Universities and Colleges Application System UCAS Universities and Colleges Application System
UCAS – Universities and Colleges Admissions system Covers application to 50,000+ full time courses in over 300 colleges and universities in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Most who apply to UCAS also apply to the CAO – completely separate systems. Application fee: 1 course - £11, 2-5 courses - £22. All applications are now completed using the online system ‘apply’ at www.ucas.com. Lots of application info. also at www.ucas.tv including UCAStv video guides.
Applicants to UK from ROI - 2010 Scotland 3840 (+53%) NI 2241 (+44%) England 5235 (+52%) Wales 1239 (+37%)
Application Flowchart Applicant researches courses, completes form online and sends it to the school School checks application, adds reference to form and sends it to UCAS UCAS sends welcome letter to applicant who checks details carefully Up to 5 courses can be put on the form (not in preferential order). 15th October – closing date for courses in Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Oxford and Cambridge. (UKCAT, BMAT) No more than 4 courses in any one of the above medical areas may be put on the form. Only 1 course from Oxford or Cambridge may be put on the form. 15th January – closing date for all other courses. It is advisable to get application in as soon as possible before deadlines. UCAS sends a copy of application to each university Each University views complete application and makes a decision Offer is made. Sent to Applicant No offer made Unsuccessful
Application Flowchart Offer is made to student via Track Unconditional Offer Conditional Offer based on LC results Generally by March 31 a letter will arrive which will summarise all decisions and invite the applicant to reply to these. Conditional offers usually quoted in terms of certain grades to be achieved in the L.C. (may also quote ucas tarrif score) Decisions from all chosen courses are sent to applicant, who replies via Track Applicant can only accept 2 places. One Firm and one Insurance Examination results are published Firm offer must be taken if college confirms offer. Usually the insurance acceptance will require less grades than the firm. Grades achieved. University confirms place Grades not achieved No place confirmed
UKCAT – UK Cognitive Abilities Test www.ukcat.ac.uk Medicine and Dentistry Courses Key dates and Information UKCAT registration opens: 03 May 2013 UKCAT testing begins: 05 July 2013 UKCAT registration deadline: 23 Sept 2013 UKCAT last testing date: 07 Oct 2013 UCAS application deadline: 15 Oct 2013
UKCAT Universities 2012 Entry Most Medical and Dental Schools in the UK require you to take UKCAT as part of their admissions process. Candidates are required to take the UKCAT by the 7th October 2013 deadline. University UCAS Course Code University of Aberdeen A100, A201 Brighton and Sussex Medical School A100 Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry A100, A101, A200, A201 Cardiff University A100, A104, A200, A204 University of Dundee A100, A104, A200, A204 University of Durham A100 University of East Anglia A100, A104 University of Edinburgh A100 University of Glasgow A100, A200 Hull York Medical School A100 Keele University A100, A104 King's College London A100, A101, A102, A202, A205 Imperial College London Graduate Entry A101 University of Leeds A100 University of Leicester A100, A101 University of Manchester A104, A106, A204, A206 University of Newcastle A100, A101, A206 University of Nottingham A100 University of Oxford Graduate Entry A101 Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry A100 Queen's University Belfast A100, A200 University of Sheffield A100, A104, A200 University of Southampton A100, A101, A102 University of St Andrews A100, B900 St George's, University of London A100 Warwick University Graduate Entry A101
BMAT – British Medical Admissions Test www.bmat.org.uk Medicine, Veterinary & Health Science Courses Key dates and Information Standard entry closing date: 30th September 2013 (£42.50) Standard entry fees will apply until 5pm BST Last date for BMAT Entries: 14th October 2013 (£72.50) Late entry fees will apply until 5pm BST. BMAT takes place: 2nd November 2013 BMAT results released: 23rd November 2013 Results will be released to candidates online.
BMAT Universities 2012 The Royal Veterinary College: D100, D101, D102 University UCAS Course Code The Royal Veterinary College: D100, D101, D102 Imperial College London: A100, B900, University College London: A100 University of Cambridge*: A100, A101, D100 University of Oxford: A100, BC98
Making an Application – Choices A lot of time and research (trawling) is necessary by applicants in order to choose the correct courses. This can be difficult because: (a) they are in another country, (b) the sheer number of universities (c) a vagueness in terms of the LC entry requirements.
Making an Application – Choices Sources of information include: University prospectuses and websites UCAS website – course search (course, college, requirements, selection, etc.)
Making an Application – Choices Sources of information include: University prospectuses and websites UCAS website – course search (course, college, requirements, selection, etc.) Unistats Website – www.unistats.com Yougo website – www.yougo.co.uk
Making an Application – Choices Sources of information include: Previous UCAS applicants (friends, family, past pupils, etc.) Open Days / Exhibitions (Higher Options, etc.) Admissions staff in Universities (phone or email) UCAStv – www.ucas.tv
www.ucas.tv Choosing courses Personal statements Attending events Using Track Using Yougo International students Using Extra Making sense of your offers Replying to offers Using Clearing Using Adjustment
Why I want to study this course area Interests, Pastimes, Achievements Statement Personal Approx. 500 Words Why I want to study this course area Research /Reading around course Career / Work Experience Interests, Pastimes, Achievements Rounded Individual Evidence of SKILLS Ucas.com College Website ucas.tv Google.com
Making an Application – Personal Statement It should be clear and concise, grammatically accurate and correctly spelled. Get parents, English teacher, Guidance Counsellor and friends to read it and suggest possible improvements. The statement should be drafted a few times before the finished product is ready. Make sure all information is truthful, because if called for interview may be questioned about the content of the Personal Statement. From 2008 entry anti-plagiarism software is being used. If need to give further information (references) send it to individual colleges quoting personal ID number. A badly written or presented PS can give a very negative impression of applicant.
Making an Application – Reference This is where the school must comment on the applicant’s academic and non-academic activities to date in school. In the reference the suitability of the applicant for higher education in general and in certain subjects is discussed. The more information the school has the more thorough the reference will be. Applicants need to provide Referee with as much information as possible to assist with reference. Included in the reference are the predicted results of the applicants. Students need to discuss these very carefully with their teachers and parents before agreeing same with their referee. Must be very realistic in this exercise. Go too high – generate lots of offers but with very high requirements, go too low – generate few if any offers. Error slightly high.
Making an Application – Fees for 2014 Entry For students entering college in 2012, there have been major changes in relation to fees. For an Irish student applying to study in the UK from 2012, the following appears to be the case: There is no blanket fee for all courses in a university. Each courses fees must be determined individually. (UCAS website – Entry Profile) The above does not include accommodation, living or travel expenses. If living in college residences expect to pay in the region of £3000 to £4000 per year, self-catering. Area Fee Scotland No Fees Wales £3465 (to be topped up by Gov. grant) Northern Ireland £3465 England Up to £9000
Why apply to UCAS - courses Generally speaking the following are the course areas which Irish students tend to apply to through UCAS: Medicine Dentistry Veterinary Physiotherapy Speech Therapy Pharmacy Architecture Primary Teaching Nursing
Why apply to UCAS - courses Generally speaking the following are the course areas which Irish students tend to apply to through UCAS: Medicine Dentistry Veterinary Physiotherapy Speech Therapy Pharmacy Primary Teaching PE Teaching Architecture Psychology Nursing Chiropracting
And finally If you need any help: Consult your Guidance Counsellor Visit: www.ucas.com Contact UCAS on: 0044 871 4680468