WWI Continued
Naval Warfare Leading up to the war most nations thought that navies would play a huge role Germany and England will both build huge fleets, but the German U-boats will terrorize the Atlantic A U-boat is a submarine and they were sinking shipping to Britain, but not American ships In 1915 Germany will begin Unrestricted U-boat warfare
The Lusitania In unrestricted U-boat warfare submarines will sink any ship it believes contains contraband (war material) In 1915 the Lusitania will be sunk by a German U-boat with Americans on board The Lusitania was carrying guns and therefore a target of U-boats, but it was a passenger ship and this angered Americans, especially since the Americans didn’t know about the guns In response Germany will cease unrestricted U-boat warfare and sign the Sussex Pledge
1917 However the Germans realize that they need to stop supplies coming into Britain from the U.S. to do that would risk war against the U.S. Germany’s ambassador to Mexico Zimmerman will send a letter saying that if Mexico will attack America Germany will make sure Mexico gets New Mexico and Arizona back Although there is no way Mexico could hope to stand against the U.S. the letter is intercepted by the British who happily give it to America
Russia Leaves In 1917 things on the Eastern front were grim The Russians were losing badly to the Germans and the government was unable to provide for its own soldiers Early in 1917 the Germans were able to sneak Vladimir Lennon into Russia, he was a Bolshevik another term for a Communist. Lennon will quickly organize the other communists in the country and stage a revolution, known as the Bolshevik, or Red Revolution The Russians will fight a civil war This revolution will overthrow the government and will kill the Tsar and his family Russia will become the U.S.S.R. aka Soviet Union, a communist nation
Over There! With the sinking of the Lusitania, new unrestricted U- boat warfare, and the Zimmerman letter America is angry Although in the election of 1916 Wilson pledges to remain neutral he realizes that it is not possible anymore He asks congress to declare war on Germany in late 1917, the Allied powers are thrilled American soldiers, known as doughboys, begin to board ships, they will turn the tide against a new German offensive that almost takes Paris
Peace Without Victors When America entered the war we were very Idealistic, in other words we thought that we could change the world to think like us President Wilson will call for a “Peace without Victors” and lays out 14 points that if implemented will bring world peace One of those points is that we should form a League of Nations that will help the world sort out its differences However first we must win the war
End of the War When America enters the war Germany knows it has to win before American soldiers arrive The American Expeditionary Force is led by General “Black” Jack Pershing Pershing is famous for chasing Poncho Villa, a Mexican rebel who raided southwestern U.S. towns in the 1910’s The AEF will land in France and turn the tide of the war, until on 11/11/18 Germany will surrender and WWI will come to an end