INFORMAL AMENDING Sometimes the Constitution can be changed and added to without a nationwide vote
Congressional Legislation Congress passes laws, under its given powers. Such as the Commerce Clause Regulation of interstate and foreign commerce.
Presidential Actions Introduces Bills Sends troops to war, without declaring war Executive agreements- with other heads of state, which are legally binding
Judicial Review Interpretation of the Constitution to match the times Technology Transportation etc.
Political Parties Not mentioned in the Constitution but profoundly effect the outcome and interpretation of it.
Custom and Usage Custom: Cabinet members and approval Usage: Vice president inherits in death
FORMAL AMENDING Proposing Amendments 2/3 vote in the Senate and the House All 27 proposed this way 2/3 of state legislatures request a national convention, with a simple majority. Never used
Ratifying Amendments 3/4 of State Legislatures can vote in favor Traditional ratification method 26, amendments ratified this way 3/4 of states can call special conventions to ratify.