By : Shirley Hernandez
In the artwork of Marc Chagall it is a person looking through the window of Paris. The colors used was warm and cool colors. This artwork was a asymmetrical. In my point of view I think Marc Chagall drew this from how he feels about Paris. The first thing I think about when I hear the title of “Paris through the window” it seems if he named it from how he sees Paris.
The focal point was the white bright light going through Paris and the cat will also be part of the focal point. The type of subjects were the bright light,the cat, and the person looking through the window. Last but not least another subject was the background of Paris. The rhythm in this would be the light because its what catches the main attention when you first look at it ; The light also goes through the whole painting which brings the light through Paris.
Marc Chagall was showing his point of view on how he sees Paris. The light in background it was bringing the light through Paris. The dead people in the background was to bring sadness to the painting. The light going through Paris and the dead people reminds me of East Los Angeles; the light to me stands for “starting a new beginning”.
Marc Chagall was a success to me because