Catalyst: Complete this on your post-it! Jan. 26 th, When muscles are exercised vigorously without sufficient oxygen: a. a lot of ATP is formed b. NADH molecules split c. lactic acid is produced d. fermentation produces ATP 2. In Adenosine Triphosphate, potential energy is stored: a. Adenine b. Ribose c. Between the phosphate bonds d. None of the above 3. What is the complete equation for cellular respiration?
Agenda Catalyst(5 minutes) Cellular Respiration Review and Concept Map (20 minutes) BOOM! Bag (15 minutes) Homework: Honors Projects due 3/13 DBA 14: 2/2 Cellular Respiration Quiz
Announcements Office hours tomorrow Raffle winners Brownies…YUM! Update Progress Report grades Lab TOMORROW! (Comfy clothes/Get ready to get buff)
YUMS Kayla C. Lashona, Raven, Camryn, Jada, Kristian, Bryanni Younes DeMarques, Antonio, Amaree, LaMarrius, Roger Alyssa, Okemeyia, Khalia
Unit 5: Guiding Questions How do plants make food for themselves? Why do all organisms need some source of food? Why do we and most other organisms need oxygen?
Today’s SPI & Objectives SPI Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. SWBAT summarize the overall process of aerobic respiration in terms of its location and products SWBAT determine whether anaerobic or aerobic respiration is used to provide energy in a given situation
Cellular Respiration Video The animation shows and summarizes the entire process of cellular respiration nt/animations/content/cellularrespiratio n.html
Cellular Respiration Review Take 5 minutes to begin completing the review independently. We will then begin answering questions via random calling.
Cellular Respiration Concept Map What reactant is needed to begin cellular respiration? Glucose During what stage of cellular respiration is glucose broken down? Glycolysis How many ATP are produced during glycolysis? 2 ATP In what part of the cell does glycolysis occur? Cytoplasm
Cellular Respiration Concept Map Is glycolysis considered aerobic or anaerobic respiration? Anaerobic respiration What is not required for anaerobic respiration to occur? Oxygen What product of glycolysis is used during aerobic respiration (Krebs cycle and electron transport chain)? Pyruvate
Cellular Respiration Concept Map What is the name of the process that pyruvate is used in when oxygen is not present (anaerobic) after glycolysis? Fermentation What is produced during fermentation? Lactic acid
Cellular Respiration Concept Map What stage comes after glycolysis and begins aerobic respiration? Krebs cycle In what part of the cell does the Krebs cycle occur? Mitochondria What gas is produced by cells during the Krebs cycle? CO2 (carbon dioxide)
Cellular Respiration Concept Map How many ATP are produced during the Krebs cycle? 2 ATP What two electron carriers are produced in the Krebs cycle and used in the final stage of cellular respiration? 8 NADH and 2 FADH2
Cellular Respiration Concept Map What is the third and final stage of cellular respiration? Electron transport chain What product of cellular respiration is formed during the electron transport chain? Water (H2O) How many ATP are produced during the electron transport chain? 32 ATP
Boom Bag With a partner or 2 partners Slips of paper: Question on the front and answer on the back Partner A removes a slip and asks Partner B the question while HIDING the answer. If Partner B gets the question correct, they may keep the slip of paper. This counts as a point. The partner with the most points wins! Catch: If Partner A pulls a slip with “BOOM”, Partner B loses all their points and must put all their slips back into the bag.
Reminder Lab tomorrow! Check Google calendar for updates, reminders, and lessons.
January 27 th, 2015 You need a sheet of paper and your binder. We will be taking a Binder quiz over Unit 5 notes (Assignments 1 – 6). 5 total questions You may use a “Pop Quiz” pass OR “Binder Check” pass!
Agenda Catalyst/PreLab: 5 minutes The Effects of Exercise on Cellular Respiration: Purpose, Hypothesis, Variables: 10 minutes Lab Continued: Trials and Data: 20 minutes Lab conclusion questions: Remainder/Homework Homework: Lab Report Honors Projects due 3/13 DBA 14: 2/2 Unit 5 study guide Cellular Respiration Quiz
Announcements Cellular Respiration quiz tomorrow
Purpose/Background: 2 mins Purpose:To determine the effect of exercise on the rate of cellular respiration. Background: Cellular respiration is an aerobic process that involves the breakdown of glucose to release usable energy for the cell. This process occurs in the mitochondria of most eukaryotic cells. The overall equation of cellular respiration is as follows: The waste products of cellular respiration are carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and water (H 2 O). Carbon dioxide is a gas that is released from the cells and the body during exhalation. When carbon dioxide is combined with water, it forms carbonic acid (H 2 CO 3 ). In this lab, you will form carbonic acid by bubbling your breath through water. You’ll then test for the presence of carbonic acid with the indicator, phenolphthalein. This indicator is pink in the presence of a base, such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH), and clear in the presence of an acid, such as carbonic acid (H 2 CO 3 ). By recording the time it takes to neutralize a basic solution with your breath, one can determine the relative amount of carbon dioxide being exhaled. This also indicates the relative rate at which cellular respiration is occurring in the body.
Pre-Lab Questions: 5 minutes What are the waste products of cellular respiration?_______________ & ______________ What does carbon dioxide become when mixed with water?______________ ___________ What color is phenolphthalein in the presence of a base?________________ What color is phenolphthalein in the presence of an acid (CO2 and Water)?_______________ How can phenolphthalein be used to determine the rate at which cellular respiration is occurring in the body?___________________________________________ ________
Hypothesis Hypothesis Form
Procedure: 13 minutes Pour 75 ml of distilled water into a 250 ml flask. Add 5 drops of phenolphthalein to the water. If the water turns pink, there is no CO 2 present and you may move on to step 5. If the water remains clear, you must neutralize the CO 2 that is present by adding NaOH. Add the NaOH drop by drop and swirl the water to see if the pink color remains. Add 3 drops of NaOH so that the water in your flask stays a deep pink color. MS. MITCHELL WILL ASSIST YOU WITH THIS STEP. Starting with a DEEP PINK solution now, sit very quietly for two minutes without moving. Place the end of a soda straw into the deep pink solution you’ve prepared. Breathe in deeply and start timing when you slowly exhale through the straw into the solution. Continue to exhale (plug your nose so you don’t sneak any breaths) until the solution is no longer pink. (This is your control group.) Record the time it took for the color change in your observation table. Prepare a new water sample as you did before, adding the same 3 drops of NaOH. Solution should be deep pink. Exercise for one minutes by walking, running, or jumping in place. Following the same procedure, start timing as you EXHALE your breathe into the solution until it is no longer pink. Record the time it took for the color change in the observation table.
Pre-Lab Discussion: Remainder Finish the questions. If you do not complete in class, HOMEWORK!