1 Presenter, Position EFPSA official presentation
2 What does EFPSA do? EFPSA organises annual academic events across Europe and hosts online resources - altogether providing psychology students opportunity for academic, professional and personal development. Our activities are guided by four goals: to serve psychology students, contribute to society, improve psychology, and link professionals, academics, and students.
3 32 European Members Member Organisations Observer Organisations
4 Scientific cooperation between European psychology students Mission
5 To enhance the mobility of European psychology students
6 Mission Social & cultural cooperation between European psychology students.
7 Mission To represent European psychology students in the professional world.
8 EFPSA events
9 300 psychology students gathering for a week of scientific, cultural and social activities Congress
10 EFPSA Congresses so far… Lisbon, Portugal 2002 Avanos, Turkey 1988 Liege, Belgium 2003 Porto, Portugal 1989 Lund, Sweden 2004 Kopaonik, Serbia and Montenegro 1990 Lyon, France 2005 San Rafael, Spain 1991 Geneva, Switzerland 2006 Spindlruv Mlyn, Czech Republic 1992 Bergen, Norway 2007 Turku, Finland 1993 Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2008 Tuščiaulių Kaimas, Lithuania 1994 Lancaster, UK 2009 Altleiningen, Germany 1995 Pula, Croatia 2010 Baarlo, The Netherlands 1996 Jyväskylä, Finland 2011 Borowice, Poland 1997 Jurmala, Latvia 2012 Rødby, Denmark 1998 Skofja Loka, Slovenia 2013 Izmir, Turkey 1999 Troia, Portugal 2014, Oradea, Romania 2000 Jäneda, Estonia 2001 Budapest, Hungary Coming soon: Czech Republic, Šumava, 2015
11 29th EFPSA Congress: Czech Republic, 2015
12 European Summer School An event for 36 psychology students from across Europe, establishing 6 research groups led by PhD-student or postdoc supervisors Bringing together academics, undergraduates and post-graduates Enrolment into the Junior Researcher Programme A research-based summer school
13 Train the Trainers Summer School One week of training for 12 motivated psychology students learning from professional trainers Participants gaining skills, knowledge and attitude suited for delivering non-formal education across a wide range of topics Follow-up support to gain practical experience as a trainer in & for EFPSA A uniquely creative learning environment
14 Train Advanced Trainers 9 days of training for 25 youth trainers An event of non-formal education open to all youth trainers, bringing various youth NGOs together. Local impact: a day trainings delivered to local students A school for experienced trainers of the student NGO world
15 A new academically oriented event from EFPSA Conference 2 nd Conference: Slovakia, November 2015 Four days, 150 students Lectures from researchers, professionals & students
16 EFPSA Day A promotional day at universities all over Europe Spread the word about EFPSA at your University! Goal: to get as many Psychology students from all over Europe as possible familiar with EFPSA Organisers get a full support from the EFPSA Day Coordinator
17 EFPSA Day Introducing the EFPSA Box
18 EFPSA services
19 A step-by-step guide for planning bachelor and master level exchanges Shared experience stories from other psychology students Detailed information on university fees, courses, and languages A new online online database of postgraduate programmes available Online resources for studying psychology across Europe Study Abroad
20 A couch-surfing tool aiming to support a Europe-wide free lodging network for psychology students Travel Network
21 A peer-reviewed scientific journal for psychology students Submissions any time Open Access Professional feedback from academics Support with your first academic publication Journal of European Psychology Students |
22 Journal of European Psychology Students Published by Ubiquity Press Advantages: - 1st step in your scientific career - continuous feedback at each step - work with PhD students in your field We also have a blog, the JEPS BULLETIN - academic writing, publishing, research skills, interviews and we are on Facebook!
23 Junior Researcher Programme A fully-supported 13-month framework for research projects established at the European Summer School Professional direction from well-established academics Dissemination of research through the EFPSA Journal Studies conclude with internships, currently hosted at the University of Cambridge
24 Supporting professional & personal development of EFPSA Providing trainings over several internal events Collaborating with trainers from other organisations Training Office
25 Structure
26 Board of Management 2014/2015 Steering EFPSA through a one year mandate President | Mariyan Vasev Vice-President | Spyridoula Chalari Secretary General | Mirna Cerovac Head of Finance | Jayne Hamilton Activities Officer |Ana Odabasic Marketing Officer | Tajana Lucic Member Representatives’ Coordinator | Alexander Gruhn
27 Legislative Body 32 member organisations deciding the future direction of EFPSA at General Assemblies
28 The working community of EFPSA gathering to ensure its sustainability and development Joint Executive Board & Member Representatives Meeting
29 Imeediate Past President Junior Researcher Programme JEPS Training Office External Relations Social Impact Initiative Internal Relations Representatives and Vice Representatives from member organisations Observer Coach Member Coach Marketing Office, Web team & EFPSA Day President Vice President Secretary General Head of FInance Activities Officer Marketing Officer Member Representatives Coordinator Board of Management Executive Board Elect All EFPSA events Sponsorship Coordinator Grants Coordinator The structure of EFPSA
30 Why get involved ?
31 Scientific knowledge from experts, students and practitioners Academic publishing European research groups Networking between students and academics A step forward in your academic career
32 Building professional skills Challenging & rewarding experiences of organising and hosting international events Responsibility for online services Representation of national student associations at a European level
33 Make use of our online services Attend an international event Work for EFPSA Follow us on and What to do now