What were the causes of Détente? Détente = ‘relaxation’ Lesson Aim: To get an overview of Détente. N.B. Essay amendments. We will feed back on Thurs about this, as very important for next essay. TASK: Read ‘what is the unit about’ p136. Mini whiteboard, summarise in 3 bullet points.
vP0 A 10 minute intro…. Nixon. Kissinger – National Security advisor.
What were the causes of Détente? Read Intro TASK: We are going to make a big spider diagram of the causes. You are only allowed 5 Key bullet points for your section. So read FIRST before you take notes. Fear of war. Needs of USSR: Greater parity/Sino-Soviet split AND Domestic forces. Needs of USA. European needs and Ostpolitik (links between east and west).
Mini whiteboards…… 1.What cause do you think was the most significant? 2. How significant were economic realities? 3. How significant were the personalities of individuals in causing Détente?
Homework – Thurs. Make revision for up to the end of Sino-Soviet Split.