Social Justice – JCP Community Work Coach Team
What is Social Justice? ‘‘Social Justice is about giving individuals and families facing multiple disadvantages the support and tools they need to turn their lives around”
What is the Social Justice Strategy? The strategy sets out a vision of society in which families and individuals get the support they need to turn their lives around. We aim to deliver in line with a set of principles which include: a focus on prevention and early intervention concentration on recovery and independence locally designed solutions – Leeds SJ CWC Team
How do we do it? Drug and alcohol dependency/recovery In Leeds we have set up a new Social Justice Community Work Coach Team which will focus on providing flexible Employment and Training support to those who fall within the Social Justice client groups i.e. Drug and alcohol dependency/recovery Health and disability issues (including Mental Health) Housing and Homelessness Offending behaviour/Youth offending (including Gang culture) Domestic Violence Severe indebtedness Ethnic Minorities/Refugees and cultural barriers Care Leavers Troubled Families (“Families First” in Leeds) Welfare reform changes (Specifically Benefit Cap and Under- occupancy)
Why do it? It’s a real opportunity for us to get more effective long term results for a group of people that include our most vulnerable claimants. We can help adapt the JCP claimant journey towards work to better meet the needs of these individuals and families. We can build on existing partnerships and progress ways of working which are already effective eg: Leeds Drug Recovery model. Families First, Links with Housing Providers, Prison Advisers/Probation We want to work directly with Public, Private and Voluntary sector organisations to: Link up our services more holistically Share expertise, best practice and innovation
Community Work Coach Delivery model? Social Justice Community Work Coaches are able to work from external provider premises alongside professional key workers to provide more joined up support for the individual. In order for the CWC to work with the individual they should be pre or post Work Programme and must be willing to engage for employment and training support. Participants must still continue to meet the eligibility criteria to receive working age benefits. If we take a person on the CWC caseload they will be removed from the Jobcentre Adviser caseload for the period of time that they continue to engage with the CWC.
Community Work Coach Delivery model cont… The benefits of working with the CWC are that they can agree realistic steps on their journey to work whilst also continue to address other barriers which may be preventing them from fully engaging in the JCP regime. This will be reflected in their Claimant Commitment/Action Plan For JSA claimants, they will still need to attend the Fortnightly signing review at the Jobcentre and demonstrate that they still satisfy the conditions for receipt of Jobseekers Allowance
Where are we working from? Local Authority Jobshops/One Stop Centres Children’s Centres Probation services / Approved premises Housing support services – Hostels, supported accommodation. Leeds Refugee forum Community support groups Drug Treatment/Recovery Commissioned services Health and Mental Health organisations Libraries, Community Centres
Social Justice CWCs – Lead roles and contact details Name Lead Role Telephone Contact Christine Street SJ CWC Team Manager 0113 2850173 / 07920577364 Simon Lonsdale MSF project 07920806493 Mark Wilson Families First 07855319830 Lindsey Gowland 07769725684 Louis Raven Drug/Alcohol/Offending 07769741311 Bernard Idowu 07796276175 Kirsty White Housing/Homelessness/Debt 07881665809 Priviledge Mpofu Ethnic Minorities/Refugees 07769741459 Manny Singh 07769725558 Allison Yates Health and Mental Health 07881831003 Marie Child Leeds Employment DHP pilot 07810507309 Kelly Simms 07891270633 Sue Holdsworth Benefit Cap 07500987120
Referrals To make a referral to the Social Justice Community Work Coach Team Email: LEEDS.SOCIALJUSTICECWC@DWP.GSI.GOV.UK