BACKGROUND The three Internet titans – Google, Microsoft, and Apple – are in an epic struggle to dominate consumer Internet experience.
BACKGROUND There are competing on several fronts: - Digital content : from music to videos and online books for sale - Physical devices : Apple’s iPhone, Google’s Android phones and Microsoft’s Windows 8 phones as well as tablets
Q1. COMPARE THE BUSINESSMODELS AND AREAS OF STRENGHT OF APPLE, GOOGLE AND MICROSOFT They have different business models and strategies. Apple, Google and Microsoft are three major companies who seek to dominate the internet user’s experience. They come to the platform with their own proprietary strengths.
APPLE BUSINESS MODELS Apple business model is to create value of their mobile hardware devices as well as software applications through their extensive innovations. Apple is the leader in mobile software applications. Apple offers approximately 700,000 applications for their devices, and takes a 30 percent cut all app sales. Apple’s iOS is one of the major OS system for mobile computing market.
GOOGLE BUSINESS MODELS Google business model are Internet search and spread advertising network through mobile devices. Google is dominant in search engine and has about 80% of the search market. Google is as strong as the size of its advertising network. Google develop Android operating system, which used on almost 60 percent of smartphones worldwide. Through the Android platform, Google is increasing its market shares into the mobile market.
MICROSOFT BUSINESS MODELS Microsoft business model is to focus in PC operating system. Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows Vista. Microsoft concentrates on creating user-friendly operating systems, which 95% of all computers use. They have worked to make technology accessible to everyone. However, they are moving towards services and breaking into the search advertising market.
AREAS OF STRENGTH OF APPLE, GOOGLE AND MICROSOFT Likewise, in the struggle to dominate new technology, these three internet titans come with their own strengths backing them. Its mobile devices, such as the iPhone and tablets, the iOS and Mac OS X are at the core of Apple’s strengths. In addition, they manufacture their hardware, run devices with their own software, and retail own products. These devices have become very popular with iPhone bringing in 30% of the company’s revenue.
AREAS OF STRENGTH OF APPLE, GOOGLE AND MICROSOFT Consumers must use iTunes and the App Store for the functionality of their devices. Their closed platform insures profits from Apple’s 250,000 apps and thousands of music selections. Because Apple leads the market in mobile devices this also strengthens their competitive edge.
AREAS OF STRENGTH OF APPLE, GOOGLE AND MICROSOFT Google strengths come from their domination in advertising through their search engine. Furthermore, their Android OS controls a decent portion of the mobile market share, and it is growing. Another one of Google strengths is that it does what Apple does not : it allows their system and apps to be accessible to various devices, which broadens their reach.
AREAS OF STRENGTH OF APPLE, GOOGLE AND MICROSOFT Finally, Microsoft still leads the computer market with their operating systems and computer productivity software. Although each of these companies differ in their business models and strengths, one thing is for certain, they all seek to come out victorious on the upper echelons of the technological worls.
AREAS OF STRENGTH OF APPLE, GOOGLE AND MICROSOFT Leader in mobile phone applications – App Store for its iPhone Dominate in advertising network with their search engine Leader in PC operating system and Desktop productivity software
Q2. WHY IS MOBILE COMPUTING SO IMPORTANT TO THESE THREE FIRMS? Mobile computing is very important to Apple, Google and Microsoft because of the scope of the market. Analysts predict that by 2015, mobile devices will account for the majority of internet traffic. Billions of dollars fuel the race with the leader getting the biggest portion of the projected $400 billion e-commerce market. All three desire to capitalize on this market and hold the greatest shares. So, mobile computing is important for these firms because they want to maximize profit and market share by being aware of this changing trends.
Q2. EVALUATE THE MOBILE PLATFORM OFFERING OF EACH FIRM. Apple is the leader in mobile software applications (offers approximately 700,000 applications) through the popularity of the App Store for its iPhones. A vibrant selection of applications distinguishes Apple’s offering from its competitors’ and gives a measurable head start in this marketplace. Google offering Android operating system, which its used almost 60 percent of smartphones worldwide. Google offers Android for free to manufacturers of handsets that run the operating system. Via Android, Goggle hopes to control its own destiny in increasingly mobile world.
Q2. CONT’s Microsoft hasn’t given up trying to establish a cloud and mobile presence. Its office 2013 productivity suite operates in the cloud as well as on the desktop, giving user the option of saving documents to Microsoft’s SkyDrive cloud storege service. Microsoft launched its Surface tablet computer around the same time as the launch of Windows 8 operating system.
Q3. WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF APPLICATION AND APP STORES TO THE SUCCESS OR FAILURE OF MOBILE COMPUTING. The apps make mobile computing useful and unique. Because apps allow users to customize their mobile devices to meet the individual’s professional and personal needs, mobile computing continues to expand. Although many people purchase the same device, once personalized, no two mobile machines are the same. Availability and functionality of apps increases the demand for mobile computing. Likewise, when those features are not present, the market decreases.
Q4. WHICH COMPANY AND BUSINESS MODEL DO YOU THINK WILL PREVAIL IN THIS APIC STRUGGLE? Applications greatly enrich the experience of using a mobile device. Whoevers creates the most appealing set of devices and applications will drives a significant competitive advantage over rival companies. Right now that company is Apple. Therefore, we think Apple will prevail in this epic struggle. Due to technology changes, people tend to use mobile device rather than PC because we can do many things such as listen to music, watch video and playing game anywhere by using mobile phone. Mobile supremacy is the advantage that Apple has as compared to other.
Q4. CONT’s In addition, Apple works to keep their loyal customers happy through customer service. Apple helps the customer to feel safe and secure in their purchase and in using the apps. However, all the players must be aware that industry changes too quickly for one company to be dominant for very long. It is important to note that most of the revenue will come from advertising. Google currently has the major share of the Web-Based advertising market, however Microsoft and other market entrants will be a major threat to them. By contrast, those companies need to collaborate each other rather than head-on collision to compete for the consumer internet experience.
Q5. WHAT DIFFERENCE WOULD IT MAKE TO A BUSINESS OR TO AN INDIVIDUAL CONSUMER IF APPLE, GOOGLE OR MICROSOFT DOMINATED THE INTERNET EXPERIENCE? Consumers would be forced to buy only one product and use only one service. They would create a monopoly and the positive would be they would create a standard. They would affect quality; prices would be as high as possible because they would have no competition. No competition means nobody could force a monopolist from the outside to improve products, diversify rang or products and lower price
Q5. CONT’s Right now it is too early to tell who would dominate the internet experience but it is good to have competition than just one market leader. Apple has more users than Goggle in the number of apps available to users. This distinction is more and more closing because of Google’s android o/s, and there are lots of developers who make apps for android. We think the companies have to try to predict what paltform will be for employees and consumers.