Exercise Physiology
MAP = CO x TPR Structure of the heart Cardiac output Cardiac cycle Control of heart rate Control of stroke volume Total peripheral resistance Functions of vessels Local control of resistance Central control of resistance Regulation of CO and TPR Cardiovascular changes during exercise
The Cardiac Cycle Systole ___________ phase Diastole _________ phase Fig 9.5
Definitions Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) pressure measured in brachial artery during systole (ventricular emptying and ventricular contraction period) Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP) pressure measured in brachial artery during diastole (ventricular filling and ventricular relaxation) Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) "average" pressure throughout the cardiac cycle against the walls of the proximal systemic arteries (aorta) estimated as: MAP = DBP + 1/3(SBP – DBP) Total Peripheral Resistance (TPR) - the sum of all forces that oppose blood flow Length of vasculature Blood viscosity Vessel radius TPR = ( MAP - MVP) CO
Factors That Influence Arterial Blood Pressure Fig 9.8
PRELOAD AND AFTERLOAD IN THE HEART INCREASE IN FILLING PRESSURE=INCREASED PRELOAD PRELOAD REFERS TO END DIASTOLIC VOLUME. AFTERLOAD IS THE AORTIC PRESSURE DURING THE EJECTION PERIOD/AORTIC VALVE OPENING. LAPLACES’S LAW & WALL STRESS, WS = P X R / 2(wall thickness) A preloaded muscle is one in which some tension has been applied before the muscle performs any work. In the case of the heart this tension is provided by the End Diastolic Volume (EDV). Afterload refers to the load that the preloaded muscle has to work against. In the heart it refers to the aortic pressure present just at the instant that the aortic valve opens. Thus, the higher the aortic diastolic pressure, the more work the heart has to perform to pump blood into it. A higher aortic pressure means more afterload. Afterload is also defined as the Ventricular Wall Stress that develops during systolic ejection. It can be estimated using Laplace’s Law: VWS = Pressure x radius / 2 (wall thickness) The pressure can be estimated from arterial systolic pressure. In heart failure the dilated heart increases its thickness to reduce wall stress. This is a compensatory measure.
THE HEART AS A PUMP REGULATION OF CARDIAC OUTPUT Heart Rate via sympathetic & parasympathetic nerves Stroke Volume Frank-Starling “Law of the Heart” Changes in Contractility MYOCARDIAL CELLS (FIBERS) Regulation of Contractility Length-Tension and Volume-Pressure Curves The Cardiac Function Curve
Autoregulation (Frank-Starling “Law of the Heart”) CARDIAC OUTPUT = STROKE VOLUME x HEART RATE Contractility Sympathetic Nervous System Parasympathetic Nervous System
Cardiorespiratory System At Rest and With Exercise Heart Rate Rest 50-90 bpm Exercise Up to 170-210 bpm Respirations Rest 12-20 breathes per minute Exercise 40-60 breathes per minute Blood Pressure (Systole=Contraction Diastole=Relaxation) Rest 110/70 Exercise 175/65 Cardiac Output (SV x HR) Rest 5 quarts/min. Exercise 20 or more quarts/min.
Blood flow during exercise CO is redirected due to: local metabolic autoregulation in working muscle causing arteriolar dilation offset by centrally mediated generalised sympathetic arteriolar constriction circulating epinephrine causes - arteriolar constriction in most tissues (ie those expressing a receps)
Redistribution of Blood Flow During Exercise Fig 9.24
The Effects of Exercise Immediate Effects: *Increase in HR, since higher demand for oxygen. *Increase in BP, as a result of ↑ blood flow. *Increase in supply, delivery, and use of oxygen by muscle. *Increase in body temperature. *Increase in certain hormones/ neurotransmitters , especially epinephrine which stimulates a rise in all body functions. *Increase in metabolism.
