Texas Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference Norma S. Guerra, PhD NCSP, LSSP
Agenda Overview of clinical problem solving theoretical framework LIBRE Model Ground rules Exercise Problem solving as a clinical tool Data units Scoring and Implications Intervention and Services
Social Cognitive Theory Albert Bandura – Social Learning Theory - People learn by observing other people’s actions. Active agent in life - beliefs, self- perceptions, and expectations Social Cognitive Theory includes person/cognition, behavior and environment as a reciprocal interaction
The Focus is on the Individual Bandura & Schunk (1981) explain competence and efficacy as learned skills Bandura (1986) further details the dynamic self to explain that we are not observers of our own lives Self-agency involves core properties of: Intentionality Forethought Self-reactiveness Self-reflection (Bandura, 2006)
Self-Efficacy “Self-efficacy is the belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations.” (Bandura, 1986) What does self-efficacy do? The choices we make The effort we put forth How long we persist when difficulty arises How we feel
Social Influences/ Environmental Outcomes/ Behaviors Self-Influences/ Personal Mediating Mechanism: Beliefs Goal Progress Motivation Models Instruction Feedback Goals Self-Efficacy Outcome Expectations Attributions Interactive Relation
Sources of Self-Efficacy MASTERY EXPERIENCES – (Most powerful) Successful experiences SOCIAL PERSUASION – “pep talk” or encouragement AROUSAL – Physical and psychological reactions – excited, tense VICARIOUS EXPERIENCES – Accomplishments modeled by someone else
Goal Orientation Factors that Affect Change Schunk and Zimmerman - increased capacity to process information, use strategies, and meet a defined goal Goal orientation involves an individual’s engagement in achieving a focal activity Self-efficacy - Past experience, perception and good consequences heightens motivation Goal Setting - more likely to model behaviors that will help them attain goals
LIBRE Model Multi-faceted meta-cognitive social activity designed to slow down the problem solving process There are five prompted steps that are based on social cognitive and goal orientation theory to address initial and sustained attention The exchange begins with an invitation, ground rules and the five open-ended questions
LIBRE Model Ground Rules Respect – all persons involved in problem solving must be upheld in a position of esteem understanding that there is a vulnerability involved in disclosing challenge Client Safety – boundaries must be maintained Safe Environment – ensure a comfortable private setting Confidentiality - ensured within defined parameters
LIBRE Model L – to listen I – to identify your focus/concern/challenge B – to brainstorm R – to reality test options E – to encourage Each has as its goal the monitoring of investment
Using the LIBRE Model as a Clinical Tool Erikson (1968) explains that identity development involves an internal (as the person becomes aware of self) and an external (in relationship to others) resolution of crisis It is these crisis points and the development of resolution that define who we are, what we want, and provide opportunity for development
LIBRE Model Designed as a critical thinking template to facilitate problem solving/decision-making The goal is to affirm, empower and teach self-efficacy skills and management needed to manage the processing of concerns and problems as they arise
Data Units The student’s words are the only data collected Only the student’s words are analyzed for social context (e.g., what you are thinking, what you are feeling, how you express what is occurring within your environment), goal orientation (e.g., within your control, detailed) and self-regulated attentiveness The observed attentiveness: initial and sustained attention is used to define engagement styles
Intervention and Services
Engagement Style Scoring and Implications PotentialGoal- focused ActualVenting +,- +,+ -,--,+
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Motivational Investment Levels
Questions & Answers When do I use it? Can I use it in combination with other interventions? Are there limits to the populations that it can be used with?
Thank you Norma S. Guerra, PhD NSCP, LSSP