Myanmar Ministry of Health: Reducing fragmentation in supply chain management Dr Maung Maung Than Htike Deputy Director International Health Division Myanmar MOH Agenda: Background and challenges Approach and vision Progress to date Next steps
Background and challenges Myanmar faced long standing sanctions Ministry of Health budgets increase exponentially Insufficient data and information to ensure higher budgets are used to greatest effect Very little systems automation, infrastructure is old and requires significant investment and many outdated SOPs National distribution system and procurement system unable to cope with exponential growth in commodity procurement Increasing numbers of donors and highly fragmented vertical programs, all with their own physical supply chains
Current major supply chains in the Myanmar health system
Approach International Health Division; focal point for all international support to MOH MOH developed decentralization strategy to overcome information and infrastructure constraints. This devolved budgets and procurement to lower levels MOH signed an MOU with the Supply Chain Management System in 2013 for technical assistance to develop strategic level coordination and collaboration MOH established a National Supply Chain Task Force to coordinate the activities of all partners and programs
Progress to date First National Supply Chain Workshop in November 2013 attended by 137 MOH, donor and development partners established a vision of a single national supply chain National Supply Chain Baseline Assessment in March 2014 qualified the state of national supply chains Procurement options analysis in May 2014 carried out by SCMS and World Bank made recommendations for refining decentralized procurement Second National Supply Chain Workshop in August 2014 developed a draft National Supply Chain Strategy MOH is committed to developing a national supply chain master plan to harmonize systems and reduce complexity
Next steps MOH is starting a consultation process to finalize the National Supply Chain Strategy and then develop detailed implementation plans with costs MOH will continue to refine the decentralized procurement approach with the objective of ensuring the lowest level facilities in the system have the medicines and commodities they need MOH will work with vertical programs and development partners to reduce fragmentation, harmonize and develop programs, especially towards achieving to goal of becoming the Global Fund Principal Recipient Thank you for your attention