THE IBMYP PERSONAL PROJECT IBPYP Exhibition Parent Information Evening 2014
What is the core of the PYP model? Learner Profile
Inquirer Balanced Risk Taker Open Minded Principled Knowledgeable Caring Reflective Communicator Thinker 4
What’s different? What stays the same? Just another Unit of Inquiry- just longer. All Western Australian and National Curriculum requirements are still addressed. This includes Literacy and Numeracy. Religious Education continues. Classroom procedures and expectations remain constant. 5
What’s different? What stays the same? Yes, key learning areas are still addressed. – English, Numeracy, Science, SOSE and Religion are all still explicitly addressed. This may mean that in some cases we deliver this material as a stand alone unit from the Unit of Inquiry. – Students who have extra needs will still be supported in their learning and are catered for with the Unit of Inquiry, just as with any other unit. 6
What is the “Exhibition”? An opportunity to demonstrate independence and responsibility for their own learning An opportunity for students to take action as a result of their learning An opportunity to engage in an in-depth, collaborative inquiry An opportunity to explore multiple perspectives A culminating celebration of the PYP learning journey 7
Inquiry Cycle 8
What does the exhibition mean for our Year 5s? They will participate in selecting an engaging issue or problem for the exhibition They will develop an inquiry through the central idea, lines of inquiry and their burning question. They will work collaboratively and independently to plan the exhibition, using a range of resources. Demonstrate their understanding of the knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes and action addressed through the unit. 9
Activity Let’s imagine you are in Year 5 and have just been introduced to the focus for your Exhibition. What sorts of activities might be used to “tune in”? List two (2) burning questions that you would like answered Where might you go to find your information to answer these? 10
Our Role 11 Guide Guide Evaluate Evaluate Action Action Teacher Parents Mentor Student Support Facilitate
How can parents help? Parents can: Ask your child about the Exhibition Support and encourage your child Support by participating in research sessions Help locate resources- people, places, media and information Let your child solve their own problems. Let your child be responsible for their own learning. Celebrate with students by attending the final presentation. 12
Issues? During the course of the Exhibition your child might take an interest in a topic that conflicts with your family values. For example: You may not yet want them to watch the news with particular images. It is important you communicate this to your child’s teacher so that they are aware. 13
Homework Homework will be reduced to allow for independent research. Further research and activities for the Exhibition will be completed as required. Due dates will remain the same. 14
Action Action is a response, attitude, representation that emerges as a result of their investigation of their burning question. It could be a range of things including: – Changing a behaviour at home – Creating a document or presentation designed to inform or influence – Doing something that makes a long term difference During the inquiry process parents should ask about what type of action their child might consider doing. 15
Action 16
A Parent’s View 17
2014 St Brigid’s College Junior School Exhibition Focus 18
Transdiciplinary Theme Sharing the Planet Inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution. 19
Central idea Water is central to living 20
Tuesday 23 th September Part 1: Exhibition Assembly: pm St Brigid’s gym Part 2: Exhibition and afternoon tea:2.30pm-3.15pm Wandju Room. 21
Something to remember It is the process not the product that is most important. The Exhibition is a tangible celebration your child’s learning. 22