Our questions: 1) What do you know about clothes people wore in Britain in various periods of its history? 1) What do you know about clothes people wore in Britain in various periods of its history? 2)What do you know about the history of costume in Russia? 2)What do you know about the history of costume in Russia? 3)That do you know about some traditional items of clothing? 3)That do you know about some traditional items of clothing?
In Tudor Times furniture became better. Chairs replaced benches, and stools(табуретка). The most successful men and women of that. period showed of their wealth wearing silk, woollen and linen clothing. Children wore the same stile of clothing as their parents.
In the 18th century children were no longer thought of as small grown ups, but as people with special needs. Girls, however, continued to be victims of their parents wish to match the popular idea of beauty: slim bodies, tight waists and pale appearance. To reach this aim parents made their daughters wear tightly waisted clothes. They gave them little food, because they didn’t want their daughters to have unfashionably healthy appearance.
These years were the years of prosperity for Britain. The whole nation was. influenced by the standards of Queen Victoria in the mid- Victorian era, people who followed fashion were condemned. It was not only bad taste but also a sin to wear lace or frills.
In the period after the First world war British women won the right to vote their sense of independence they showed of in wearing their hair short and wearing low -waisted and brief dresses young people drove fast car and danced to wild new jazz music. But this period of extravagant behavior soon came to an end.
Slim bodies-стройные фигуры tight waists-корсеты pale appearance-бледная внешность (un) healthy appearance-(не) здоровая внешность lace- тесьма, кружево frills- оборки,жабо high-waisted dresses-одежда с завышенной талией low-waisted dresses-одежда с заниженной талией brief dresses-короткие платья long dresses-длинные платья short hair-короткие волосы extravagant outfits- экстравагантный внешний вид...
Clothes you wear or an appearance you would like to have many not only trendy or untrendy. They may also be good or bad what is good or bad? As for me I think that: -to be thought of as a small grown-up -to be thought of as a person with special needs -to wear clothes your parents want you to wear -to behave in an extravagant way. -trying to match the popular idea of beauty. -to have an (un) healthy appearance -to be influenced by the standards in fashion -to follow fashion or trend -to show off your wealth wearing rich and extravagant outfits -to wear the same style of clothing as your parents or friends wear. It’s good… It’s bad… It’s bad taste… It’s good taste… It’s not very good…
There are many traditional items of clothing the British wear for different occasions. There you can see some of them: boater There are many traditional items of clothing the British wear for different occasions. There you can see some of them: boater it was a fashion at cricket matches boating parties and picnics in 1920 s Today it still it was a fashion at cricket matches boating parties and picnics in 1920 s Today it still forms part of the uniform of some public schools and college sports clubs. forms part of the uniform of some public schools and college sports clubs.
brogues: it is a type of walking shoes often with ornamental decorations in the form of small holes. deerstalker: Such a hat was traditionally worn by Sherlock Holmes, called so from their use by hunters when stalking deer on foot.
glengarry: it is a Scottish woollen cap, usually with ribbons, named after Glen Garry-a valley in the Highlands. top hat: it is a man’s or boy’s hat worn on some formal occasions or, in the case of boys, as part of the uniform at some schools (Eton or Harrow). tam-o-shanter: it is a Scottish woollen cap with a bobble on top named after the hero of Burns’ poem (Burns Night).