Government in which power is held by a single, self- appointed ruler AUTOCRATIC
group of states or nations, united for a common purpose. They differ from a federation in that they retain specific state rights CONFEDERATION
CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY The king or queen's power is limited (none). They are a figure head…Powers are restricted by law, usually within a parliamentary system. CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY
a government that has been elected by its citizens DEMOCRACY
government by dictator: usually by force and only one ruler. DICTATORSHIP
Powers are divided between the central government and regional governments, with central government being supreme. FEDERALISM
states or nations formed into a single group with a strong central government. FEDERATION
Ruled by a single person, a king or queen. MONARCHY
Means “rule by a small group” OLIGARCHY
A Legislative body – Great Britain – usually led by a Prime Minister. PARLIAMENT
PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY there is no clear-cut separation of powers between legislative and executive branches. Legislative has most of the governmental power. PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY
PRESIDENTIAL DEMOCRACY The elected head of the executive branch acts independently of the legislative and judicial branches. PRESIDENTIAL DEMOCRACY
This is the name given to the most senior member of the majority party in a parliamentary system. PRIME MINISTER
REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY This is a type of government in which the people give elected officials the authority to make laws and conduct government business. REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY
Citizens elect leaders to run the government. REPUBLIC