Gender Statistics and Human Rights Reporting – Regional Workshop Solomon Islands Presentation 4 – 8 August 2014 Novotel Hotel Nadi, Fiji.


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Presentation transcript:

Gender Statistics and Human Rights Reporting – Regional Workshop Solomon Islands Presentation 4 – 8 August 2014 Novotel Hotel Nadi, Fiji

SIG Key ‘Gender’ Commitments International & Regional Commitments CEDAW & CRC MDGs Beijing Platform for Action Pacific Platform for Action Pacific Leaders Gender Equality Declaration Etc. National Commitments SIG Policy Statement 2010 National Development Strategy SI National Policy on Gender Equality and Women’s Development (2010) SI National Policy on Eliminating Violence Against Women Permanent Secretaries Performance Agreement (2013)

GEWD Policy Outcome Areas Performance Outputs Outcome 1 - Improved and equitable health and education for women, men, girls and boys Ratio of girls to boys entering and completing primary school increased [MDG3] The gender parity index of girls and boys in secondary school increased [MDG3] Reduced maternal mortality ratio [MDG5] Reduced infant mortality rate [MDG4] Ratio of female to male receiving scholarships increased Outcome 2 - Improved economic status of women Equitable access, legal protection and ownership by women and men of land, property rights and royalty shares in the productive sectors Full and meaningful participation of women in training and development opportunities in the productive sectors especially in agriculture and fisheries Access to, and legal protection and ownership of, financial resources and small medium enterprises for women is approximately equal with men’s access Infrastructure developed that reduces burdens for women Outcome 3 - Equal participation of women and men in decision making and leadership Increased representation of women in as members of parliament and all provincial assemblies [MDG3] At least 30% female representation on boards, tribunal and public decision making bodies Increased number of women in public sector management and leadership Increased proportion of females in administration, management, professional and technical jobs [MDG3] CSOs advocate for gender equality, women’s development and good governance Outcome 4 -Elimination of violence against women EVAW policy approved and EVAW NAP implemented, reviewed and updated Legislation enacted to improve protections against violence against women EVAW-effective police and court policies and procedures in place and functioning Data on VAW compiled, analysed and reported on to the NSC Victim support services are managed and funded at levels that match or exceed needs Reduced repeat VAW offending Trained male advocates for EVAW Outcome 5 -Increased capacity for gender mainstreaming CEDAW articles embedded into legislation and policies Strengthened, proactive and dynamic National Women’s Machinery – MWYCA and SINCW Competent gender advocates, gender trainers and gender analysts in key government offices Management Information Systems integrated across government agencies to agreed gender statistics and information Systematic collection of sex disaggregated information across the whole of government and in household surveys and in the national census compiled or collated at MWYCA Baseline information for capacity building in gender mainstreaming compiled at MWYCA

Example: GEWD Reporting Template

Permanent Secretaries Annual Performance Agreement Key Result Areas Key Performance Indicators 7. Gender mainstreaming in the Public Service  Having a gender implementation strategy as a part of the Corporate Plan.  Appointment of a gender focal point/gender desk.  Evidence of gender sensitivity within the recruitment and selection process in the Ministry.  Gender profiles and statistics collected and disseminated.  Zero tolerance on work place harassment including sexual harassment.  Gender report to be part of the monthly and annual reporting processes.

Challenges Commitments not seen as a whole of government responsibility but rather that of the Ministry of Women Youth Children & Family Affairs National Commitments’ lack of clear M & E frameworks (baseline, targets, indicators) Lack of proper management of a systematic reporting mechanism in place result in duplicity in reporting task Raw Data – no analysis Lack of capacity to do ‘gender’ – technical capacity, resources etc

Achievements PS’s Performance Contract (New Term) – appointments of Gender Focal Points (GFPs) More Sectoral awareness on gender Institutionalising the concept of GFP (in the process)