King vs. Bennett The epic fight....
The Players William Lyon Mackenzie King (Liberal Party) December 17, 1874 – July 22, 1950 Canada’s longest serving PM(22 years): December 29, 1921 to June 28, 1926; September 25, 1926 to August 7, 1930; and October 23, 1935 to November 15, 1948 William Lyon Mackenzie King (Liberal Party) December 17, 1874 – July 22, 1950 Canada’s longest serving PM(22 years): December 29, 1921 to June 28, 1926; September 25, 1926 to August 7, 1930; and October 23, 1935 to November 15, 1948 R.B. (Richard Bedford) Bennett (Progressive Conservative Party) July 3, 1870 – June 26, 1947 PM from August 7, 1930, to October 23, 1935 R.B. (Richard Bedford) Bennett (Progressive Conservative Party) July 3, 1870 – June 26, 1947 PM from August 7, 1930, to October 23, 1935
Here they are... KingBennett
The 5 Cent Speech King was the Prime Minister in 1929 when the Great Depression started He gave a famous speech saying that the provinces, not the federal government, should help ordinary Canadians by giving relief He also said that he would not give a “5 cent piece” (a nickel) to any province that did not have a Liberal government King was the Prime Minister in 1929 when the Great Depression started He gave a famous speech saying that the provinces, not the federal government, should help ordinary Canadians by giving relief He also said that he would not give a “5 cent piece” (a nickel) to any province that did not have a Liberal government
How to lose an election... King believed that the Great Depression was not going to last that long, and it would go away on its own He only took minimal steps to improve the economy In the meantime, many Canadians were losing their jobs and their homes King believed that the Great Depression was not going to last that long, and it would go away on its own He only took minimal steps to improve the economy In the meantime, many Canadians were losing their jobs and their homes
So in 1930 they voted against him
And Bennett became Prime Minister
What did Bennett do? Increased tariffs on products made outside the British Empire Tried to increase trade with other countries in the British Empire This didn’t work particularly well since every country was facing economic problems at the time Increased tariffs on products made outside the British Empire Tried to increase trade with other countries in the British Empire This didn’t work particularly well since every country was facing economic problems at the time
It helps to be rich... Bennett was very wealthy When Canadians wrote to him personally asking for help, he often helped them out with his own money BUT he didn’t introduce new government programs that could help the whole country Bennett was very wealthy When Canadians wrote to him personally asking for help, he often helped them out with his own money BUT he didn’t introduce new government programs that could help the whole country
Relief Camps Bennett also introduced relief camps for single, unemployed young men to give them a way to survive (and to try and keep them out of trouble). During the On-to-Ottawa Trek, he ordered the police to try to break up some of the protests This did not make him popular Bennett also introduced relief camps for single, unemployed young men to give them a way to survive (and to try and keep them out of trouble). During the On-to-Ottawa Trek, he ordered the police to try to break up some of the protests This did not make him popular
The New Deal In 1935, Bennett promised that if he was re- elected, he would bring in a “New Deal” He adapted this idea from American President Roosevelt In 1935, Bennett promised that if he was re- elected, he would bring in a “New Deal” He adapted this idea from American President Roosevelt
The New Deal would include: Giving the government more power over the economy Cutting the work week from 60 hours to 48 Creating an unemployment insurance program Setting a minimum wage Grants for farmers Better pensions and healthcare Giving the government more power over the economy Cutting the work week from 60 hours to 48 Creating an unemployment insurance program Setting a minimum wage Grants for farmers Better pensions and healthcare
But... Most people didn’t trust Bennett, and thought he was just suggesting the New Deal because he was scared of losing the election And he did And King got re-elected! He got a second chance: he eliminated work camps, lowered tariffs and improved trade with the U.S., and made new Crown corporations Most people didn’t trust Bennett, and thought he was just suggesting the New Deal because he was scared of losing the election And he did And King got re-elected! He got a second chance: he eliminated work camps, lowered tariffs and improved trade with the U.S., and made new Crown corporations
So... Who do you think was the better Prime Minister? Who do you think was the better Prime Minister?