EBSCOhost Collection Manager Search Profiles Tutorial support.ebsco.com
EBSCOhost Collection Manager's (ECM) Search Profiling feature allows you to create profiles with defined search criteria and receive weekly s with eBook and Audiobook titles that match your selections, keeping you informed of new titles that meet your collection development needs. In this tutorial we will look at how to create search profiles as well as how to edit your profiles and view your profile matches.
To begin, click New from the Search Profiles drop-down menu in the top toolbar.
Enter a name for your Search Profile and click Continue.
Adding Subjects to a Profile
Select a subject or multiple subjects to add to your profile by clicking a category from the list. Click the Select button in the middle of the screen. You can select sub-categories by double clicking on the category and then making your selection(s). Click Save & Continue at the bottom of the screen when you have finished selecting subjects.
Adding Publishers to a Profile
All Publishers is the default and recommended setting to ensure your search profile returns titles of interest. If you would like to limit only to specific publishers select at least one Publisher from the list and click the Select button to add it to your profile. You can also browse Publishers using the A-Z browse list. Remove selected Publishers by clicking the X in the Select Publishers column or the Remove All button above. Click Save & Continue when you have finished selecting publishers.
Adding Limiters to Your Profile
You can further refine your profile by selecting limiters such as Content Type, Language, Publication Year, List Price, and Eligibility. Eligibility settings include titles that are downloadable, as well as Available for PDA or Loan.
Setting Match Options
When matches are found you will receive a weekly alert to the selected address. Select a recipient from the Recipients drop-down menu. You can add more recipients by clicking Add another recipient and selecting a user from the drop-down.
When titles are added, they are added to the active profile and retained for the first 60 days. To include backfile titles, select Yes for the Look Back setting to include all titles available prior to your search profile activation. Selecting No, means that only titles from the previous 24 hours will be added to your new profile. Note this setting is only configurable when you create the search profile.
Activating Your Profile
From the Summary screen, you can edit your settings and click Activate Profile to begin receiving notifications. Or, click Save As In Progress if you are not ready to Activate your search profile. You can return to an In Progress profile to complete and activate it later.
After activating your profile, a list of titles matching your criteria is displayed. From this list you can add all titles to a list or PDA by clicking the Add Page to List/PDA button, or select titles by clicking the Add to List/PDA link for that title. ECM Approver accounts can add titles directly to the Cart for purchase without having to add titles to a List or PDA.
Click the Remove link to remove titles from your search profile. Titles that you remove from your search profile will not re-appear.
Editing Search Profile Settings and Reviewing Your Matches
If you would like to adjust the settings for your Search Profile, you can make changes while In Progress or after activation. Click Active Profiles from the Search Profiles drop-down menu in the top toolbar.
Click the View Settings button for the Search Profile you would like to edit or click View Matches to see a current result list of the matches for your profile.
Click the Edit button for the section you would like to edit, apply your selections, and click Save Changes.
You can view your Profile matches by clicking the View Matches link.
A current result list of titles matching your criteria is displayed. Add all titles to a list or PDA by clicking the Add Page to List/PDA button, or select titles by clicking the Add to List/PDA link for that title.
When you receive an from EBSCO, simply click the Search Profile link to view your latest matches.
At any time, you can access Help information by clicking the Help link found at the top of the screen. Within the online help system, a full range of topics are available in the menu on the left.