Carolle Artiles M.A. Transition Teacher Marla Mittskus M.A. Transition Teacher
WorkAbility Transition Partnership Program (TPP) Work Projects Adult Transition Program (ATP)
There are approximately 1100 school districts in California Only 300 districts have WorkAbility Approximately 100 districts have TPP Upland High School has both!
Choosing the Appropriate Job! Choosing the Appropriate Job!
Students in transition classes during high school are more likely to be engaged in post high school education. Our classes include career education, community training, follow-up services, job coaching, life skills, vocational training, and employment skills.
Employment skills is an elective class for students with an active IEP. Need a class outline/curriculum Getting buy-in from administration, students, case carriers and other colleagues. Work with Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA)
Banking/Budgeting Credit Card Smarts Strengths/Values Career Planning/Goal Setting Job Interview Preparation Appropriate Grooming Proper Telephone Etiquette Use of Social Media Cooperation/Collaborat ion at work Communication Skills Attitude Counts Honest/Loyalty to your Job Self-Advocacy/Social Skills Setting Priorities
Preparing students school to work Teaching soft skills Preparing students for college
I Choose C I Choose C
You are driving down the road in your two passenger car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus: 1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die. 2. An old friend who once saved your life. 3. The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.
Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing that there could only be one passenger in your car?
Journal Prompt: What can you do to ensure that you retain all the information you are being told by your boss?
What are potential job interview questions you may be asked by an employer? What are interview tips to teach your students? What does success mean to you and why? What are 3 values you live your life by and why?
Journal Prompt: What is the difference between a value and a valuable?
What are three of your values and how do they apply to the world of work?
Journal Prompt: What is character and why is it important?
Journal Prompt: Do you believe success is a journey or a destination and why?
Journal Prompt: When choosing a career what are three things you need to think about and why?
Journal Prompt: What does the word cooperation mean and why is it important in the work place?
Freedom Writers Cool Runnings Sister Act II Stand and Deliver Forrest Gump Simon Birch
What can you as an employee expect of your employer and why?
Conga Line: Pick the top three things you look for in an employee.
Why is communication on the job important?
Journal Prompt: Give three reasons why people work other than for money and why?
Journal Prompt: What is the difference between a want or a need?
Journal Prompt: Does it require a college education to be successful why or why not?
Student can write about anything they would like to share with the class. All journal entries must be three to five sentences.