Decolonization of Africa and India Global Regents Review Patten/Valdner
India Pakistan broke from India because of Muslim and Hindu Conflict East Pakistan is called Bangladesh
India Caste System Reforms have been made but it is still a part of rural life Status Of Women Women were granted the right to vote and there was a woman Prime Minister Sikh Separatism Demand for Self-Rule Tension between the Sikhs and Hindus
Africa Kwame Nkrumah and Jomo Kenyatta Both ended colonialism in their African Nation
Africa Tribalism Pride in one’s tribe Led to Civil War in Nigeria and Rwanda
Apartheid Legal separation of the races Nelson Mandela Leader of the African National Congress (ANC) Jailed for trying to end the apartheid Became S. Africa’s 1 st Black President Desmond Tutu Civil Rights Leader who tried to end the Apartheid F.W. de Klerk President of S. Africa Worked with Mandela to end Apartheid Was succeeded by Mandela
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh Leader of North Vietnam Communist