POD 2 nd Semester
Week “Twenty years from now, maybe football won’t exist at all.” Due to concussions and other injuries participation in youth football has decreased. What do you think, should football change or end? Why? CNN Student News
NO POD – No school cold weather
What is “Charlie Hebdo? Why was a terrorist attack made against them yesterday in Paris, and why is this considered an attack on democracy and the freedom of the press? CNN Student News
NewsQuiz 1.In what sea, located between Indonesia and Singapore, are investigators searching for a missing AirAsia passenger plane? 2. The first U.S. Congress began its service in What number represents the Congress that started its work this week? 3. In what city is the headquarters of Charlie Hebdo, a satire magazine that was attacked by terrorists this week? 4. What is the name of the American silversmith who overlaid the dome of the Massachusetts State House with copper? 5. What viral infection, which affects several hundred Americans each year, is charactrized by swelling of the parotid glands in cheeks? 6. What modern-day calendar was named for a pope who reigned in the 1500s?