List of Prospects Invitation Invitation Presentation Presentation Validation Ask for a Decision YES Enroll them NOW 10% NO Ask them to be your customer 10% MAYBE Written list 80%
Validation Written List of Prospects Invitation Presentation
Ways to validate the Ambit opportunity Written List of Prospects Invitation Presentation Validation Ways to validate the Ambit opportunity Three-way call to upline leader Hotel meetings listed in Power Zone Success From Home Magazine Local, regional, or national training or rally National conference call Face-to-face meeting with upline leader
At the end of each validation, they can say one of three things: Written List of Prospects Invitation Presentation Validation At the end of each validation, they can say one of three things: YES Enroll them NOW 10% NO Ask them to be your customer 10% MAYBE Written list 80%
80% Written List of Prospects Invitation Presentation Validation MAYBE Who is the first person you thought of who either wants to save money on their energy bill or possibly make money every time someone uses energy? If they make any excuse as to why they can’t make their written list or need to “think about it,” sign them up as a customer. If they give you their written list of consultant prospects, start our proven system OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER AGAIN.
Written List of Prospects
Written List of Prospects Invitation Invitation
Written List of Prospects Invitation Presentation Presentation
Validation Written List of Prospects Invitation Presentation
80% MAYBE Written list Written List of Prospects Invitation Presentation Validation 80% MAYBE Written list
Written List of Prospects
Written List of Prospects Invitation Invitation
Written List of Prospects Invitation Presentation Presentation
Validation Written List of Prospects Invitation Presentation
80% MAYBE Written list Written List of Prospects Invitation Presentation Validation 80% MAYBE Written list
Do it OVER and OVER and OVER AGAIN Written List of Prospects Invitation Presentation Validation Do it OVER and OVER and OVER AGAIN