Resident Physics Lectures Christensen, Chapter 7 X-Ray Beam Restrictors George David Associate Professor Department of Radiology Medical College of Georgia
Restrictors Types Aperture Diaphragms Cones and Cylinders Collimators
Aperture Diaphragms Lead sheet with hole in center simple large penumbra (shadow) Lead close to focal spot Focal Spot Penumbra Film
Cones & Cylinders Focal Spot Focal Spot Film Film With cone angle as above, this functions as an aperture Reduced Penumbra
Collimators Advantages Configuration Provides adjustable rectangular field fluoro may also have circular field light beam indicates x-ray field Configuration two sets of shutters longitudinal transverse sets may actually have two pairs of shutters operating together One set; two pairs
Collimators Generally include filter & light Focal Spot Filter Lamp Mirror Filter Focal Spot Shutters (only 1 set shown)
Collimator Features Numerical field size indicators Field size is SID dependent 8 10 12 14 17 40” 8 10 12 14 17
Collimator Features Field center indicator (crosshairs) plastic sheet attached to bottom of collimator two black lines drawn on it light projects field center on patient Shutters Crosshairs Bottom of Collimator
Positive Beam Limitation (PBL or Automatic Collimation) senses film size, orientation, & SID source - image distance limits x-ray field to size of film No longer required PBL does not insure tube & bucky are aligned! Cassette
Collimator Checks X-Ray / Light Field alignment Alignment of x-ray field to bucky Field Size Indicator accuracy PBL accuracy