Effects of Aerobic Training on Cardiovascular Function Heart rate Stroke volume a-v O2 difference Cardiac output VO2 Systolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure Coronary blood flow Brain blood flow Blood volume Plasma volume Red blood cell mass Heart volume
Myocardial Hypertrophy Aerobic training. Thicker walls and greater volume Strength training. Thicker walls only Pathological. Thicker but weaker walls
CV Function and Endurance Training Increase in EDV (increase chamber size) Endurance training Increase myocardial mass (increase force of contraction) Strength training
CV Function and Endurance Training Increase in parasympathetic inhibition of the SA node (mostly at rest) Decrease in sympathetic stimulation (mostly during exercise)
BLOOD PRESSURE Greatest effect on high blood pressure Systolic: lower resting and submax 10 mm Hg decrease Diastolic lower maximum Why? Weight loss Reduce sympathetic stimulation Other
BLOOD FLOW Blood flow Coronary: higher at rest, submax, and max. Greater SV and lower HR cause a reduction in mVO2. Greater vascularity only in diseased hearts
Redistribution of Blood Flow During Exercise Fig 9.24
BLOOD FLOW Skeletal blood flow Increase vasularity (capillaries) Increased O2 and fuel delivery Decrease resistance → decrease afterload → increase Q Decrease flow at submax exercise Compenstated by an increase O2 extraction Greater blood flow to skin Increase flow at maximal exercise (10%) Due to greater Q and vasularity
Causes venous distension in legs 20mmHg 0mmHg +80mmHg -40mmHg -20mmHg 100mmHg 20mmHg 0mmHg Causes venous distension in legs VR, EDV, preload, SV, CO, MAP causes orthostatic (postural) hypotension
Chronic adaptations to Aerobic training WITHIN THE MUSCLE TISSUE The following tissue changes occur: Increased O2 utilisation increased size and number of mitochondria Increased myoglobin stores Increased muscular fuel stores Increased oxidation of glucose and fats Decreased utilisation of the anaerobic glycolysis (LA) system Muscle fibre type adaptations
Chronic adaptations to Aerobic training Cardiac hypertrophy (increased ventricular volume) Increased capillarisation of the heart muscle Increased stroke volume Lower resting heart rate Lower heart rate during sub max workloads Improved heart rate recovery rates
Chronic adaptations to Aerobic training Increased cardiac output at max. workloads Lower blood pressure Increased arterio-venous oxygen difference (a-VO2 diff) Increased blood volume and haemoglobin levels Increased capillarisation of skeletal muscle
Chronic adaptations to Aerobic training Changes to blood cholesterol, triglycerides, lipoprotein levels (L.D.L’s and H.D.L’s) Increased lung ventilation Increased max. oxygen uptake (VO2 max) Increased anaerobic threshold
Cardiovascular Adjustments to Exercise Fig 9.23
LACATE LEVELS Lactic acid comes to blood from muscles, in which aerobic resynthesis of energy stores cannot keep pace with their utilization and a oxygen debt is being incurred. With increased production of Lactic acid, the increase in ventilation and production of carbon-dioxide remains proportionate, to an extent. If lactic acid accumulates further , it causes metabolic acidosis Accumulation in skeletal muscles causes pain.
The respiratory rate after exercise does not reach basal levels until the oxygen debt is paid. This may take as long as 90 minutes. Stimulus: elevated lactic acid in blood When the oxygen debt is paid, -ATP & phosphorylcreatine resynthesized -lactic acid is removed – 80% converted to glycogen, 20% metabolised in to CO2 & H2O
The athlete can work harder for longer INCREASED ANAEROBIC OR LACTATE THRESHOLD As a result of improved O2 delivery & utilisation a higher lactate threshold (the point where O2 supply cannot keep up with O2 demand) is developed. Much higher exercise intensities can therefore be reached and LA and H+ ion accumulation is delayed. The athlete can work harder for longer
Blood Lactate Levels
Effects of Exercise on Respiration When talking about the respiratory system we are talking about the lungs, air passages and our breathing (ventilation).
Respiratory Capacities Figure 13.9 36
Lung capacities Total lung capacity: The volume lation in the lungs at maximal in Tidal volume: The amount of air inhaled in or exhaled out of the lungs during quiet breathing Inspiratory reserve volume: The maximal volume that can be inhaled from the end inspiratory level Expiratory reserve volume: The maximal volume of air that can be exhaled from end expiratory position Residual volume: The volume of air that remains in the lung after a maximal expiration Vital capacity: the volume of air exhaled out after the deepest breathing
Chronic adaptations to Aerobic training RESPIRATORY ADAPTATIONS Just as there are cardiovascular adaptations to AEROBIC training there are also respiratory adaptations. These include: Increased lung ventilation Increased oxygen uptake Increased anaerobic or lactate threshold
Chronic adaptations to Aerobic training RESPIRATORY ADAPTATIONS INCREASED LUNG VENTILATION Aerobic training results in a more efficient and improved lung ventilation. At REST and during SUB MAX. work ventilation may be decreased due to improved oxygen extraction (pulmonary diffusion), however during MAX. work ventilation is increased because of increased tidal volume and respiratory frequency.
