30 Juz in 30 Days JUZ ONE
Class Outline Class etiquettes Taking notes Introduction to the Surah/Juz Tafseer Recitation Reflections/Lessons Learned Recordings available after class PowerPoints on journeytothequran.com
Why are we Learning the Qu’ran? Intention Important points about translation and Arabic Knowing the context and truthfulness of the Qu’ran The SUBJECT of the Qu’ran is….US! Humanity
Etiquettes of Studying the Qu’ran Sitting properly To listen attentively when recitation is being played Method of asking questions (please no fiqh related questions!) Control yawning Interact with the teacher
INSPIRATION AND GEMS FROM TODAY’S JUZ Every page of the Qur’an is filled with glorious gems! Collect as many as you can Listen to Juz translation and explanation to be inspired! Not just passively! Make Note of some Surah Virtues, Important Action points, any comparison and lists of qualities presented. Take inspiration and mark ‘I want to grow this quality’ ============================================================================ JUZ # ________ Al Faatihah: Al Baqarah: QUR’AN VOCABULARY: What do these words mean? How can I relate to them, any story/reference I want to remember. Hidaayah: Muttaqeen : Al Baqarah: POSITIVE TRAITS I should grow NEGATIVE TRAITS that reflect hypocrisy or weakness of belief- Let me check! Do I have any? RAMADAN GOAL IS TO ATTAIN TAQWA, Find in today’s juz what is mentioned related to ‘taqwa’, how you can develop it and how it will help. DUA’ I WILL MEMORIZE: Note Surah Name and verse # // IF its from Sunnah, note gist of dua to look up later.
Surah Fatihah Surah Fatihah is not simply an introduction It’s a prayer and the rest of the Qu’ran is its answer
WIZIQ Link 2 (Please open this link when the first link times out at 7:15 PM)
Surah Baqarah (Juz 1): Intro This surah is the answer to the previous dua: This is the guidance you have asked for” Majority of Surah Baqarah revealed during the first two years of Prophet (SAW)’s life in Madinah
Surah Baqarah Main Themes
REFLECTIONS? What did you learn today