Jordan Response Plan 2015 Process Updates 2 October 2014
Purpose of the Jordan Response Plan 2015 To provide protection and emergency humanitarian response to Syrian refugees and to strengthen the resilience of the affected Jordanian people, communities and institutions while at the same time (i) mitigating the ongoing impact of the crisis; (ii) sustaining Jordan’s social and economic stability, and (iii) preserving the critical development gains achieved in the last decades.
JRP Content Overall context and impact of the crisis utilizing data from the NAR 2014 exercise Overall and sector objectives Information on refugee and resilience responses by sector, including a list of specific objectives Updated list of projects by specific objectives, with indicators, target population, geolocation, duration and costing Implementation and coordination arrangements, including M&E
Planning Structure
JRPSC Secretariat Ensure overall coordination and guidance Prepare the required templates and guidelines Develop introductory, direct budget support and concluding chapters Ensure availability of background information and information flow Provide quality assurance
Task Forces and Inter-Agency Task Forces Task Forces are established to elaborate the humanitarian and resilience sector sub-chapters of the JRP ensuring the inclusion of cross-cutting issues. Inter-Agency Task Forces on Humanitarian (HIATF) and Resilience (RIATF) are created to compile the refugee and resilience chapters of the JRP, based on the sector sub-chapters received from the TFs.
Task Force responsibilities Provide inputs and validate the sector NAR review; Provide inputs and validate the list of ongoing and planned projects; Based on the NAR exercise, define the sector strategic objectives and planning figures; Draft the humanitarian and resilience sector sub-chapters, as needed, including: Develop a list of prioritized sector projects for both the humanitarian and resilience response, as needed. Develop budgets for the sector projects in conjunction with the costing expert. Participate in workshops, as needed; Provide the JRPSC Secretariat with an overall summary of key findings from the resilience and humanitarian sub-chapters.
Task Force membership (1) TF Chair (GoJ line ministry) Chair Task Force meetings Plan and decide on meeting agendas; review meeting proceedings; assign and monitor follow-up actions Co-ordinate TF members inputs Build consensus and poll agreement when necessary. Conduct coordination meetings with MoPIC Humanitarian Relief Coordination Unit, the JRPSC Secretariat, and other stakeholders as necessary.
Task Force membership (2) TF Secretariat (UN entity) Prepare and disseminate materials and background information to TF members. Prepare and distribute agendas and minutes. Support the Chair and TF members in carrying out their responsibilities. Ensure that sector sub-chapters are drafted according to agreed guidelines.
Task Force membership (3) Donor focal point Provide technical inputs Support the Chair in ensuring that decisions taken by the TF take into consideration donor community’s inputs. NGO members Participate in TF meetings. Provide technical inputs
Task ForceGovernment of JordanUnited NationsDonor Gov NGOs ChairMembersSecretariat/ Co- Secretariat MembersFocal PointMemberINGONNGO EducationMOE Higher Education Vocational Training UNESCO UNICEF, UNRWA, OCHA, WFP CanadaUSAID QuestscopeSave the Children JO EnergyMEMR National Energy Res. Centre at RSS, National Electric Power Company UNOPS UNDP Under Negotiation KFW USAID Jordan River Foundation (JRF) EnvironmentMOENV MoE&NR, MoW&I, MoH, MoAgr, MoMA UNDP UNEP, UNOPS, OCHA Under Negotiation GIZ USAID World VisionJordan Environment Society (JES) HealthMOH Royal Medical Services WHO/UNHCR UNFPA, UNICEF, UNRWA, OCHA, WFP USAIDItaly Handicap International Jordan Health Aid Society JusticeMOJ MoI, MoSD, Police Dept. UNDP/UNHCR UNICEF, UNWOMEN, OCHA USAID IRCJordan Women’s Union (JWU) Livelihoods and Food Security MOL MoAgr., MoSD, MoITS WFP FAO, ILO, UNWOMEN, UNDP, OCHA EUUSAID SC-InternationalJordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD) Municipal Services MOMA MoI, MoPW, MoH, MoEnv, MoW&I UNDP UNHabitat, UNWOMEN, OCHA USAIDGIZ KFW ACTEDZENID NFIMOSD MoSD, MoI UNHCR OCHA Italy PU-AMIJordan Hashemite Charity Organisation (JHCO) ShelterMOPW MoI, MoPW UNHCR UNhabitat, OCHA Under Negotiation NRC Social Protection MOSD MoI, MoJ, Family Prot. Police UNWOMEN/ UNHCR UNICEF, UNRWA, ILO, OCHA, UNDP USAID CARE-IntInstitute for Family Health (IFH) TransportMOT MoPW&H, MoMA UNOPS IOM Under Negotiation WASHMOWI MoAgr., MoMA, MoEnv., Yarmouk Water Company UNICEF UNHCR, UNOPS, OCHA Germany (GIZ) USAID Italy MercyCorpsFuture Pioneers
Needs Assessment Review 2014 (NAR) finalization Next Steps (1) Between 3 and 12 October Each TF Chair, with TF Secretariat support, calls for TF meeting(s) to ensures validation of their sector NAR sub-chapter to: Review and finalize the membership of the TF Select drafting team Validate and finalize the NAR sub-chapter On 12 October Each TF Chair, with TF Secretariat support, sends its sector NAR sub- chapter to the IATFs and the JRPSC Secretariat
Needs Assessment Review 2014 finalization Next Steps (2) IATFs compile and harmonize the refugee and resilience NAR 2014 chapters – October JRPSC Secretariat, with UNDP and UNHCR support, produces a single document with common chapeau and conclusions – October JRPSC Secretariat presents the document to MoPIC/GoJ – October
Needs Assessment Review 2014 finalization Task Force ToRs and JRP concept note and structure available on JRPSC Secretariat will circulate: 1.Updated list of TF members (including contact details) with TF Chairs and TF Secretariats 2.Key templates for finalization of the NAR to TF Chairs and TF Secretariats this afternoon
Sectoral Task Forces: If necessary, each TF may appoint a refugee and resilience-specific sub-group TASKS: Review relevant data within respective task forces. Conduct secondary data review of needs assessment as per template provided by Secretariat. Draft sector sub-chapters. Inter-Agency Task Forces: TASKS Combine respective sector sub-chapters into ‘Refugee’ and ‘Resilience’ chapters. Ensure harmonization across sub-chapters. Mainstream cross-cutting issues, including gender. Ensure coherences across chapters. Secretariat: TASKS Provide overall coordination of process. Consolidate final draft of report. OUTPUTS (per Task Force) 1.Refugee and/or Resilience NAR 2014 sub-chapter(s) 2.One narrative summary of refugee and/or resilience needs in that sector OUTPUTS Humanitarian Inter-Agency Task Force: 1.NAR 2014 Chapter on Refugee needs based on sub-chapters produced by the TFs 2.One narrative summary of refugee needs across all sectors included in the chapter Resilience Inter-Agency Task Force: 1.NAR 2014 Chapter on Resilience needs based on sub-chapters produced by the TFs 2.One narrative summary of resilience needs across all sectors included in the chapter OUTPUTS 1. NAR 2014 complete report All refugee sub-chapters submitted to Humanitarian IATF, copying the Secretariat. All resilience sub-chapters submitted to Resilience IATF, copying the Secretariat. Both narrative summaries submitted to H/RIATFs and the Secretariat. Refugee Chapter and narrative summary of refugee needs submitted to Secretariat. Resilience Chapter and narrative summary of refugee needs submitted to Secretariat. Needs Assessment Review 2014: Process Flow
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Please visit for more info Dr Walid Abed Rabbo Senior Coordinator JRPSC Secretariat