Respiratory Adaptations From Aerobic Training Respiratory system functioning usually does not limit performance because ventilation can be increased to a greater extent than cardiovascular function. Slight increase in Total lung Capacity Slight decrease in Residual Lung Volume Increased Tidal Volume at maximal exercise levels Decreased respiratory rate and pulmonary ventilation at rest and at submaximal exercise (RR) decreases because of greater pulmonary efficiency Increased respiratory rate and pulmonary ventilation at maximal exercise levels from increased tidal volume
Cardiorespiratory Endurance VO2MAX is the best indicator of cardiorespiratory endurance.
VO2MAX Maximal O2 consumption by tissues VO2max = COmax * maximum O2 extraction by the tissue Absolute and relative measures. absolute = l . min-1 relative = ml . kg-1 . min-1 VO2 = SV x HR x a-vO2diff
Effects on Oxygen Uptake or Volume of Oxygen Consumed (VO2) Oxygen uptake (VO2) is the amount of oxygen taken up and used by the body. It reflects the total amount of work being done by the body. During strenuous exercise there can be a twenty-fold increase in VO2 which increases linearly with increases in the intensity of the exercise.
VO2 Training has little effect on resting VO2 Training has little effect on submaximal VO2 Example, running at 8 mph at a 0% grade is always at VO2 of ~24.9 ml/kg/min Training increases maximal VO2 (VO2max) 15-20% (but as high as 50%) increase.
Effects on Oxygen Uptake or Volume of Oxygen Consumed (VO2) As a person approaches exhaustion, his or her VO2 will reach a maximum above which it will not increase further. This figure is his or her VO2 Maximum; that is, the largest amount of oxygen that a person can utilize within a given time (for example, 50 litres per minute).
VO2max Training to increase VO2max Expected increases in VO2max Large muscle groups, dynamic activity 20-60 min, 3-5 times/week, 50-85% VO2max Expected increases in VO2max 15% (average) - 40% (strenuous or prolonged training) Greater increase in highly deconditioned or diseased subjects Genetic predisposition Accounts for 40%-66% VO2max
VO2max Higher Q at max High a-v 02 difference
Chronic adaptations to Aerobic training RESPIRATORY ADAPTATIONS INCREASED MAXIMUM OXYGEN UPTAKE (VO2 MAX) VO2 max is improved as a result of aerobic training – it can be improved between 5 to 30 %. (LIU page 255) Improvements are a result of: -Increases in cardiac output -red blood cell numbers -a-VO2 diff - muscle capillarisation - greater oxygen extraction by muscles
Chronic adaptations to Aerobic training RESPIRATORY ADAPTATIONS VO2 MAX
Respiratory Adaptations From Aerobic Training Unchanged pulmonary diffusion at rest and submaximal exercise. Increased pulmonary diffusion during maximal exercise. from increased circulation and increased ventilation from more alveoli involved during maximal exercise Increased A-VO2 difference especially at maximal exercise.
Chronic adaptations to Aerobic training RESPIRATORY ADAPTATIONS WORDS to KNOW Arterio-venous oxygen difference Pulmonary diffusion Lung ventilation Tidal volume Respiratory frequency VO2 max Lactate threshold
Pulmonary Adaptations: Most static lung volumes remain essentially unchanged after training.
Pulmonary Adaptations: Tidal volume, though unchanged at rest and during submaximal exercise, increases with maximal exertion.
Pulmonary Adaptations: Respiratory rate remains steady at rest, can decrease slightly with submaximal exercise, but increases considerably with maximal exercise after training.
Pulmonary Adaptations: The combined effect of increased tidal volume and respiration rate is an increase in pulmonary ventilation at maximal effort following training.
Pulmonary Adaptations: Pulmonary diffusion at maximal work rates increases, probably because of increased ventilation and increased lung perfusion.
Pulmonary Adaptations: a-vO2diff increases with training, reflecting an increased oxygen extraction by the tissues and more effective blood distribution.
Cardiorespiratory Adaptations From Anaerobic Training Small increase in cardiorespiratory endurance Small increase in VO2 Max Small increases in Stroke Volume
Cardiorespiratory Adaptations From Resistance Training Small increase in left ventricle size Decreased resting heart rate Decreased submaximal heart rate Decreased resting blood pressure is greater than from endurance training Resistance training has a positive effect on aerobic endurance but aerobic endurance has a negative effect on strength, speed and power. muscular strength is decreased reaction and movement times are decreased agility and neuromuscular coordination are decreased concentration and alterness are decreased
Aerobic Training The minimum period for chronic adaptations to occur is 6 weeks. Adaptations from aerobic training can occur at the muscle site and in the cardio-respiratory systems.