Pearson Affordable Learning Fund Ember Melcher & Gregg
61 million primary-aged children are out of school $29 Billion Funding Gap from 2013 to 2015
Vision Our vision is to help of millions children in the world access a quality education in a profitable and scalable manner, and to demonstrate to governments and donors that private education can help educate their youngest citizens in a cost-effective way.
PALF is a venture fund investing in startups that deliver financial returns and high quality education PALF invests in companies that: ● Demonstrate sustainable business models that can generate market financial returns over 5-10 years ● Relentlessly focus on efficacy and learner outcomes ● Target lower income consumer markets ● Have scalable, proven models and credible management teams
What is Affordable Education?
Portfolio Example: eAdvance Spark Schools ●Located in Johannesburg, South Africa ●First private African primary school network to implement blended learning model ●Currently 2 Spark Schools with over 350 students ●Plan to reach 64 schools and over 60,000 students
Impact to Date ● Manage a portfolio of 8 investments serving over 125,000 children in Africa, India and the Philippines and expected to reach over 1 million in the next several years ● Investing in schools, education technology, blended learning models and early childhood education centers in India, SE Asia, Africa and Latin America ● Catalyzing the global affordable learning agenda
About Edupreneurs World’s only incubator that is… Focused on education entrepreneurs in emerging markets focused on low-income learners Run in partnership with Village Capital & Pearson, with experience running 30+ accelerators globally focused on underserved populations Edupreneur Program Progress 2nd Program India & South Africa. Worked with 25 early stage companies through these programs Seed investments made by PALF and Village Capital in top companies Expanding to new markets in 2015 Purpose: (1) build up entrepreneurial ecosystems (2) provide support for early stage entrepreneurs (3) utilize peer review as a diligence and investment vehicle
Journey of an Edupreneur
About Venture Forum (Agenda) The Venture Forum features the 13 Edupreneurs addressing major education challenges in Africa ●5:00-5:20: Partner presentations ●5:30-6:30: Edupreneur Presentations ●6:30-7:30: Edupreneurs Demos (Individual Tables around the room) ●7:30 on: Continued networking, snacks and drinks
Working Together, We Can.... Increase the quality of affordable education and reduce the number of children out of school.
Village Capital Presentation
Omidyar Network Presentation
CEI Presentation