1 WORKING GROUP AWARENESS CAMPAIGN Regional Seminar for OIE National Focal Points on Communication for Europe 1-3 July 2014, Tallinn (Estonia)
22 A problem of stray dogs Recent human rabies cases due to stray dog bites in your country Previous culling campaign, no effect Increasing concern of the public OIE Platform on Animal Welfare for Europe
33 Starting point You are in charge of the development of an awareness campaign on stray dogs What is your first step?
44 Clarify the problem Dog population management Targeting the source
5 …and then, find your SOCO Single Overarching Communication Outcome The outcome or change you want to see in your audience as a result of communicating The SOCO is not your message
66 Find your SOCO Issue : High number of stray dogs, and dog bites Critical information relevant to audience: Risk of dogs transmitting rabies What change do you want to see in your audience: Dog owners don’t let dogs run free; put muzzle; don’t abondon dogs; vaccinate dogs Parents teach children/public know how to behave in front of stray dogs Municipalities implement dog population control measures Government to allocate budget / issue legislation
77 Awareness campaign Now that you have your SOCO What is your second step?
88 Build your campaign team A coordinator => you A science advisor A press/media liaison person And… a budget!
99 Awareness campaign You have a SOCO and a team What is the next step?
10 Identify your audience
11 Identify your audience Share your goal Energy Invested Who are they? ChampionsYES Support publicly vocally → Vets → Celebrities Family doctors Universities/education instit. Some animal welfare groups Silent boosters YES Support silently → Pharma & pet industry → Parents Responsible dog owners Dog breeding associations
12 Contact your natural allies Contact points Data base Anticipate + Keep your network alive !
13 Identify your audience Share your goal Energy Invested Who are they? AvoidersNO Oppose silently → Municipalities → Illegal dog traders Irresponsible owners BlockersNO Oppose loudly → « Dog lovers » Animal « welfare » associations → Opposite party in parliament
14 Prioritize your target audiences Target 1: Local authorities (regulation & measures) Target 2: Dog owners Target 3: Parents
15 Awareness campaign You’ve got a SOCO, a team, and several allies and targets What is the next step?
16 Identify your messages
17 Identify your messages For each target group: What are their needs? Concerns? What languages will best suit them? What channels can best reach them? What message would be compelling for them?
18 Identify your messages Target 1 - Local authorities -Needs: public protection - security -Concern: how to deal with the pb; budget -Languages: technical / adm / -Channels to reach them: institutional channels -Messages: possible consequences / your obligations / legal requirements (authorities lines)
19 Identify your messages Target 2 – dog owners -Needs / concern: dog care -Languages: simple / emotional (not technical) -Channels to reach them: facebook / practitionners -Messages: human health
20 Get to the point quickly! Main message
21 Checklist: Developing messages 1.Are the messages understandable? Avoid jargon and technical language 2.Are the messages complete, honest & open? Acknowledge uncertainty Acknowledge mistakes Acknowledge what you don’t know Don’t speculate 3.Are the messages respectful of concerns? Concerns about health Concerns about future Concerns about fairness 4.Are the messages sensitive of cultural practices? 5.Do the messages express empathy for victims?
22 Identify your messages TARGET 1-Municipalities M1: Help to contain, vaccinate and sterilise stray dogs M2: Establish (joint) shelters M3: Enforce identification of dogs
23 Identify your messages TARGET 2 – Dog owners M 1: Control reproduction M 2: Prevent abandon (or loss – don’t let it run freely) M 3: Identification of your dogs & animal health preventive measures
24 Identify your messages TARGET 3 - Parents M 1: A dog is not a birthday present! M 2: Don’t let children play with unknown dogs & teach them how to behave with dogs M 3: Involve/educate children about stray dog/animal welfare issues M4: Request municipalities to take action!
25 Create your tools Command interest Several types of tools 3 C’s of communication Describe the tools that you think accurate for your targets
26 Identify your tools TARGET 1 - Municipalities Tool 1: Meetings/workshops Tool 2: Scientific publications/best practices Tool 3: Administrative circulars
27 Identify your tools TARGET 2 – Dog owners Tool 1: Posters, leaflets Tool 2: Local media, specialised media Tool 3: Social networks/community leaders
28 Identify your tools TARGET 3 - Parents Tool 1: Meetings at schools Tool 2: Leaflets/info hand-out to children (to take back home) Tool 3: Media/social media Tool 4: Family doctors/vets
29 Attract the media Medias want to get a story Tell them your story, your way!
30 Headline (Highlights the most newsworthy or dramatic development) Lead (Answers the questions: who, what, when, where, why) Supporting facts, figures, examples, compelling story Third Party Validation Paraphrase lead Begin with most important information Public pays attention to the headline and lead The Journalist’s Mindset
31 Press contacts Data base Useful! Anticipate + Keep your network alive !
32 Draft a press release Start with your SOCO Go straight to the point Command attention «What's in this for a journalist?» Prepare the copy/paste Give facts and numbers Clarify message to create trust Call to action
33 Illustration helps to attract Create your Photo/video Data Base Collection + Organisation
34 That’s it?
35 Now … disseminate! Identify where your targets find there information Use relay of your champions and alliances Etc …..
36 Disseminate your messages TARGET 1- Municipalities Vehicle 1: Administrative circulars Vehicle 2: Vehicle 3: Meetings/working groups
37 Disseminate your messages TARGET 2 – Dog owners Vehicle 1: Journals – insert advert or information editorial/interview Vehicle 2: Press – interviews/comms to the press/press release/press agency Vehicle 3: Volunteers V4: Social media V5: Leaflets/posters V6: Petrshops & vets
38 Disseminate your messages TARGET 3 - Parents Vehicle 1: Schools & kindergardens Vehicle 2: Leaflets/posters Vehicle 3: Children’s programs on TV/celebs
39 Monitor your campaign Indicator 1: Data on stray dogs (needs baseline) Data on dog bites (compared to before) Indicator 3: Dog population in shelters/adoptions I4: No of vaccines administered/sterilisations per year (compared to pre-campaign status) No of dogs newly identified (compared) Surveys (before and after) Media monitoring No of seminars/leaflets/posters/trainees etc.
40 Thank you for your attention!