The City of Edinburgh Council Business plan 2015-18 A thriving, sustainable capital city May 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

The City of Edinburgh Council Business plan A thriving, sustainable capital city May 2015

The Challenge Local Government budget cuts Public sector reform Increasing service demands Population change and growth Rising customer expectations Changing skills requirements New ways of working Meet savings requirements Improve customer outcomes Improve performance Improve Council reputation Deliver a lean and agile Council External driversInternal challenges Best Value Citizens and Neighbourhoods Business and Support Services Supporting Workstreams Delivering a lean and agile Council

Council Planning Framework Operational Service and Locality Delivery plans Business & Support Services Council Business Plan A thriving, sustainable capital city Community plan Capital Coalition Pledges Contract with the Capital Transformation Workforce Engagement Budget Council Business Plan One plan providing strategic direction and priorities for all Council services Supported by four foundation strategies Clear line of sight to Coalition Pledge and Community Plan commitments Driving Corporate, operational, and local area delivery plans Underpinned throughout by Council values Key delivery milestone Corporate Policy and Strategy Committee, 9 th June 2015

Council Business Plan Council Vision for Edinburgh is a thriving, sustainable capital city in which all forms of deprivation and inequality are reduced Improve quality of lifeEnsure economic vitalityBuild excellent places Deliver lean and agile Council services To deliver this vision, Council services focus their work around three overlapping strategic themes Across all these themes, we aim to: Transformation Council-wide foundation strategies which support our work Workforce Customer and partner engagementBudget

Delivering a lean and agile Council Facilitating Change Channel Shift Business Insight & Management Information Communication & Engagement ICT Re-Procurement Asset Management Citizens and Neighbourhoods Grants and Partnerships Financial Savings Workforce Strategy & Management Business and Support Services Council Transformation Programme Health & Safety Income Maximisation Risk & Scrutiny Health and Social Care Integration Benefits Tracking All in one place One business insight dashboard Monthly monitoringPaperless reporting Highlights by exception

City of Edinburgh Transformation Business and Support Services – Progress Update May 2015

Business and Support Services – The Journey

Approach to activity analysis: Collection using the excel templates for quantitative data and workshops to capture the qualitative data regarding wider opportunities and strengths – validated with functional areas The data is processed which enables analysis This information is presented in a report to Transformation Programme governance structure Data has been collected across 34 high-level generic activities – a comments column is included to capture specific skills and specific definitions of service delivery where required Activity Analysis Approach Summary What’s captured: Percentage time spent per activity Definition of service being delivered if not clear from the role Name of person(s) in role(s), role, personal reference number/employee ID, Location (geographically) and Level4 structure IT system used in the role

A council led team of 24 cross Directorate staff are delivering the BSS project Activity analysis data capture is in its final stages, over 2200 staff members have been contacted and 80% of the returns have been received The scope has been reviewed and refined to capture staff changes since the development of the original business case and to more accurately align the individual roles with the correct function for the activity analysis In excess of 30 workshops have been held across the Business Support functions to identify organisational strengths and opportunities. They have included staff from a mixture of roles and grades from across the organisation Initial meeting have been held with the functional leads to talk them through the organisation design process and identify the key stakeholder that should be involved in future workshops Key activities and mobilisation

Business Support Services Next steps 1. Complete activity analysis Complete final data collection activities Carry out analysis of the data collected Validate findings Align data to finance cost centres/GLs Determine how opportunities align with the programme blueprint Feed analysis findings into future Organisational Design activities 2. High level organisation design Carry out a change readiness assessment - identify potential barriers to the Council’s change initiative and evaluate the cultural willingness to absorb and accept change Design principles - develop a set of requirements which translate the strategic objectives of BSS into tangible design principles and create a basis for evaluating design options High level design options - create options of new org structures based on activity analysis outputs and opportunities identified and evaluate options against design principles Change impact analysis - assess the scale of change across the functional areas and highlight the implications on people 3. Business case update Update business case to re-validate benefits which reflect the selected high-level designs and take into account change impact assessment findings 10

Consolidation phase plan 11 A holistic high level design will be develop for all the functional areas. Following this the consolidation activities will be delivered in a phased approach. The grouping within the phase will be confirmed once the activity analysis and HL organisational design phases have been completed. The detailed process improvement phase will be developed in detail throughout the consolidation phase.

City of Edinburgh Transformation Citizens and Neighbourhoods – Progress Update May 2015

Citizens and Neighbourhoods – The Journey Validation and Business Review Reconcile and finalise all roles in scope and validate reconciled outputs Collate Activity Analysis Results Collate results and create standardised core outputs Consolidation Consolidation of in-scope roles Undertake activity analysis Run sessions/issue spreadsheets/question naires to all roles in scope to capture activities undertaken/Gather opportunities Transition Transition of roles and reporting lines to new structure Organisational Design Review and re- design of current org structure and processes Performance Improvement Process redesign to develop further efficiencies May – June 2015 July onwards Target operating model Citizens and Neighbourhoods future operating model being developed including dependencies with H&SC Int

Context Scope - 8,000 staff roles and 11,000 staff Roles divided into cluster themes Complexity – teams, services and establishments across the city 6 week timescale Activity Analysis dual focus: - % of time on activities - opportunities to inform future state

Cluster Map 9. Environment Environmental Management Waste Parks and Greenspaces 6. Information Advice & Guidance Customer Services TBC by 30 March Libraries Capturing, directing and providing information and data Registration Complaints 4. Community Safety Community Safety related to people Community Safety related to goods and services 2. Partnerships and Democracy Democracy Partnerships and Integration 8. Economic Prosperity & Leisure Culture Economic Development Sport Festival and Events 1. Learning Early Childhood Inclusion Support for Schools Adult, Youth and Community Services 5. Travel Network Management and Planning Roads Operations TransportStreet Lighting 7. Housing Assets Council HousingPrivate Housing Housing Adaptations Temporary Accommodation 3. People In Need Children with Disabilities Social Work Assessment/ Placement (Adults and Older people)* Mental Health and Substance Misuse* Education Welfare Services Homelessness and Housing Support Physical and Learning Disability services*

Transformational Change Team - credible service area representatives - ambassadors of the change programme - strong value base of locality working Methodology - prioritisation of face-to-face meetings - setting the tone for ongoing engagement - inclusive and creative (e.g. 6am workshop for shift workers)

Opportunities opportunities to date Rich variety of opportunities emerging which support direction of travel Opportunities being identified which will support other projects, for example, Channel Shift

Opportunity Development Process This diagram represents the opportunity development process highlighting how the opportunities will be shortlisted and then presented in the final report.

Engagement Themes Emerging Staff generally welcoming opportunity to engage in process and share insights and ideas Feedback from staff is endorsing key principles of locality working

Next steps Finalise activity analysis as per BSS Scope and define opportunities Update business case including validation of January 2015 assumptions