COMPASS09 Annual Conference of Compass Informatics
Welcome to Compass09! An opportunity to exchange knowledge …and for Compass to learn also. An opportunity to showcase the work that is being led by Irish organisations in the use of information management and geographic technologies. An expression of our interest in working with both existing and new client organisations.
Agenda Overview for Compass09 Applications strand – with a number of themes Technologies strand – with selected technology partners but maintaining our independence Opportunity to switch between strands Discussion greatly encouraged Exhibits – opportunity for additional discussion
:: Natural & Water Resources Management :: Land & Asset Management Information Systems :: Urban, Regional, Socio-economic, and Transport Planning :: Local & Central Government Information Systems Presentations reflect our core application areas…
And reflect our core services.. :: GIS & Data Services Data conversion, data supply Database design and management Spatial analysis :: Systems Development Web mapping & multimedia solutions, web design Software & data systems development :: Ecology & Planning Services Operation of the National Biodiversity Data Centre Field studies supported by spatial ICT solutions :: Earth Observation & Survey GPS/GNSS field surveys Spatial video for asset management LIDAR and imagery surveys
Geomatics Workflow And reflect a geomatics workflow..
Why Utilise Geomatics… Methods for effective information sharing – making data available in a form that is accessible, interpretable, updateable. Provides data in a form that facilitates integration with other data, and analysis and scenario modelling. Provides tools for efficient and accurate data creation and capture at a reasonable cost. Develops skills to utilise, maintain and support these functions and systems.
Applications strand Information sharing and reporting solutions in Planning WaterMaps – the River Basin Management Plans mapping system The Local Authority Self Service Pre-Planning System species mapping system Unregulated Landfill & Extractive Facilities Risk Assessment Land Asset Survey & Information Systems Land & Asset Survey Solutions The Green Belt Forestry Survey & Mapping System Advances in asset inventory using LIDAR and other methods Data analysis and modelling in Neighbourhood & Regional Planning Local services accessibility modelling for better local planning Journey time modelling for the Dublin area Data analysis and modelling in Environmental Regulation & Management The Compass hydrology GIS toolkit & its applications Assimilative Capacity Modelling for Wastewater Discharge Licensing marine forecasting system – integrated modelling & Web mapping Spatial Data Analysis for National Flood Estimation & Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment
Common threads High functionality systems now delivered on the Web. Geomatics is now mainstream IT and elements of mainstream IT such as reporting systems integrate with WebGIS. Datasets are fundamental to all systems. Real improvements made in available datasets and databases. Geomatics-based systems are providing solid evidence based systems for consultation, analysis, and planning.
Operating the National Biodiversity Data Centre on behalf of the Heritage Council The hub of biodiversity data for Ireland
INSPIRE Master Classes Classes are just one element in our INSPIRE related work Strategic support Training - including the Master Classes Information Asset Registers design & creation Web Portal development for data discovery & delivery
Technologies strand Cadcorp GIS - Session 1 – Desktop GIS productivity Crossover opportunity between strands GPS Solutions for Mobile GIS ERDAS Imagery & Data Delivery Solutions Behind the scenes of ESRI ArcGIS Server Open Source Software Options for INSPIRE Cadcorp GIS - Session 2 - WebGIS and Interoperability Crossover opportunity between strands GPS Solutions for Mobile GIS – Repeat Crossover to closing remarks
Making technology choices in our clients interest…
COMPASS09 Annual Conference of Compass Informatics Emmanuel Blanchard - Magellan
Win a Mobile GIS / GPS Magellan MobileMapper6 to be won! Post-processing to submetre accuracy Complete the feedback form and place in the box at reception by end of the day. Winner announced at reception.
COMPASS09 Annual Conference of Compass Informatics