Roman Religion Before Christianity, the Romans prayed to hundreds of different gods. Everyone made sacrifices in the temple or their home to keep the gods happy. Each god looked after one aspect of people’s lives. They adopted many of the Greek Gods and Goddesses, and based their beliefs on a series of myths Other gods important in the home were the family spirits (lares) and domestic spirits (penates). The Lararium altar is the sacred place of the home where offerings and prayers were made to the gods everyday. The main Lararium altar was usually in the Atrium -front reception room, near the front door or located near the hearth.
Jupiter Roman Name: Jupiter Greek Name: Zeus Domain: Supreme god of Roman pantheon; god of thunder and sky Characteristics: Short temper, many affairs, feared his wife (Juno) above all Symbols: Eagle, thunderbolt, bull, oak
Juno Roman Name: Juno Greek Name: Hera Domain: Queen of the Gods, goddess of women and marriage Characteristics: Jealousy of husband, anger and revenge Symbols: Peacock, cow
Neptune Roman Name: Neptune Greek Name: Poseidon Domain: God of the sea and earthquakes Characteristics: Terrifying to sailors, powerful, attractive, always moving Symbols: Trident, dolphins, horses
Minerva Roman Name: Minerva Greek Name: Athena Domain: Goddess of wisdom, warfare, medicine and crafts Characteristics: Born of Jupiter’s brain and his favorite daughter, wise Symbols: Owl
Mars Roman Name: Mars Greek Name: Ares Domain: God of war and bloodshed Characteristics: Handsome, strong, arrogant, troublesome, avoided by other deities Symbols: Vulture, burning torch, spear and shield
Venus Roman Name: Venus Greek Name: Aphrodite Domain: Goddess of love and beauty Characteristics: Could be kind but also harsh, vain, caused havoc if angered Symbols: doves, sparrows, swans
Apollo Roman Name: Apollo Greek Name: Apollo Domain: God of music, sun, truth, prophecy and arts Characteristics: Twin to Diana, protective of mother Latona, gentle and warm, flew sun across the sky Symbols: Lyre, bow and arrow, sun, laurels
Diana Roman Name: Diana Greek Name: Artemis Domain: Goddess of the moon, hunting, virginity Characteristics: Twin to Apollo, cold and pitiless Symbols: Bow and arrow, cypress tree, deer
Vesta Roman Name: Vesta Greek Name: Hestia Domain: Goddess of hearth, home and family Characteristics: Guardian of women, watched over domestic tasks, Vestal Virgins guarded her flame Symbols: Sacred flame, plain wooden throne
Mercury Roman Name: Mercury Greek Name: Hermes Domain: Messenger God of commerce, athletes and travelers Characteristics: Mischievous, quick and clever, loyal, good negotiator Symbols: Winged sandals and hat, caduceus
Vulcan Roman Name: Vulcan Greek Name: Hephaestus Domain: God of fire, volcanoes, blacksmiths and craftsmen Characteristics: Created Jupiter’s thunderbolts, cast off of Olympus by Juno because he was born ugly Symbols: Hammer, anvil, tongs, fire
Pluto Roman Name: Pluto Greek Name: Hades Domain: God of the Underworld, judge of the dead Characteristics: brother to Jupiter and Neptune, married to Proserpina Symbols: scepter, Cerebrus